JMP has long been well-suited for producing production quality tables and graphs. Users have many options, such as taking screen shots or saving JMP reports in specific formats or even using JSL to place pieces of output reports in specific MS Word or Excel files. We have had a strong demand in recent customer engagements to go beyond providing solid analytical solutions accompanied by the excellent JMP tabular and graphical output as the teams look to operationalize a solution.


Operationalization often means deploying results to nonstatistical audiences using templates or special formats tailored more toward general consumption. We demonstrate a method integrating streamlined Python code generated with AI apps to effectively create output documents with advanced MS Word, which is not possible with JSL alone and doesn't require difficult Visual Basic code. We also show several other deployment tips and tricks that don't require Python.  



Hello,  Team  Discovery.


I'm  Jim  Wisnowski, along  with  Andrew  Karl  from  Adsurgo,

and  we're  here  to  talk a  little  bit  about  operationalization

and  how  you  can  effectively  employ some  JMP  capabilities  to  do  so.

The  genesis  of  this  presentation  came from  engagement  with  a  customer  last  year

around  this  time  who  said,

"Our  company  just  loves  JMP as  a  sandbox  tool

and  maybe  in  the  lab,

but  it  really  doesn't  do  anything for  operationalization  for  us."

At  which  point,  it  struck  me  as,

"I'm  not  really  sure  I  understand what  the  word  operationalization

nor  really  know how  to  say  it  necessarily."

S omehow  there's  a  disconnect because  all  of  our  projects,

we  seem  like  we  deliver  a  product, and  it  is  finished.

What  we  did  is  we  figured  out, "What  exactly  is  operationalization

and  then  how  can  we  do some  neat  things  in  JMP  with  it?"

What  we're  going  to  do is  I'm  going  to  talk  about  what  it  is

and  then  give  you  some  quick  wins in  the  form  of  the  depot.

Then  Andrew,  as  always,  will  do  the  work where  it  takes  the  high  intellect,

and  he'll  also  show  you the  beautiful  part  of  operationalization.

Key  here  is  we  all  know  all  models are  wrong  and  some  are  useful,

but  the  other  side  of  that is  your  boss  or  your  boss's  boss,

she  is  thinking  all  models  are  useless, whether  she  says  it  explicit  or  not.

They're  useless  unless  somehow   they're  supporting  a  decision  of  mine

or  we  get  them into  the  production  environment.

We  need  to  make  sure  that even  though  we  have  a  good  model,

that  it  can  go  to  the  next  step and  be  implemented.

By  the  way,  I  do  want  to  show  George  Box over  here  on  the  right,

and  then  Stu  Hunter  on  the  left, who  just  celebrated  his  100th  birthday

on  the  3rd  of  June.

By  definition,  what  is  operationalization?

When  we  think  of  things, we  can  think  of  ideas

such  as  the  leadership  saying  the  usual,

What  is  the  problem? What  do  I  do  about  it?

How  does  it  impact  me?

And  then  the  now  what? What  is  the  solution?

The  solution  isn't  necessarily all  the  things  that  we  do

in  the  data  analytics,  data  science,

world of  the  discovery, data  prep,  and  all  that.

It  really  lies in  the  operationalization  piece

for  that  senior leader  to  understand how  you're  going  to  solve  the  problem.

In  other  words,  it's  really  how  do  we  get from  that  lab  environment

to  the  production  line

where  we  have  solution that's  going  to  be  useful  to  us.

As  we  do  that,  let's  not  forget SAS's  recommendation  here

that  we  better  make  sure  that we  have  a  good  disciplined  approach

as  well  as  automated  in  that  world.

Next  up,  we  can  dig  a  little  bit  deeper

into  what  operationalization  is on  a  micro  level  kind of thing.

I  asked  Chat GPT-4,  I  said,

"Can  you  give  me  an  image of  what  operationalization

looks  like  in  data  science?"

This  is  essentially  what  they  did.

I  had  to  do  the  graphics, but  they  gave  me  all  the  words.

If  we  think  about  our  usual  data, do  our  data  development,

and  then  we  figure  out  what  model  we  like,

and  then  we  have  to  figure  out how  we're  going  to  employ  or  deploy  that,

what  language?

Is  it  going  to  be JavaScript,  C,  or  Python?

Then  we  do  the  deployment,

and  then  we  do  maybe perhaps  an  API  integration.

Good  news  is  JMP  has  a  lot of  tools  for  us  to  do  that.

We're  not  left  in  just  that  lab environment  as  suggested.

Then  on  the  bottom  here,

we  got  the  idea  that once  we  have  that  model  out  there,

it's  not  a  launch  and  lead  kind of  thing.

We  have  to  babysit  it and  perhaps  update  hyperparameters

or  add  new  data and  see  if  it's  still  valid.

Then  we  have  this  idea  here that  you  know  what?

Not only are  our  users  liking  it,

they  want  to  add  more  capabilities, so  we  start  scaling  up.

We  have  to  make  sure  that  we  continue our  good  configuration  management

and  data  compliance  and  documentation, ultimately  resulting  in  business  value.

The  bottom  line  is  how  do  I  go from  this  lab  and  sandbox  environment

to  having  business  value?

That's  what  we're  looking  for in  our  operationalization.

Forbes  gives  the  five  steps  here.

Important  for  us  is  to  think  about, first,  you  have  to  have  a  good  story

so  that  management  believes that  you  have  a  credible  way

to  approach  this  and  solve  the  problem.

Then  the  last  part  here  is, once  you  do  have  a  model,

and  deployed, and  you  have it  operational ized

make  sure  that  you  have  some  metrics  to  make  sure

that  it  is  in  fact  performing.

But  this  is  like  that  last  mile  idea is  we  take  all  of  this  work

that  we  do  to  create  the  models,

but  getting  it to  that  operationalization  piece

is  the  tough  part.

In  fact, we  can  see  that  the  data  out  there

doesn't  suggest that  we're  doing  all  that  great.

Overall,  we're  maybe  even  fewer than  half  of  these  models  make  it.

Then  if  they  do,  it  takes  upwards of  three  months  or  so  to  do  so.

DevOps,  we're  all  familiar  with in  terms  of  a  good  disciplined  approach

for  software  development.

When  we  take  that  step into  our  model  deployment  world,

we'll  call  it  ModelOps, where  we  want  to  have  some  a  culture

or  process  and  technologies to  effectively  employ  them.

If  we  look  at  these  three  circles  here,

it's  really  this  intersection between  two  and  three

that  we're  focused  on

to  make  sure  that  the  deployment   is influencing  those  business  decisions.

I'd  like  to  go  and  do a  demonstration  here  in  JMP.

Before  I  do  so,  I  do  want  to  point  out two  fantastic  presentations

from  previous  discoveries

that  do  talk  about  this  idea of  deployment  and  operationalization

by  Nascif  and  Dan  Valente in  2016  as  well  as  2017.

