I changed the code to eliminate the Manage Limits section and to change it to a simple piece of JSL that creates a limit table by reading the limits from the original table. See if this works
Names Default To Here( 1 );
Clear Log();
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Semiconductor Capability.jmp" );
col_names = dt << Get Column Group( "Processes" );
(tab = dt << Tabulate(
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Add Table(
Column Table( Statistics( Min ) ),
Column Table( Statistics( Mean, Median ) ),
Column Table( Statistics( Max ) ),
Column Table( Statistics( Std Dev ) ),
Row Table(
Grouping Columns( :lot_id, :wafer, :Wafer ID in lot ID ),
Analysis Columns(
Eval( col_names )
)) << Make Into Data Table;
dtTab = current data table();
tab << close window;
procCols = Associative Array(dtTab:Analysis Columns << get values) << get keys;
// Create a limits table
dtLimits = new table("Limits",
new column("Variable", character),
new column("LSL"),
New column("Target"),
New column("USL")
For Each({col}, procCols,
specs = column(dt, col) << get property("Spec Limits");
dtLimits << add rows(1);
dtLimits:Variable[nrows(dtLimits)] = col;
dtLimits:LSL[nrows(dtLimits)] = specs["LSL"];
dtLimits:Target[nrows(dtLimits)] = specs["Target"];
dtLimits:USL[nrows(dtLimits)] = specs["USL"];
dtTab << Update(
with( dtLimits ),
Match Columns( :Analysis Columns = :Variable ),
Add Columns from Update Table( :LSL, :Target, :USL)