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Automatically plot the associated columns in an Associative Array

Level V

With a lot of help from Jarmo, I got an Associative Array (aa) of columns that are linked.  Next, I need to plot those, is that easily done


Names Default To Here(1);

startchar1 = "VT";
startchar2 = "ID";

rgx_startchar1 = Eval Insert("^startchar1^(.+?)$");

dt = Current Data Table();

collist = dt << get column names(string);

VT_IDcols = {};

For( i = 1, i <= N Items( collist ), i++,
If( !Contains( collist[i], "Pass/Fail"), If( Contains(  collist[i], "VT") | Contains( collist[i], "ID")  , Insert Into( VT_IDcols, collist[i] ))));

aa = Associative Array();
For Each({colname}, VT_IDcols,
	col_ptrn = Regex(colname, rgx_startchar1, "\1");
	If(!IsMissing(col_ptrn), // starts with VT and ends with H
		If(Contains(VT_IDcols, startchar2 || col_ptrn ),
			aa[startchar1 || col_ptrn] = startchar2 || col_ptrn;



Accepted Solutions
Super User

Re: Automatically plot the associated columns in an Associative Array

How you wish to plot those?

Names Default To Here(1);

endchar1 = "1";
endchar2 = "2";

rgx_endchar1 = Eval Insert("(.+?)^endchar1^$");

dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Semiconductor");

collist = dt << get column names(string);

aa = Associative Array();
For Each({colname}, collist,
	col_ptrn = Regex(colname, rgx_endchar1, "\1");
	If(!Is Missing(col_ptrn), // ends with H
		If(Contains(collist, col_ptrn || endchar2),
			aa[col_ptrn || endchar1] = col_ptrn || endchar2

// Plotting
lub = Lineup Box(N Col(2));

For Each({{xcol, ycol}}, aa,
	lub << Append(dt << Bivariate(Y(Eval(xcol)), X(Eval(ycol))));

nw = new window("",

View solution in original post

Super User

Re: Automatically plot the associated columns in an Associative Array

How you wish to plot those?

Names Default To Here(1);

endchar1 = "1";
endchar2 = "2";

rgx_endchar1 = Eval Insert("(.+?)^endchar1^$");

dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Semiconductor");

collist = dt << get column names(string);

aa = Associative Array();
For Each({colname}, collist,
	col_ptrn = Regex(colname, rgx_endchar1, "\1");
	If(!Is Missing(col_ptrn), // ends with H
		If(Contains(collist, col_ptrn || endchar2),
			aa[col_ptrn || endchar1] = col_ptrn || endchar2

// Plotting
lub = Lineup Box(N Col(2));

For Each({{xcol, ycol}}, aa,
	lub << Append(dt << Bivariate(Y(Eval(xcol)), X(Eval(ycol))));

nw = new window("",
Level V

Re: Automatically plot the associated columns in an Associative Array



Worked great!  Tweaked it a bit to allow input selection.




Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Current Data Table();
dt << Clear Column Selection();
colList = dt << get column names( string );
check_list = {"VT", "ID", "DI", "IK", "GM"};
check_list2 = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "8"};
New Window( "Select Variables",
	<<Type( "Modal Dialog" ),
	<<On Validate( window:validated ),
	window:enable function = Function( {},
		{Default Local},
		X = window:lbMajor << Get Selected;
		Y = window:lbMinor << Get Selected;
		Voltage = window:lbVolt << Get Selected;
		If( N Items( X ) & N Items( Y ) & X != Y,
			window:validated = 1,
			window:validated = 0
		window:ok button << Enable( window:validated );
	H List Box(
		V List Box(
			Text Box( "Select X Variable" ),
			window:lbMajor = List Box(
				<<Set Max Selected( 1 ),
				enable function
		V List Box(
			Text Box( "Select Y Variable" ),
			window:lbMinor = List Box(
				<<Set Max Selected( 1 ),
				enable function
		V List Box(
			Text Box( "Select Voltage" ),
			window:lbVolt = List Box(
				<<Set Max Selected( 1 ),
				enable function
	H List Box(
		window:ok button = Button Box( "OK",
			X = window:lbMajor << Get Selected;
			Y = window:lbMinor << Get Selected;
			Voltage = window:lbVolt << Get Selected;
			If( N Items( X ) & N Items( Y ) & X != Y,
				window:validated = 1,
				window:validated = 0
			If( window:validated,
				Print( "Processing with X: " || Char( X ) || ", Y: " || Char( Y ) );
				Window( "Select Variables" ) << Close Window;
				Show( "Invalid Selection" );
				{window:lbMajor, window:lbMinor} << Select;
				window:lbMajor << Inval << Update Window;
				Wait( 0.25 );
				{window:lbMajor, window:lbMinor} << DeSelect;
				window:lbMajor << Inval << Update Window;
				Wait( 0.25 );
				{window:lbMajor, window:lbMinor} << Select;
				window:lbMajor << Inval << Update Window;
				Wait( 0.25 );
				{window:lbMajor, window:lbMinor} << DeSelect;
				window:lbMajor << Inval << Update Window;
			<<Enable( 0 )
		Button Box( "Cancel", Throw( "!Canceled Analysis" ) )
Show( X );
Show( Y );
Show( Voltage );

	X[1] == "VT", Xparam = "VT",
	X[1] == "ID", Xparam = "ID",
	X[1] == "DI", Xparam = "DI",
	X[1] == "IK", Xparam = "IK",
	X[1] == "GM", Xparam = "GM"
	Y[1] == "VT", Yparam = "VT",
	Y[1] == "ID", Yparam = "ID",
	Y[1] == "DI", Yparam = "DI",
	Y[1] == "IK", Yparam = "IK",
	Y[1] == "GM", Yparam = "GM"
	Voltage[1] == "0", Vnode = "0",
	Voltage[1] == "1", Vnode = "1",
	Voltage[1] == "2", Vnode = "2",
	Voltage[1] == "3", Vnode = "3",
	Voltage[1] == "8", Vnode = "8"
Show( Xparam );
Show( Yparam );

startchar1 = Xparam;
startchar2 = Yparam;

rgx_startchar1 = Eval Insert("^startchar1^(.+?)$");

dt = Current Data Table();

collist = dt << get column names(string);

//Paranmeter Group Filter

VT_IDcols1 = {};

For( i = 1, i <= N Items( collist ), i++,
If( !Contains( collist[i], "Pass/Fail"), If( Contains(  collist[i], Xparam) | Contains( collist[i], Yparam)  , Insert Into( VT_IDcols1, collist[i] ))));

//Voltage Filter

VT_IDcols = {};

For( i = 1, i <= N Items( VT_IDcols1 ), i++,
	If(	Contains( Munger( Head Name( As Namespace( VT_IDcols1[i] ) ), 0, 4 ), Vnode), Insert Into( VT_IDcols, VT_IDcols1[i] )

aa = Associative Array();
For Each({colname}, VT_IDcols,
	col_ptrn = Regex(colname, rgx_startchar1, "\1");
	If(!IsMissing(col_ptrn), // starts with VT and ends with H
		If(Contains(VT_IDcols, startchar2 || col_ptrn ),
			aa[startchar1 || col_ptrn] = startchar2 || col_ptrn;


// Plotting
lub = Lineup Box(N Col(2));

For Each({{xcol, ycol}}, aa,
	lub << Append(dt << Bivariate(Y(Eval(xcol)), X(Eval(ycol))));

nw = new window("",