You  can  see  over  here, they  have  this  whole  idea

that  if  you  give  a  man  a  fish, he  eats  for  a  day,

and  if  you  teach   him to fish, he'll  eat  for  a  life,

that's  this  operationalization  piece,

which  they  also  call the  dark  side  of  analytics.

That's  what  we're  going  to  get  into.

M eijian  I  also  wrote  a  decent  paper as  well  on  how  you  can  do  that.

But  for  us,  what  I  want  to  show  you is  using  the  Formula  Depot,

and  I  got  a  little  plus  there  because it's  going  to  go  a  little  bit  beyond

just  using  the  Formula  Depot because  that  is  not  enough.

We'll  use  our  well-traveled Boston  housing  data.

We'll  look  at  what's  the  price  of  it as  a  function  of  rooms,  distance,

and  Lstat, which  is  an  economic  indicator.

We'll  create  a  main  effects  model as  well  as  a  Bootstrap.

Then  we'll  look  at  the  profiler, and  I'll  show  you  a  quick  trick

that  could  be  helpful  for  you.

Then  we'll  look  at  how  do  I  convert  this to  an  operational  solution

and  being  able  to  deploy  it in  a  Python  environment.

Certainly,  this  is  a  very  small  data  set, but  we  could  easily  have  done  this

plugging  into  some  data  source

and  using  query  builder and  things  like  that.

But  just  want  to  show  you  some  quick  wins that  you  can  go  to  the  next  step.

Because  often  we  hear  that  it's  great that  you  do  all  this  work,

but  the  actual  implementation has  to  be  on  this  server,

and  this  server can  only  use  JavaScript  or  C++,

whatever  it  happens  to  be, Python,  maybe.

How  can  we  take  our  good  work and  transport  it  into  use  in  operation?

I'm  going  to  transition  over  to  JMP.

Here's  a  journal  that  we  have  for  you,

and  it  goes  through a  few  of  our  different  options

and  what  we're  doing  here.

But  here's  Boston  Housing that  we  know  and  love.

Here  is  my  Least  Squares  model.

What  you  do  in  the  Least  Squares  model, or  any  model  for  that  matter,

is  under  Save  Columns,

you're  going  to  publish that  prediction  formula.

Then  the  Formula  Depot  comes  up  for  you.

Let's  go  ahead  and  do the   Bootstrap Forest  as  well.

Now we  have  the   Bootstrap Forest, which  we  can  also,  under  Save  Columns,

publish  that  prediction  formula.

If  we  come  back  up  here

and  we  check  out that  Formula  Depot  report,

we  can  see  that  it  is  something that  we  are  familiar  with  in  this  fashion.

That  if  I  come  down  here

off  of  the  red  triangle next  to  Formula  Depot,

I  can  look  at  the  profiler .

I  want  to  look  at  the  profiler of  both  these  models.

I  do  OK,

and  there  it  is.

The  main  effects  model,  of  course, doesn't  have  any  interaction,

but  maybe  you  want to  make  the  point  somehow

that  when  you  have  very  short  distance,

you have a real steep economic  impact kind of  a thing.

What  we  could  do  is  we  could  show  this dynamically  in  PowerPoint,

because  often, that  is  the  endpoint  of  some  of  our  work,

and  an  analysis is  a  PowerPoint  presentation

that  we'd  like  to  have some  sort of a  dynamic  display.

There  are  certainly many  screen  capture  capabilities

that  you're  probably  all  familiar  with.

But  if  we  just  go  back  to  PowerPoint,

we're  able  to  do  this  inherently in  the  software,  and  it's  pretty  quick.

Here  is  a  blank  slide.

What  I  want  to  do is  I  want  to  show  that  dynamic  display.

I  just  come  under  Insert,

and  I'll  do this  screen  recording  right  here.

What  I'll  do  is  I  will  get  out  of  that and  I'll  come  back  to  here,

and  then  I'll  come  back  to  JMP, go  to  PowerPoint.

Now I do  the  screen  recording, and  I  want  to  be  at  the  right  spot

if  it's  a  problem.

I'll  just  go  ahead and  take  a  snapshot  of  what  I  want.

I  will  go  ahead  and  hit  the  Record  button,

and  it'll  give  me the  3-second  countdown.

Then  now  I  can  narrate  and  say that  we  don't  see  any  interaction

in  our  linear  your  model,

but  you  can  see  a  Boosted Tree   does have  quite  a  bit  of  interaction.

You're  happy  with  that.

You  go  ahead  and  stop  the  recording.

Then  now  you  have  this  embedded in  your  PowerPoint  that  easily.

You  can  go  ahead  and  run  it  here, and  you  can  hear  me  in  the  background

that  I  was  explaining  it, so  the  audio  is  in  there.

Then  clearly, as  you're  in  presentation  mode,

it  will  run  automatically  as  well.

Now back  to  the  task  at  hand is  what  we  want  to  do

is  deploy  this  solution in  a  model  that  is  Python.

What  we  can  do under  the  Formula  Depot  options  here

is  we  can  go  ahead and  generate  the  Python  code,

and  we'll  do  it  for  the  sake of  argument  for  both  of  these.

We  can  see  that  the  Boosted  Forest  here

has  Python  code that  consists  of  55,000  lines  of  code.

Good  to  know. But  we'll  put  that  aside  for  now.

What  we're  going to  ultimately  decide  on,  we'll  say,

is  t his  main  effects  model only  is  what  we're  going  to  use

that  we  want  to  deploy  to  our  system.

I'll  go  ahead  and  hit...

By  the  way,  before  I  do  that,

there  is  this  one  particular line  of  code  here

that  says  import  JMP  score.

That  is  a  Python  file  that  is  inherent,

and  all  of  you  have  it on  your  install  directory,

and  you're  going  to  need  that  to  use  it.

What  it  is, it's  really  just  a  helper  menu.

It  tells  you here's  how  you  do  vectorization,

here's  how  you  do  power and  things  like  that,

but  important  that  it's  there.

I'll  go  ahead  and  do  File,  Save.

What  that  creates  is  this  Least  Squares,

and  then  we'll  call  it BH  for  Boston  House.

Now I've  got  that  Python  code.

What  would  be  nice  is  if  I  could  just  go to  Spyder  off  of  Anaconda

and  just  run  it and  then  score  all  my  new  data.

The  problem  is  it's  not  that  easy.

It  doesn't  run  you  yet.

It  takes  you  a  good  way  there,

but  you  still  have  to  put some  wrappers  and  things  around  it.

You  have  to  import your  Excel  file  or  whatever  it  is.

I'm  not  a  Python  coder.

In  fact,  people  say,  "What  do  you  do?" "I'm  a  data  scientist."

"Oh,  you  must  be  good  at  Python." "No,  I've  never  actually  used  it."

I'm  an  impostor  in  that  fashion.

But  maybe  there's  a  way  that  we  could  use this  latest  technology,  ChatGPT-4,

and  have  it  create a  Jupyter  Notebook  for  me.

