I have datetime data always saved in format "day/month/year hour.minute" in a column in csv file.
I want to calculate time interval, but JMP flips month and day, when reading the csv file and gives me 734,23 hours instead of less than 24 hours for attached data set.
I have tried to set Input Format and Output Format, but it didn't help. Any ideas ?
dtTime = Open( "DateTime.jmp" );
dtTime:DateTime << Input Format( "d/m/y h:m" );
Round( (Col Max( dtAFMtime_xlxs:DateTime ) - Col Min( dtAFMtime_xlxs:DateTime )) / 60 / 60, 2 );
columns( New Column( "DateTime", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "d/m/y h.m", 19 ), Input Format( "d/m/y h.m" ) ) )
Li Pavlov