Hello there,
I have some issues concerning the evaluation of my results of a Design of Experiment which I conducted.
To Confirm my Response-surface-model, I conducted 6 confirmation runs. To check whether my model is able to describe the system I need it's confidence interval. But there is a problem. First I used the profiler in the prediction-model-window. But those values seemed to be to small, so I went on "Save Columns" and I saved the Formulas for "Individuals Confidence Formulas".
Using them in the prediction profiler graph, the results were different from those in the fit model window (See picture below) . How is that possible?
My second question is, what is the difference between the two formulas "Mean Confidence Limit Formula" und "Individual Confidence Limit Formula"?
I hope anyone can help.
(I'm not a native speaker so I hope you can understand my problem even if there are some issues concerning language)