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Custom Date Format in JSL Script (For Query Builder)

Level II

Overall Goal: Create a query in Query Builder that filters on a date time column only pulling data from the last 7 days of the current time. I am trying to use a custom expression in Query Builder to do this. Ideally it would just be the following in the custom expression filter but it results in no data pulled. 

t1.TimeCol >= format((Today() - InDays(7)), "m/d/y h:m:s")


It appears Query Builder takes a specific date time format for its WHERE statement, 'y-m-d h:m:s' (i.e '2022-07-07 11:13:55'),  for which JMP doesn't have a built in format for. Therefore I created a custom date format shown below using this example. In a data table it converts a date time column to the custom format as expected. I am struggling to call the format in jsl code though as I get a "Unknown format: myNamespace:QueryDate" error. Any insight? Thanks!




print(format(Today(), "m/d/y"));
print(format(Today(), "myNamespace:QueryDate"));



Custom format: 


Add Custom Functions(
New Custom Function(
Function( {inputVar},
{Default Local},
Char( Year( inputVar ) ) || "-" || Char( Month( inputVar ) ) || "-" ||
Char( Day( inputVar ) ) || " " ||
Char(Hour(inputVar)) || ":" || Char(Minute(inputVar)) || ":" || Char(Second(inputVar))

"Date format for query builder y-d-m h:m:s"
<<Custom Format Category( 1 )


Level VII

Re: Custom Date Format in JSL Script (For Query Builder)

If you compare a datetime column at database, you need a datetime value for the comparison, but format returns a string. So this will not work so far as I can see. You would need to convert the datetime string at database to a datetime value.

But for your task you can avoid this problem, by simply taking the current date from the database and subtracting some days, and implement this as a custom expression in the Query Builder,

but the syntax will depend on database.

For ANSI it may look like this:

t1.datetime > addday(now(), -7)

and for Oracle it may look like

t1.datetime > sysdate - 7
Level VII

Re: Custom Date Format in JSL Script (For Query Builder)