If  I  come  under  my  ChatGPT- 4  here,

I  have  this  question  I  ask  it.

"I  have  Python  code  generated from  a  model  in  the  JMP  Formula  Depot.

Go  ahead  and  create a  Jupyter  Notebook  for  me

that's  going  to  import  data  from  Excel."

I  say,  "Can  it  do  it?" And  it  says,  "Absolutely."

Then  what  it  does is  it  gives  me  the  code  right  here.

I  copy  the  code,

and  I  put  it  in  my  instantiation   of Jupyter from  Anaconda,  all  three.

Then  I  run  it,  and  lo  and  behold, it  doesn't  work.

Nothing  works  for  me  the  first  time.

But  I  say,  "It  didn't  work, and  here  was  the  error  message  I  got."

It  says,  "Oh,  well,  try  this." Then  I  tried  that,  and  then  it  worked.

What  did  it  work?

If  I  come  back  over  here, this  is  my  Jupyter  Notebook

that  was  given  to  me  by   ChatGPT-4.

Again,  I  know  nothing  about  Python, but I do  know  that  it  gave  me  these  lines.

I  just  go  ahead  and  say, I'm  going  to  import  Pandas

because  I  need  that to  get  my  Excel  file  in.

Then  here  is  that  Fit  Least  Squares. That's  what  I  got  from  the  Formula  Depot.

It  does  that.

I'm  running  each  one  of  these,  by  the  way. Now it  says  go  ahead  and  import.

I'm  going  to  import  an  Excel  file that  has  what  I  want  to  score,

and  that's  going  to  be under  Boston  Housing  data.

It's  new  data  that  I  want  to  score.

Then  here's  this  outdata  thing that  it  told  me  was  my  error.

I  said,  " I'll  do  that."

Then  this  says,  "Hey,  just  let  me  know that  I  brought  in  some  data,"  and  it  does.

Then  now  I'm  going to  go  ahead  and  score  it.

I  go  ahead  and  score  it.

Then  did  it  score? Sure  enough,  it  did.

There's  the  first  five  values  of  it.

Then  I  can  go  ahead  and  save  that, and  we'll  just  call  this  For  Demo.

Maybe  I'll  even  add  100  in  there.

Since  200  is  100, I'll  go  ahead  and  put  that  out.

Then  I'll  say,  "W here  does  that  live?"

Maybe  I'll  see  it  right  here.

Here  it  is. Here's  the  scored  data  Excel  file.

There  are  all  800  or  so predicted  values  from  that  linear  model.

This  is  easy  as  that.

Next  up, what  we  want  to  do  is  set  Andrew  up

to  why  everything is  beautiful  in  this  world.

Coming  back  to  PowerPoint  here, the  scenario  is  this.

It's  that  we  were  working with  a  group  of  doctors  across  the  US,

and  they  wanted  reports for  every  one  of  them

how  productive  they  were  in  2022.

They  thought  that  perhaps they  could  be  more  productive

by  changing  some  of  the  codes   that they use for  certain  procedures.

They  gave  us  millions  of  rows  of  data,

and  we  came  up with  exactly  what  they  asked  for.

We  created  a  template of  10  pages  or  so  of  the  report

with  nice  JMP  graphics  in  there,

and  it  was  virtually  perfect, except  for  one  thing.

The  one  thing  is  that  this  data  table at  the  very  end  that  gave  the  results,

we  couldn't  get  it  sized  properly or  put  the  borders  on  it.

It's  as  simple  as  just  selecting  it and  then  right-clicking  and  do  AutoFit

and  then  hitting the  border  symbol  next  to  it.

That's  what  I  told  Dr.  Jay  right  here.

This  is  for  Dr.  No. You  can  see  his  annual  report.


Andrew  swam  the  English  channel

and  gave  them the  99.8%  solution  to  their  problem,

but  they  weren't  quite  happy.

It  wasn't  until  we  went  and  took the  step  to  make  this  automated.

Again,  this  is  a  two-second  process,

but  because  it  took  that by  100s  of  things,

they  weren't  happy.

But  then  we  ended  up  fixing  that,

and  that's  when  the  customer  said, "This  is  absolutely  beautiful,"

hence  we  have beautiful  operationalization.

With  that, I'm  going  to  turn  it  over  to  Andrew

to  let  you  in  on  a  few  secrets

of  how  you  can  get  some massively  increased  productivity.

Thanks,  Jim.

I'm  Andrew,

and  I'm  going  to  show  you how  we  put  together  this  report.

The  assumption  is  we  have  some  suppliers, and  here  are  our  suppliers.

We've  got  four  different  suppliers,

and  we've  got  some  metrics  that  we  track

in  this  data  set that  we  update  frequently.

We  want  to  be  able to  report  this  to  the  suppliers

so  we  can  track  how  they're  doing

and  have  a  record of  long-term  performance.

What  we'd  like  to  do is  to  get  something  like  this

is we  have  this  template  we  like where  we  have  our  header  up  top,  our  logo.

We  have  in  bold, we've  got  the  company  name.

Then  each  of  these,  we  substitute  in these  calculated  values  from  the  data  set.

The  standard  JMP  functions  of, we  export  a  report  to  Word,

we  get  everything, all  the  outline  boxes  are  open,

but  it  doesn't  have  our  template  function, and we have to  fill  in  the  blanks.

We  can  manually  copy  out  the  pictures, right-click  those  little  gray  triangles,

and  say,  edit  copy  picture

and  get  a  nice  version of  the  pictures  out.

But  it's  still  a  manual  process that  has  to  be  done.

This  little  application  here, I've  got  four  suppliers.

What  if  you  have  400, and  they're  doing  that  once  a  month?

That  becomes  unwieldy.

How  can  we  do  this?

Not  natively  within  JMP  or  JSL.

You  can  get  close  sometimes to  being  on  your  application,

but  a  more  flexible  example

is  to  take  something  like  this where  we  have  a  template  file,

we  write  the  report  once the  way  we  want  it.

Every  time  we  have  something we  want  substituted  in  by  JMP,

we  have  these  double  brackets,

and  we're  going to  put  a  little  keyword  in  there.

In  this  case,  team_p   is going  to  be  the  team  name.

Then  down  here,  I've  got  mill_time_ p with  an  underscore,

and  now, I've  got  that  bold  and  highlighted.

We  put  whatever  format  we  want,

and  anything  we  want  substituted  in, we  just  put  in  brackets.

It's  a  natural  solution, so  it'd  be  great  if  we  get  this  to  work.

Then  also,  in  addition  to  text, we  can  also  do  that  with  pictures.

We've  got  the   q_pic11.

If  we  want  a  JSL  line  of  box  equivalent,

then  we  can  get this  table  structure  within  Word,

and  we  just  put  in  our  keywords where  we  want  to  substitute  things  in.

Also,  we're  going  to  have  a  table at  the  end  that  doesn't  have  a  key,

that  doesn't  have  a  holder  here.

