When making a graph - I see it mostly in Fit Y by X but it does happen in others, when I add a row legend to a graph, JMP will create very long lists of legends when there are many categories.
Can we control the number of columns the legend comes out in? I would like JMP to dynamically match it to the height of the graph so that the legend isn't ever taller than the graph itself. I sometimes have 20+ categories in my legend and I haven't found a way to get a useful legend to show that isn't super long. This makes the report look less than great and is also a pain when you want to copy the graph somewhere else.
Attached is an image of an example of what I see and also an example of what a Fit Curve plot shows, which is a nicer layout with many categories. If there isn't any way to do this, that I've missed, I'll put it on the Wish List