I am generating cummulative plots like the example below.
However, I want to color of the lines not to be determined by col2 but by col3.
Adding Color ( :col3 ) didn't do the trick...
Thx, Phil
Y( :col1), X( :col2),
All Graphs( 0 ), Plot Quantile by Actual( 1 ), Line of Fit( 0 ), X Axis Proportional( 0 ), Grand Mean( 0 ), Color ( :col3 )
I can understand how you could color data points by a different column
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\big class.jmp" );
dt << Oneway(
Y( :weight ),
X( :sex ),
All Graphs( 0 ),
Plot Quantile by Actual( 1 ),
Line of Fit( 0(1) ),
X Axis Proportional( 0 ),
Grand Mean( 0 )
dt << color by( :age );
but I don't see how you directly do it with the line segments, since each segment is linked between 2 values that may have 2 different values of the 3rd color. Could you provide a mockup of what you are thinking?
You can achieve what you want by setting the Value Colors you want for the :Sex_Class column you are working with. Here is the JSL to do it, but it can easily be done interactively
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\big class.jmp" );
// Create a new column
dt << new column("Sex_Class", character,
formula(:Sex || "_" || char(:Age))
// Determine how many groups in the :Sex_Class
// Create the value colors list
For(i=1,i<=n items(groups),i++,
insert into(colorlist, __group__ )),
expr( __group__ ), parse("{\!""||groups[i]||"\!""||"="||char(color)||"}")
// Set the Value Colors property for the Sex_Class column
dt:sex_CLASS<<set property("value colors",eval(colorlist));
dt << Oneway(
Y( :weight ),
X( :sex_class ),
All Graphs( 0 ),
Plot Quantile by Actual( 1 ),
Line of Fit( 0(1) ),
X Axis Proportional( 0 ),
Grand Mean( 0 )
Try this on for size
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\big class.jmp" );
// Create a new column
dt << New Column( "Sex_Class", character, formula( :Sex || "_" || Char( :Age ) ) );
// Determine how many groups in the :Sex_Class
Summarize( dt, groups = by( :Sex_Class ) );
// Create the value colors list
colorlist = {};
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( groups ), i++,
If( Substr( groups[i], 1, 1 ) == "F",
color = 19,
color = 21
Insert Into( colorlist, __group__ )
Expr( __group__ ), Parse( "{\!"" || groups[i] || "\!"" || "=" || Char( color ) || "}" )
// Set the Value Colors property for the Sex_Class column
dt:sex_CLASS << set property( "value colors", Eval( colorlist ) );
linetype = {"Solid", "Dotted", "DashDot", "DashDotDot", "Dashed"};
TheExpr =
Y( :weight ),
X( :Sex_Class ),
All Graphs( 0 ),
Plot Quantile by Actual( 1 ),
Line of Fit( 0 ),
X Axis Proportional( 0 ),
Grand Mean( 0 ),
{Legend Model(
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( groups ), i++,
If( i > 1,
TheExpr = TheExpr || ","
TheExpr = TheExpr || "Properties(" || Char( i ) || ", {Line Style(\!"" || linetype[Mod( i, 5 ) + 1] || "\!" )} )";
TheExpr = TheExpr || "),
Eval( Parse( theexpr ) );
There are only 5 line styles available