I'll  get  to  that  in  a  second.

Come  back  to  my  journal.

At  the  end,  what  we  want  it  to  look  like, the  intended  document  result,

is  we  also  have  this  table  at  the  end that  goes  through  Tabulate.

We  have  this  nice  color  gradient we  can  put  it  into  JMP,

and  we  want  to  get  this  into  Word.

But  also,  as  Jim  mentioned, we  want  to  AutoF it  this  table

and  we  want  it  to  look  nice,

because  a  lot  of  times, the  tables  don't  fit  automatically.

We  can  go  through  all  the  work and  create  the  tables,

but  if  we  don't  make  them  fit, then  we're  going  to  have  a  lot  of  work

ahead  of  us  to  go  through and  do  that  manually.

It's  not  something we  can  program  natively  within  JMP.

What  can  we  do  is  we  will  have  a  script

that,  and  this  is  shared on  the  Discovery  website,

where  we  can  open  up  the...

We  have  a  reference  for  the  data  table, the  container  data,  and  this  gets  updated.

Every  time  we  run  this to  generate  the  reports,

it  pulls  in  the  new  data.

We  have  the  output  path,

which  is  a  folder  where all  the  temporary  files  get  written  to

that  we  normally  clean  up plus  the  output  reports.

Then  also  template  file,  that  Word  file that  contains  those  keywords.

A ll  the  rest  of  the  script  is  going to  be  going  down  and  calculating

the  individual  values that  gets  substituted  in.

A t  the  end,  we  have  this  Python  script

that  does  the  actual  substitution

and  then  also, auto  fits  and  pulls  in  this  table.

If  you're  saying, "I  don't  know  Python,

I  don't  know  how  applicable this  is  going  to  be  to  me,"

we  don't  know  Python  either, but  we  got  this  to  work  pretty  quick

because  GPT-4 wrote  the  Python  code  for  us.

I'm  going  to  show  you an  example  of  how  we  did  that.

What  this  script  will  do is  we'll  write  the  temporary  files

to  the  output  folder.

For  example,  here's  our  q12  graph, and  the  temporary  files  get  written  here.

The  images  get  written to  the  output  folder.

Then  with  the  static  code  in  Python, it  knows  to  pull  these  files  in.

The  individual  calculations will  be  run  within  JMP,

and  then  saved  within  the  script,

and  then  passed  along to  Python  at  the  end.

Here  we  run  all  of  our  JMP  code.

We  load  any  of  our  values  into  variables.

An  example  of  that  is, here  we  have  a  tabulate  function.

We're  going  to  make  into  data  table.

From  that  data  table,  we're  going  to  take the  mean  mill  time  column

and  take  the  first  entry  in  that  column,

and  then  that's  going to  become  our  mill_ time_ p  variable.

That  is  what  will  get  sent  down in  the  Python  code.

When  we  initiate  Python,

we  tell  it  whatever  variables  we  wanted to  send  over  from  JMP  to  Python.

Here's  that  mill_ time_ p.

That  will  hold  any of  the  mill time  calculations,

and  that  is  what  gets  substituted  in

to  the  mill_time_ underscore  area within  the  template.

I'm  going  to  go  back  to  my  template  file.

Here's  my  mill_time_ p  area. That's  what  gets  substituted  in.

The  intermediate  output from  the  Python  code  for  doing  this

is  the  temp  report.

We  can  see  these  values get  substituted  in.

The  graphs  get  placed  in.

We  get  our  nice  grid  of  graphs.

At  the  end,  we  don't  have  our  table  yet.

The  reason  we  don't  have  our  table  yet

is  because  we  like  the  way  that

if  we  move  a  table  from  JMP using  the  get  as  a  report  to  a  journal

and  then  export  that  journal  to  Word with  Save  MS  Word,

we  like  the  way it  keeps  the  table  structure,

but  we  still  need  the  AutoF it.

What  we  do  is,  in  addition  to  the  report that  gets  written  out  from  the  template,

is  we  also  write  out this  other  temporary  table  file.

We  get  the  table  import.

Here  it  is,  and  what  we  need  to  do

when  we  want  to  automate is  this  AutoF it t o  Window,

and  then  also  reducing the  font  size  where  it  actually  fits.

What  we  need  to  do  is,

after  the  Python  code that  substitutes  out  into  the  template,

what  we  found  is  we  have  to  convert that  DOC  file  created  by  JMP,

convert  it  to  a  DOC  X  file,

and  then  we  have  Python  code that  will  open  up  that  DOC  X  file,

take  the  first  table,

it  will  apply  AutoF it, change  the  font  size  to  7,

and  then  it  will  append  it to  the  original  report  file.

How  did  we  know  to  create  this?

Again,  you  can  copy  what  we've  done. We've  got  this  file  available.

But  how  can  you reproduce  this  for  your  own

and  create  your  own  Python  to  do  this?

I recorded  a  video  of  going  through on  GPT-4,  how  I  did  this,

and  I'm  going  to  show that  now  and  narrate  that.

The  prompt  I  give  is  that  I've  got a  Word  document  that  I  want  to  use.

I'm  so  bad  at  Python.

I'm  going  to  go  ahead and  give  GPT-4  my  actual  path  here

because  I  don't  know how  to  substitute  out  the  backslashes,

and  the  spaces,  and  everything.

I  say,  "G o  to  this  path,  open  it  up,

take  the  first  table  you  see  in  here, and  then  give  me  back  that  table  AutoFit."

It's  going  to  tell  us,  "You  need to  install  this  other  package."

I've  just  got  a  base Ana conda  installation.

You  can  ask  it  for  instructions  and  help.

You  make  sure  you  install  that  package and  then  you'll  be  able  to  run  this  code.

Whenever  it  gives  me  this  thing, the  first  thing  I  noticed  is  it  tells  me,

"Hey,  I'm  going  to  overwrite your  report  file,  be  careful."

I  say,  "No,  I  don't  want  that."

It's  interactive  the  way it  gives  you  the  code.

I  say,  "F ix  this  code.

I  want  to  write  to  a  different  file in  the  same  directory."

It's  going  to  modify  the  code

to  give  me  a  different  output  file in  the  same  directory.

What  I'm  going  to  do is  I  just  copy-paste  this  over  to  Spyder,

which  is  basically the  JSL  editor  for  Python.

It's  the  Python  editor.

I  hit  Run,  I  hit  the  green  arrow,

and  I  get  this  note about,  "There's  an  error."

I  don't  know  what  the  error  means.

I  don't  want  to  spend  time on  Stack  Exchange  or  Stack  Overflow

or  anything  looking  that  up.

I  paste  the  error  back  to  Python,

and  it's  nice  enough  that  it  apologizes and  explains  what  it  did  wrong.

I'm  not  that  worried about  what  it  did  wrong.

I  just  want  something  that  works and  gives  me  my  report.

