My application should allow the users to select the required columns to proceed with further evaluation of the data. And I want to set the column list box status to required. But it is still displaying optional in the modal. How to set them to required.
Button box("X Column", colListX<<Append(colListData<<GetSelected)),
colListX = ColListBox(<<set required(1),nLines(1)),
Button box("Y Column", colListY<<Append(colListData<<GetSelected) ),
colListY = Col List Box(<<set required(1),nLines(1)),
Button box("BY Column", colListBy<<Append(colListData<<GetSelected)),
colListBy = Col List Box(nLines(1))
And I even wanted to display an error msg when the required fields are not selected. Can "Isempty" function used to check whether column list box is empty or not.
Error = expr(New Window("JMP ALERT" , <<Modal, Textbox("Please select the required fields."),ButtonBox("OK")));
If(Isempty(colListX) == 1,