I looked at that add on's code and to me it seems to do something ive already done. basically it edits the columns in a table to have the limits characteristics.
I’m wondering if it’s possible to use JSL to basically ask the user for a sheet with data and a sheet with the limits/specs. After the user inputs those 2 than the script will run automatically afterwards and run capability analysis on the sheet with the data. so basically is it possible to run a spec sheet in a capability analysis using JSL. I’m wondering if this line is possible like described in the 2nd post linked in the original post.
Spec Limits(Import Spec Limits(\!" specLimits.jmp\!"))
It seems to not be working. Should I just try and format it like this? and have a long string containing all the limit/spec information?
Spec Limits(
c1( LSL( -1.4 ), Target( . ), USL( . ) ),
c2 2( LSL( -1.4 ), Target( . ), USL( . ) ),
Name( "c3" )(LSL( 12 ), Target( . ), USL( 144 )),
c4( LSL( . ), Target( . ), USL( -18 ) )