I'm  going  to  copy- paste the  code  it  gives  me

and  then  go  back  to  the  Spyder,

run  that.

I  get  one  more  error. It  says,  "Table  is  not  subscriptable."

Not  really  sure  what  that  means.

I  tell  GPT-4  about  that. It  apologizes  again.

It  thought  that  the  tables were  zero- based  index.

It  turns  out  it's  one- based.

It  fixes  that.

I'm  going  to  copy  this  code  over.

This  time,  it  runs  without  error.

I  go  to  the  folder  I  specified  to  it, and  here's  the  modified  folder.

Now you  can  see AutoF it's  been  applied  to  this  table.

We  just  made  a  Python  code without  really  knowing  Python.

You  don't  have  to  stop  there.

If  you  have  any  version  of  modification that  you  want  to  give  to  it,

you  can  change  the  font  size.

Here  I'm  going  to  ask  it to  make  it  Wingdings.

Let's  see  if  it  knows  how  to  do  that.

It  gives  me  some  new  code,  and  I  run  it. Yeah, I  can  get  Wingdings  output.

Just  to  make  sure it  didn't  just  give  me  gibberishish,

I'm  going  to  copy  it  all and  make  sure  that  it  translates  back

into  more  easily  readable  text, and  it  does.

That's  what  we're  looking  for.

Not  only  Python,  but  also  Visual  Basic.

Another  thing  that  we  run  into is  we  output  things.

You  might  have  a  500-page  report and  you  want  the  headers  to  look  right

to  header 1 ,  header  2  in  words,

so  that  way you  can  get  a  table  of  contents.

W e  told  GPT-4  is, I'm  going  to  use  these  delimiters.

I'm  going  to  script  these  in to  my  outline  box  titles.

I  get  h1,  close  h1,  h2,  close  h2 for  header  1,  header  2.

I  want  to  substitute  those  in.

When  we  did  that  to  GPT-4,

what  it  gave  us is  it  gave  us  this  macro  file,

which  I'm  going  to  copy  that.

I'm  not  sure  if  it  was  retained in  my  Microsoft  Word.

We'll  find  out. If  not,  I'll  paste  it  in.

You  have  to  enable  this  Developer  tab. That's  a  Word  option.

When  you  do  that,  we  get  this.

We  just  paste  in  our  macro  here, which  was  generated  by  GPT-4.

I  don't  like  programming  in  VBA, but  it's  good  at  it.

When  I  hit  Run  on  this, it  takes  everything,

all  these  headers  and  fills  them  in.

That  way  I  can  go  up  here,  I  could  say,

References,  Table  of  Contents, and  put  on  my  table  of  contents.

If  I  generated  500  page  report,

now  I've  got the  right  structure  for  all  this.

It's  easy  to  go  in  here,  too.

If  you  want  to  add  numbers to  these  headers  and  stuff,

you  just  right-click  in  here, and  you   go  to  Modify,

and  you  can  turn  on that  numbering  structure  if  you  want.

The  last  thing  I'm  going  to  show for  GPT-4,  specifically  for  JSL,

is  you  might  have  noticed in  my  script  back  here,

I'm  really  bad about  commenting  my  script.

I've  got  a  couple  of  comments  in  here.

But  for  the  most  part,  I  don't  have a  lot  of  comments  describing  it.

If  you  have  code,  you  don't  want to  give  anything  proprietary,

but  if  you  give  code  to  GPT-4  or  even  JSL, it'll  add  a  bunch  of  nice  comments  to  you

and  explain  what  each  code  block  is  doing, and  that  way  other  readers  can  see.

Also  for  Python,  if  you  don't  know  Python and  you're taking  a  look  at  our  script

that  we've  provided, and  you're  saying, " What  does  this  do,"

you  can  provide  this  code  to  GPT-4 and  say,  "Explain  this  Python  code  to  me."

It'll  give  you  a  long  narrative  story

and  say,  "Here  is  exactly the  workflow  of  what's  happening.

Here  are  the  key  functions that  are  doing  it."

That's  my  favorite  part.

You  can  say,  "Do  you  have any suggestions  for  this  code?"

It'll  say,

"Y ou  don't  have  any  error  handling. You've  got  some  memory  leak  issues."

It'll  go  through  and  make a  bunch  of  suggestions.

Then  it's  nice  enough  to  go  ahead and  give  you  some  new  code

with  all  the  suggestions  implemented.

With  all  this  in  place,

you  can  go  from  doing all  of  your  calculations  in  JMP

to  actually  getting  this  nice  output  file that  has  the  right  format  you  want.

Everything  looks  nice.

You're  not  going  through making  manual  changes.

With  this  in  place, this  is  what  the  customer  said,

take a  look  at  this  and  said, "This  is  beautiful."

With  that,  we  hope  that you  can  take  this  same  idea

and  go  make  some beautiful  reports  yourself.

Published on ‎03-25-2024 04:53 PM by | Updated on ‎04-01-2024 01:40 PM

JMP has long been well-suited for producing production quality tables and graphs. Users have many options, such as taking screen shots or saving JMP reports in specific formats or even using JSL to place pieces of output reports in specific MS Word or Excel files. We have had a strong demand in recent customer engagements to go beyond providing solid analytical solutions accompanied by the excellent JMP tabular and graphical output as the teams look to operationalize a solution.


Operationalization often means deploying results to nonstatistical audiences using templates or special formats tailored more toward general consumption. We demonstrate a method integrating streamlined Python code generated with AI apps to effectively create output documents with advanced MS Word, which is not possible with JSL alone and doesn't require difficult Visual Basic code. We also show several other deployment tips and tricks that don't require Python.  



Hello,  Team  Discovery.


I'm  Jim  Wisnowski, along  with  Andrew  Karl  from  Adsurgo,

and  we're  here  to  talk a  little  bit  about  operationalization

and  how  you  can  effectively  employ some  JMP  capabilities  to  do  so.

The  genesis  of  this  presentation  came from  engagement  with  a  customer  last  year

around  this  time  who  said,

"Our  company  just  loves  JMP as  a  sandbox  tool

and  maybe  in  the  lab,

but  it  really  doesn't  do  anything for  operationalization  for  us."

At  which  point,  it  struck  me  as,

"I'm  not  really  sure  I  understand what  the  word  operationalization

nor  really  know how  to  say  it  necessarily."

S omehow  there's  a  disconnect because  all  of  our  projects,

we  seem  like  we  deliver  a  product, and  it  is  finished.

What  we  did  is  we  figured  out, "What  exactly  is  operationalization

and  then  how  can  we  do some  neat  things  in  JMP  with  it?"

What  we're  going  to  do is  I'm  going  to  talk  about  what  it  is

and  then  give  you  some  quick  wins in  the  form  of  the  depot.

Then  Andrew,  as  always,  will  do  the  work where  it  takes  the  high  intellect,

and  he'll  also  show  you the  beautiful  part  of  operationalization.

