Dear All, I need a help about prediction from polynomial degree equations. I have a jmp file at the attachment. ı am interesting result change with time(day). Additionally ı want to predict what time Result is equal to 22. For that purpose ı use
Analyse ---> Fit Y by X
Y, Response: Result
X, Factor: Time(day)
from red triangle I select Fit,polynomial --> 3,cubic.
The below equation is obtained;
Result = 13,063024 + 1,1850185*Time(day) - 0,3382576*(Time(day)-5,5)^2 + 0,0272922*(Time(day)-5,5)^3
I want to predict what time(day) result will be equal to 22.
How can I use the above equation.
Is there anyone can help for this.
You can see at the attached jmp file.