Hi all,
I have some time course data of cell growth (mammalian) and would like to fit them to obtain cell division and death rate. JMP has a built-in model named "Cell Growth 4P" in the "Fit Curve" option which seems to work pretty well for most of my data. However, for one of the groups, the model showed negative division and death rates. The fit looks pretty good otherwise. I have a few questions on this:
1. Is there a way to set parameter bounds with the Fit Curve feature? I'd like to set the lower bounds for both of the above rates to be zero to avoid running into this same issue.
2. I also tried the Nonlinear Fit option since it allows me to specify parameter limits. However, I tried inputting the same equation as Cell Growth 4P above but could not get the fit to be anywhere as good as Fit Curve results. Most of the time, the fit parameters seems to move very little from the initial input values. What settings may I change to help with this?
3. On a less related note, is there anyway I can find the literature source for this Cell Growth 4P equation?
Thank you!