this worked for me.
at the end you should have 3 tables. original with all rows, one with just outliers and the last without outliers. let me know if it works.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
// make a sample data table
dt = New Table( "Data",
add rows( 10000 ),
New Column( "it", Numeric, Continues, Format( "Best", 8 ), Formula( Row() ) ),
New Column( "Batch", Numeric, Ordinal, Format( "Best", 8 ), formula( Random Integer( 110 ) ) ),
New Column( "y", Numeric, Continues, Format( "Best", 8 ), formula( Random Lognormal( :Batch / 10, 5 ) ) ),
New Column( "Out", Numeric, Ordinal, Format( "Best", 8 ), formula( 0 ) ),
dt << run formulas;
Column( dt, "it" ) << delete formula;
Column( dt, "Batch" ) << delete formula;
Column( dt, "y" ) << delete formula;
Column( dt, "Out" ) << delete formula;
// now we get to work
dt = Current Data Table();
byvarlist = Associative Array( dt:Batch ) << get keys;
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( byvarlist ), i++,
dt << select where( dt:Batch == byvarlist[i] );
subdt = dt << Subset( Selected Rows( 1 ) );
dt << clear select;
subdt:Out << set formula(
:y > Col Quantile( :y, 0.75 ) + (Col Quantile( :y, 0.75 ) - Col Quantile( :y, 0.25 )) * 1.5, 1,
:y < Col Quantile( :y, 0.25 ) - (Col Quantile( :y, 0.75 ) - Col Quantile( :y, 0.25 )) * 1.5, 1,
subdt << run formulas;
Column( subdt, "Out" ) << delete formula;
keep = {"it", "Out"};
todelete = subdt << get column names( "string" );
For( icol = 1, icol <= N Items( keep ), icol++,
Remove From( todelete, Contains( todelete, Keep[icol] ), 1 )
subdt << delete columns( todelete );
dt << Update( With( subdt ), Match Columns( :it = :it ) );
Close( subdt, No Save );
Wait( 0.00001 );
selected = dt << select where( :Out == 1 );
selected << Markers( 11 );
selected << Marker Size( 8 );
selected << Row Colors( red );
dt << clear select;
dt << select where( dt:Out == 1 );
Outdt = dt << Subset( Selected Rows( 1 ) );
dt << clear select;
Wait( 0.00001 );
dt << select where( dt:Out == 0 );
indt = dt << Subset( Selected Rows( 1 ) );
dt << clear select;