Key  here  is  we  all  know  all  models are  wrong  and  some  are  useful,

but  the  other  side  of  that is  your  boss  or  your  boss's  boss,

she  is  thinking  all  models  are  useless, whether  she  says  it  explicit  or  not.

They're  useless  unless  somehow   they're  supporting  a  decision  of  mine

or  we  get  them into  the  production  environment.

We  need  to  make  sure  that even  though  we  have  a  good  model,

that  it  can  go  to  the  next  step and  be  implemented.

By  the  way,  I  do  want  to  show  George  Box over  here  on  the  right,

and  then  Stu  Hunter  on  the  left, who  just  celebrated  his  100th  birthday

on  the  3rd  of  June.

By  definition,  what  is  operationalization?

When  we  think  of  things, we  can  think  of  ideas

such  as  the  leadership  saying  the  usual,

What  is  the  problem? What  do  I  do  about  it?

How  does  it  impact  me?

And  then  the  now  what? What  is  the  solution?

The  solution  isn't  necessarily all  the  things  that  we  do

in  the  data  analytics,  data  science,

world of  the  discovery, data  prep,  and  all  that.

It  really  lies in  the  operationalization  piece

for  that  senior leader  to  understand how  you're  going  to  solve  the  problem.

In  other  words,  it's  really  how  do  we  get from  that  lab  environment

to  the  production  line

where  we  have  solution that's  going  to  be  useful  to  us.

As  we  do  that,  let's  not  forget SAS's  recommendation  here

that  we  better  make  sure  that we  have  a  good  disciplined  approach

as  well  as  automated  in  that  world.

Next  up,  we  can  dig  a  little  bit  deeper

into  what  operationalization  is on  a  micro  level  kind of thing.

I  asked  Chat GPT-4,  I  said,

"Can  you  give  me  an  image of  what  operationalization

looks  like  in  data  science?"

This  is  essentially  what  they  did.

I  had  to  do  the  graphics, but  they  gave  me  all  the  words.

If  we  think  about  our  usual  data, do  our  data  development,

and  then  we  figure  out  what  model  we  like,

and  then  we  have  to  figure  out how  we're  going  to  employ  or  deploy  that,

what  language?

Is  it  going  to  be JavaScript,  C,  or  Python?

Then  we  do  the  deployment,

and  then  we  do  maybe perhaps  an  API  integration.

Good  news  is  JMP  has  a  lot of  tools  for  us  to  do  that.

We're  not  left  in  just  that  lab environment  as  suggested.

Then  on  the  bottom  here,

we  got  the  idea  that once  we  have  that  model  out  there,

it's  not  a  launch  and  lead  kind of  thing.

We  have  to  babysit  it and  perhaps  update  hyperparameters

or  add  new  data and  see  if  it's  still  valid.

Then  we  have  this  idea  here that  you  know  what?

Not only are  our  users  liking  it,

they  want  to  add  more  capabilities, so  we  start  scaling  up.

We  have  to  make  sure  that  we  continue our  good  configuration  management

and  data  compliance  and  documentation, ultimately  resulting  in  business  value.

The  bottom  line  is  how  do  I  go from  this  lab  and  sandbox  environment

to  having  business  value?

That's  what  we're  looking  for in  our  operationalization.

Forbes  gives  the  five  steps  here.

Important  for  us  is  to  think  about, first,  you  have  to  have  a  good  story

so  that  management  believes that  you  have  a  credible  way

to  approach  this  and  solve  the  problem.

Then  the  last  part  here  is, once  you  do  have  a  model,

and  deployed, and  you  have it  operational ized

make  sure  that  you  have  some  metrics  to  make  sure

that  it  is  in  fact  performing.

But  this  is  like  that  last  mile  idea is  we  take  all  of  this  work

that  we  do  to  create  the  models,

but  getting  it to  that  operationalization  piece

is  the  tough  part.

In  fact, we  can  see  that  the  data  out  there

doesn't  suggest that  we're  doing  all  that  great.

Overall,  we're  maybe  even  fewer than  half  of  these  models  make  it.

Then  if  they  do,  it  takes  upwards of  three  months  or  so  to  do  so.

DevOps,  we're  all  familiar  with in  terms  of  a  good  disciplined  approach

for  software  development.

When  we  take  that  step into  our  model  deployment  world,

we'll  call  it  ModelOps, where  we  want  to  have  some  a  culture

or  process  and  technologies to  effectively  employ  them.

If  we  look  at  these  three  circles  here,

it's  really  this  intersection between  two  and  three

that  we're  focused  on

to  make  sure  that  the  deployment   is influencing  those  business  decisions.

I'd  like  to  go  and  do a  demonstration  here  in  JMP.

Before  I  do  so,  I  do  want  to  point  out two  fantastic  presentations

from  previous  discoveries

that  do  talk  about  this  idea of  deployment  and  operationalization

by  Nascif  and  Dan  Valente in  2016  as  well  as  2017.

You  can  see  over  here, they  have  this  whole  idea

that  if  you  give  a  man  a  fish, he  eats  for  a  day,

and  if  you  teach   him to fish, he'll  eat  for  a  life,

that's  this  operationalization  piece,

which  they  also  call the  dark  side  of  analytics.

That's  what  we're  going  to  get  into.

M eijian  I  also  wrote  a  decent  paper as  well  on  how  you  can  do  that.

But  for  us,  what  I  want  to  show  you is  using  the  Formula  Depot,

and  I  got  a  little  plus  there  because it's  going  to  go  a  little  bit  beyond

just  using  the  Formula  Depot because  that  is  not  enough.

We'll  use  our  well-traveled Boston  housing  data.

We'll  look  at  what's  the  price  of  it as  a  function  of  rooms,  distance,

and  Lstat, which  is  an  economic  indicator.

We'll  create  a  main  effects  model as  well  as  a  Bootstrap.

Then  we'll  look  at  the  profiler, and  I'll  show  you  a  quick  trick

that  could  be  helpful  for  you.

Then  we'll  look  at  how  do  I  convert  this to  an  operational  solution

and  being  able  to  deploy  it in  a  Python  environment.

Certainly,  this  is  a  very  small  data  set, but  we  could  easily  have  done  this

plugging  into  some  data  source

and  using  query  builder and  things  like  that.

But  just  want  to  show  you  some  quick  wins that  you  can  go  to  the  next  step.

Because  often  we  hear  that  it's  great that  you  do  all  this  work,

but  the  actual  implementation has  to  be  on  this  server,

and  this  server can  only  use  JavaScript  or  C++,

whatever  it  happens  to  be, Python,  maybe.

How  can  we  take  our  good  work and  transport  it  into  use  in  operation?

I'm  going  to  transition  over  to  JMP.

Here's  a  journal  that  we  have  for  you,

and  it  goes  through a  few  of  our  different  options

and  what  we're  doing  here.

But  here's  Boston  Housing that  we  know  and  love.

Here  is  my  Least  Squares  model.

