we have run a DOE and monitored some DOE factors (Ta_mes, c_mes) and some additional values that supposed to be stable but have not been so (Tb_mes, random test vehicle).
Modelling gives quite different predictions in case random factors are used for the model or not. They are even unrealistic (negative thicknesses s-2, or very high TE (higher than during the trials)).
see for example the Profiler HSS-TE versus HSS_random
Do you have any explanation why this is happening and how to avoid?
General explanation:
The DOE was designed with 8 whole plots and 16 subplots. The whole DOE was run in one tank. The wholeplots represent different plating days, and subplots the daily temperature increase (unfortunately cooling down would take to long - therefore the temperature Ta increase was always positive despite the original design). A third irreversible change (concentration increase c_set) was marked as block during design augmentation.
Results are on the right side of "Y".