You can stack the variables into a single column in a new table. Then in Graph Builder, set the data as X, your categories as Y and the "Label" (your original variable names) as Color. Add duplicate point-type elements: one with Summary Statistics = None and the other with Summary Statistics = Mean and Error bars = range. And finally hide the mean point by setting the color to white or transparent.
The example script below should replicate what I just tried to describe. It should draw a line across three variables:
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big" );
dt << New Column( "h+w", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( :height + :weight ) ); // Add a third variable
dt << Stack(
columns( :height, :weight, :Name( "h+w" ) ),
Source Label Column( "Label" ),
Stacked Data Column( "Data" )
); // Stack table
Graph Builder(
Size( 565, 514 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :Data ), Y( :name ), Color( :Label ) ),
Points( X, Y, Color, Legend( 1 ), Jitter( 0 ), Error Bars( "Range" ), Summary Statistic( "Mean" ) ),
Points( X, Y, Color, Legend( 4 ), Jitter( 0 ) )
Dispatch( {}, "name", ScaleBox, {Show Major Ticks( 0 )} ),
{Legend Model( 1, Properties( 0, {Line Color( 2 ), Fill Color( 0 )} ) ),
Legend Model( 4, Properties( 0, {Line Color( 21 )} ) )}
Dispatch( {}, "400", LegendBox, {Position( {-1, 0, 1, 2} )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Graph Builder", FrameBox, {Marker Size( 5 )} )