What  you  do  in  the  Least  Squares  model, or  any  model  for  that  matter,

is  under  Save  Columns,

you're  going  to  publish that  prediction  formula.

Then  the  Formula  Depot  comes  up  for  you.

Let's  go  ahead  and  do the   Bootstrap Forest  as  well.

Now we  have  the   Bootstrap Forest, which  we  can  also,  under  Save  Columns,

publish  that  prediction  formula.

If  we  come  back  up  here

and  we  check  out that  Formula  Depot  report,

we  can  see  that  it  is  something that  we  are  familiar  with  in  this  fashion.

That  if  I  come  down  here

off  of  the  red  triangle next  to  Formula  Depot,

I  can  look  at  the  profiler .

I  want  to  look  at  the  profiler of  both  these  models.

I  do  OK,

and  there  it  is.

The  main  effects  model,  of  course, doesn't  have  any  interaction,

but  maybe  you  want to  make  the  point  somehow

that  when  you  have  very  short  distance,

you have a real steep economic  impact kind of  a thing.

What  we  could  do  is  we  could  show  this dynamically  in  PowerPoint,

because  often, that  is  the  endpoint  of  some  of  our  work,

and  an  analysis is  a  PowerPoint  presentation

that  we'd  like  to  have some  sort of a  dynamic  display.

There  are  certainly many  screen  capture  capabilities

that  you're  probably  all  familiar  with.

But  if  we  just  go  back  to  PowerPoint,

we're  able  to  do  this  inherently in  the  software,  and  it's  pretty  quick.

Here  is  a  blank  slide.

What  I  want  to  do is  I  want  to  show  that  dynamic  display.

I  just  come  under  Insert,

and  I'll  do this  screen  recording  right  here.

What  I'll  do  is  I  will  get  out  of  that and  I'll  come  back  to  here,

and  then  I'll  come  back  to  JMP, go  to  PowerPoint.

Now I do  the  screen  recording, and  I  want  to  be  at  the  right  spot

if  it's  a  problem.

I'll  just  go  ahead and  take  a  snapshot  of  what  I  want.

I  will  go  ahead  and  hit  the  Record  button,

and  it'll  give  me the  3-second  countdown.

Then  now  I  can  narrate  and  say that  we  don't  see  any  interaction

in  our  linear  your  model,

but  you  can  see  a  Boosted Tree   does have  quite  a  bit  of  interaction.

You're  happy  with  that.

You  go  ahead  and  stop  the  recording.

Then  now  you  have  this  embedded in  your  PowerPoint  that  easily.

You  can  go  ahead  and  run  it  here, and  you  can  hear  me  in  the  background

that  I  was  explaining  it, so  the  audio  is  in  there.

Then  clearly, as  you're  in  presentation  mode,

it  will  run  automatically  as  well.

Now back  to  the  task  at  hand is  what  we  want  to  do

is  deploy  this  solution in  a  model  that  is  Python.

What  we  can  do under  the  Formula  Depot  options  here

is  we  can  go  ahead and  generate  the  Python  code,

and  we'll  do  it  for  the  sake of  argument  for  both  of  these.

We  can  see  that  the  Boosted  Forest  here

has  Python  code that  consists  of  55,000  lines  of  code.

Good  to  know. But  we'll  put  that  aside  for  now.

What  we're  going to  ultimately  decide  on,  we'll  say,

is  t his  main  effects  model only  is  what  we're  going  to  use

that  we  want  to  deploy  to  our  system.

I'll  go  ahead  and  hit...

By  the  way,  before  I  do  that,

there  is  this  one  particular line  of  code  here

that  says  import  JMP  score.

That  is  a  Python  file  that  is  inherent,

and  all  of  you  have  it on  your  install  directory,

and  you're  going  to  need  that  to  use  it.

What  it  is, it's  really  just  a  helper  menu.

It  tells  you here's  how  you  do  vectorization,

here's  how  you  do  power and  things  like  that,

but  important  that  it's  there.

I'll  go  ahead  and  do  File,  Save.

What  that  creates  is  this  Least  Squares,

and  then  we'll  call  it BH  for  Boston  House.

Now I've  got  that  Python  code.

What  would  be  nice  is  if  I  could  just  go to  Spyder  off  of  Anaconda

and  just  run  it and  then  score  all  my  new  data.

The  problem  is  it's  not  that  easy.

It  doesn't  run  you  yet.

It  takes  you  a  good  way  there,

but  you  still  have  to  put some  wrappers  and  things  around  it.

You  have  to  import your  Excel  file  or  whatever  it  is.

I'm  not  a  Python  coder.

In  fact,  people  say,  "What  do  you  do?" "I'm  a  data  scientist."

"Oh,  you  must  be  good  at  Python." "No,  I've  never  actually  used  it."

I'm  an  impostor  in  that  fashion.

But  maybe  there's  a  way  that  we  could  use this  latest  technology,  ChatGPT-4,

and  have  it  create a  Jupyter  Notebook  for  me.

If  I  come  under  my  ChatGPT- 4  here,

I  have  this  question  I  ask  it.

"I  have  Python  code  generated from  a  model  in  the  JMP  Formula  Depot.

Go  ahead  and  create a  Jupyter  Notebook  for  me

that's  going  to  import  data  from  Excel."

I  say,  "Can  it  do  it?" And  it  says,  "Absolutely."

Then  what  it  does is  it  gives  me  the  code  right  here.

I  copy  the  code,

and  I  put  it  in  my  instantiation   of Jupyter from  Anaconda,  all  three.

Then  I  run  it,  and  lo  and  behold, it  doesn't  work.

Nothing  works  for  me  the  first  time.

But  I  say,  "It  didn't  work, and  here  was  the  error  message  I  got."

It  says,  "Oh,  well,  try  this." Then  I  tried  that,  and  then  it  worked.

What  did  it  work?

If  I  come  back  over  here, this  is  my  Jupyter  Notebook

that  was  given  to  me  by   ChatGPT-4.

Again,  I  know  nothing  about  Python, but I do  know  that  it  gave  me  these  lines.

I  just  go  ahead  and  say, I'm  going  to  import  Pandas

because  I  need  that to  get  my  Excel  file  in.

Then  here  is  that  Fit  Least  Squares. That's  what  I  got  from  the  Formula  Depot.

It  does  that.

I'm  running  each  one  of  these,  by  the  way. Now it  says  go  ahead  and  import.

I'm  going  to  import  an  Excel  file that  has  what  I  want  to  score,

and  that's  going  to  be under  Boston  Housing  data.

It's  new  data  that  I  want  to  score.

Then  here's  this  outdata  thing that  it  told  me  was  my  error.

I  said,  " I'll  do  that."

Then  this  says,  "Hey,  just  let  me  know that  I  brought  in  some  data,"  and  it  does.

Then  now  I'm  going to  go  ahead  and  score  it.

I  go  ahead  and  score  it.

