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Caution: Places where Jmp does something unexpected

Definitely, JMP is Not a Spreadsheet .

Besides this difference, there are more places where Jmp doesn't do/behave/produce what an newbie / innocent / medium / pro  Jmp user expected. For some of the topics there exists a workaround.

[More Topic Containers like this]


Data Tables



Formula column + excluded rows

Unlike plots and reports, column formulas by default don't use the information about which rows are excluded.
col mean(:height, excluded())


Caution: With Jmp < v18, just use the workaround  for small tables - the formula will be triggered with every (!) row selection!

Formula Editor: meaningful results with excluded rows

Compute Column Mean while restricting observations usedJMP10: Col Max() and Col Min() functions returned the data from excluded row

Col Functions and Row States 

Exclude data in formula 



Formula Column + Namespacesformula evaluator doesn't plays well with namespaces *): re-evaluation is triggered when a cell in the table is selected.

*) e.g. if a custom formula or a scoped variable is used in a column formula


What makes the formula evaluate over and over?


Source Scripts + Tables/UpdateThe Platform Tables/Update *) overwrites an existing Source script
*) same issue for Tables/Concatenate with option:
Append to first table

Update & Concatenate: source script collision

treat the source script as something temporary

Table/Summary + DataFilter + missing values Jmp crashes or returns wrong values when the data filter doesn't find a matching row. Local DataFilter shows a similar issue

 2 bugs with Tables/Summary 
Outlier (👽) screening with Jmp Dashboards - how? 

issues with date MP universe is based on M.D.Y 

 CSV import force MDY or DMY date format 

issues with missing wait(0)execution of a script has to be paused till JMP updates the data / display

 When to use Wait(0)? 



Graph Builder 


Graph Builder + Heatmapsthe automatic adjustment of the axis scale makes it difficult to plot wafermaps (with state of the art chip #s) in JmpHeatmap - option: fixed Tick spacing (aggregation area)
Graph Builder + manual axis labelsManual axis labels are mixed up when columns are added, removed or dragged to a different positionManual axis labels are 'mixed up' when plotting multiple columns