I have a script that generates a dashboard. I need a code string to take the open dashboard and save it as interactive HTML. I have found the following code to do partly the same (original source), but I am unsure how to modify it to work with an already open dashboard.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
tmp_path = Substitute( Right( Convert File Path( "$TEMP" ), Length( Convert File Path( "$TEMP" ) ) - 1 ), "/", "\" );
Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Quality Control/Steam Turbine Historical.jmp" );
app = JMP App();
app << Open File( "$SAMPLE_DASHBOARDS/Instant Dashboard.jmpappsource" );
box = app << Run;
Show Properties( box );
Show( box );
(box << get windows)[1] << save html( "$TEMP\test.htm" );