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Level II

Aligning graphs from graph builder horizontally in journal - JMP17

Hi I am looking to have graphs from graph builder side by side in a journal. Currently graphs are vertically arranged in journal.


Below is my script:


new = new window("final", << journal,
	vb = V List Box(

        ob = Outline Box( "OWL vs KESTREL_RX_SENSITIVITY",
        	outline box(" QFN BAND 0")

dt1_band0 = open("C:\Users\NXF90574\Documents\NXP\VIshal\OWL_Kestrel_dvt2\DATA\DATA UPDATE\Subset of Subset of Subset of");
dt1_band0_table = open("C:\Users\NXF90574\Documents\NXP\VIshal\OWL_Kestrel_dvt2\DATA\DATA UPDATE\");

for (
i = 1, i<=Nrows(dt1_band0_table), i++ ,

dt1_band0 << Select where(contains( :wfmFile , dt1_band0_table:wfmFile[i]) );
dt1_subset = dt1_band0 << subset (Output table(""), Selected Rows( 1 ), selected columns( 0 ));

dt1_subset_graph = dt1_subset<< Graph Builder(
	Size( 1115, 553 ),
		X( :rxChnl ),
		Y( :Sens_2 ),
		Group X( :VDD1 ),
		Group Y( :Temp ),
		Overlay( :Silicon )
	Elements( Line( X, Y, Legend( 12 ) ) ),
		Dispatch( {}, "rxChnl", ScaleBox, {Label Row( Show Major Grid( 1 ) )} ),
			{Format( "Best", 12 ),
			Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 0 ), Label Row(
				{Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Labels( 0 )}
			"graph title",
			{Set Text( "Sensitivity vs. rxChnl" )}
		Dispatch( {}, "Y title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "Sensitivity" )} )

jrn2 = New Window( "j2", <<Journal,

    vb = V List Box(

        ob = Outline Box( dt1_band0_table:wfmFile[i]);


jrn2 << Append( V List Box( (dt1_subset_graph  << Report) << Clone Box));

//jrn2 << Save pdf ("C:\Users\NXF90574\Documents\NXP\VIshal\trial\1mbps.pdf");

new <<append (jrn2);


dt1_band0 << save as("C:\Users\NXF90574\Documents\NXP\VIshal\OWL_Kestrel_dvt2\DATA\DATA UPDATE\Subset of Subset of Subset of");

close all(data tables, nosave);

new << Save Journal("C:\Users\NXF90574\Documents\NXP\VIshal\OWL_Kestrel_dvt2\DATA\DATA UPDATE\final_band0_corners.jrn");

close all(journals, nosave):


The main data table I am using is dt1_band0

I am running a for loop by looping for different column values from a column in data tabledt1_band0_table

I have created a journal "new " - every time a graph is generated within for loop its getting added to a journal "jrn2"

In the end I am appending "jrn2" to "new"


my final journal saved as pdf looks like this:

This is one page of my pdf



I would like to have these graphs side by side instead of vertically aligned




Super User

Re: Aligning graphs from graph builder horizontally in journal - JMP17

Try using H List Box() (Or Lineup Box()) instead of V List Box(). This can also be a good read Construct Display Boxes for New Windows (

Level III

Re: Aligning graphs from graph builder horizontally in journal - JMP17



Here below an example with horizontally aligned graphs using the command H List Box().  H List Box helps you to organize horizontally your elements, whereas V List box it is vertically. You can also use the command Line up Box to organize in columns or the commands V Split Box / H Split Box if you want to specify also the proportions taken by each graphs in the journal space


dt1 = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
dt2 = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class" );

jrn = New Window( "Journal",

	Outline Box( "Horizontally aligned graphs",
		H List Box(
			dt1 << Graph Builder( Show Control Panel( 0 ), Variables( X( :height ), Y( :weight ) ), Elements( Points( X, Y ), Smoother( X, Y ) ) ),
			dt2 << Graph Builder(
				Show Control Panel( 0 ),
				Variables( X( :height ), Y( :weight ) ),
				Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 4 ) ), Line Of Fit( X, Y, Legend( 6 ) ) )

Level XII

Re: Aligning graphs from graph builder horizontally in journal - JMP17

As H List Box and V List Box are actually the same object, just with a different option, you can later chance the Llayout by sending the message
Horizontal(1) to the display box.