Thank you so much, Jim.
I was playing around with various codes and scripts for the whole day, but it seemed like I was only able to output the last plot to the pptx. The rest of the plots were not saved to the ppt. I totally have not idea what has gone wrong.
/* Open a sample data table */
dt = Open( "C:\Users\Ann Ann/" );
// Find the Y Columns
numericColNamesList = dt << get column names( string, numeric );
For( i = N Items( numericColNamesList ), i >= 1, i--,
Is Missing( Num( Word( 1, numericColNamesList[i], ":" ) ) ) == 0 &
Word( 2, numericColNamesList[i], ":" ) != ""
numericColNamesList = Remove( numericColNamesList, i, 1 )
// Run the Variance Charts
// With dynamic Y columns and fixed X columns
obj = Variability Chart( Y( Eval( numericColNamesList ) ), X( :LOT, :WAFER ) );
robj << Save Presentation( "C:\Users\Ann Ann\1.pptx" );
Open( "C:\Users\Ann Ann\1.pptx" );
/* Close table and all invisible reports */
Close( dt, No Save );