Then  did  it  score? Sure  enough,  it  did.

There's  the  first  five  values  of  it.

Then  I  can  go  ahead  and  save  that, and  we'll  just  call  this  For  Demo.

Maybe  I'll  even  add  100  in  there.

Since  200  is  100, I'll  go  ahead  and  put  that  out.

Then  I'll  say,  "W here  does  that  live?"

Maybe  I'll  see  it  right  here.

Here  it  is. Here's  the  scored  data  Excel  file.

There  are  all  800  or  so predicted  values  from  that  linear  model.

This  is  easy  as  that.

Next  up, what  we  want  to  do  is  set  Andrew  up

to  why  everything is  beautiful  in  this  world.

Coming  back  to  PowerPoint  here, the  scenario  is  this.

It's  that  we  were  working with  a  group  of  doctors  across  the  US,

and  they  wanted  reports for  every  one  of  them

how  productive  they  were  in  2022.

They  thought  that  perhaps they  could  be  more  productive

by  changing  some  of  the  codes   that they use for  certain  procedures.

They  gave  us  millions  of  rows  of  data,

and  we  came  up with  exactly  what  they  asked  for.

We  created  a  template of  10  pages  or  so  of  the  report

with  nice  JMP  graphics  in  there,

and  it  was  virtually  perfect, except  for  one  thing.

The  one  thing  is  that  this  data  table at  the  very  end  that  gave  the  results,

we  couldn't  get  it  sized  properly or  put  the  borders  on  it.

It's  as  simple  as  just  selecting  it and  then  right-clicking  and  do  AutoFit

and  then  hitting the  border  symbol  next  to  it.

That's  what  I  told  Dr.  Jay  right  here.

This  is  for  Dr.  No. You  can  see  his  annual  report.


Andrew  swam  the  English  channel

and  gave  them the  99.8%  solution  to  their  problem,

but  they  weren't  quite  happy.

It  wasn't  until  we  went  and  took the  step  to  make  this  automated.

Again,  this  is  a  two-second  process,

but  because  it  took  that by  100s  of  things,

they  weren't  happy.

But  then  we  ended  up  fixing  that,

and  that's  when  the  customer  said, "This  is  absolutely  beautiful,"

hence  we  have beautiful  operationalization.

With  that, I'm  going  to  turn  it  over  to  Andrew

to  let  you  in  on  a  few  secrets

of  how  you  can  get  some massively  increased  productivity.

Thanks,  Jim.

I'm  Andrew,

and  I'm  going  to  show  you how  we  put  together  this  report.

The  assumption  is  we  have  some  suppliers, and  here  are  our  suppliers.

We've  got  four  different  suppliers,

and  we've  got  some  metrics  that  we  track

in  this  data  set that  we  update  frequently.

We  want  to  be  able to  report  this  to  the  suppliers

so  we  can  track  how  they're  doing

and  have  a  record of  long-term  performance.

What  we'd  like  to  do is  to  get  something  like  this

is we  have  this  template  we  like where  we  have  our  header  up  top,  our  logo.

We  have  in  bold, we've  got  the  company  name.

Then  each  of  these,  we  substitute  in these  calculated  values  from  the  data  set.

The  standard  JMP  functions  of, we  export  a  report  to  Word,

we  get  everything, all  the  outline  boxes  are  open,

but  it  doesn't  have  our  template  function, and we have to  fill  in  the  blanks.

We  can  manually  copy  out  the  pictures, right-click  those  little  gray  triangles,

and  say,  edit  copy  picture

and  get  a  nice  version of  the  pictures  out.

But  it's  still  a  manual  process that  has  to  be  done.

This  little  application  here, I've  got  four  suppliers.

What  if  you  have  400, and  they're  doing  that  once  a  month?

That  becomes  unwieldy.

How  can  we  do  this?

Not  natively  within  JMP  or  JSL.

You  can  get  close  sometimes to  being  on  your  application,

but  a  more  flexible  example

is  to  take  something  like  this where  we  have  a  template  file,

we  write  the  report  once the  way  we  want  it.

Every  time  we  have  something we  want  substituted  in  by  JMP,

we  have  these  double  brackets,

and  we're  going to  put  a  little  keyword  in  there.

In  this  case,  team_p   is going  to  be  the  team  name.

Then  down  here,  I've  got  mill_time_ p with  an  underscore,

and  now, I've  got  that  bold  and  highlighted.

We  put  whatever  format  we  want,

and  anything  we  want  substituted  in, we  just  put  in  brackets.

It's  a  natural  solution, so  it'd  be  great  if  we  get  this  to  work.

Then  also,  in  addition  to  text, we  can  also  do  that  with  pictures.

We've  got  the   q_pic11.

If  we  want  a  JSL  line  of  box  equivalent,

then  we  can  get this  table  structure  within  Word,

and  we  just  put  in  our  keywords where  we  want  to  substitute  things  in.

Also,  we're  going  to  have  a  table at  the  end  that  doesn't  have  a  key,

that  doesn't  have  a  holder  here.

I'll  get  to  that  in  a  second.

Come  back  to  my  journal.

At  the  end,  what  we  want  it  to  look  like, the  intended  document  result,

is  we  also  have  this  table  at  the  end that  goes  through  Tabulate.

We  have  this  nice  color  gradient we  can  put  it  into  JMP,

and  we  want  to  get  this  into  Word.

But  also,  as  Jim  mentioned, we  want  to  AutoF it  this  table

and  we  want  it  to  look  nice,

because  a  lot  of  times, the  tables  don't  fit  automatically.

We  can  go  through  all  the  work and  create  the  tables,

but  if  we  don't  make  them  fit, then  we're  going  to  have  a  lot  of  work

ahead  of  us  to  go  through and  do  that  manually.

It's  not  something we  can  program  natively  within  JMP.

What  can  we  do  is  we  will  have  a  script

that,  and  this  is  shared on  the  Discovery  website,

where  we  can  open  up  the...

We  have  a  reference  for  the  data  table, the  container  data,  and  this  gets  updated.

Every  time  we  run  this to  generate  the  reports,

it  pulls  in  the  new  data.

We  have  the  output  path,

which  is  a  folder  where all  the  temporary  files  get  written  to

that  we  normally  clean  up plus  the  output  reports.

Then  also  template  file,  that  Word  file that  contains  those  keywords.

A ll  the  rest  of  the  script  is  going to  be  going  down  and  calculating

the  individual  values that  gets  substituted  in.

A t  the  end,  we  have  this  Python  script

that  does  the  actual  substitution

and  then  also, auto  fits  and  pulls  in  this  table.

If  you're  saying, "I  don't  know  Python,

I  don't  know  how  applicable this  is  going  to  be  to  me,"

we  don't  know  Python  either, but  we  got  this  to  work  pretty  quick

because  GPT-4 wrote  the  Python  code  for  us.

I'm  going  to  show  you an  example  of  how  we  did  that.

What  this  script  will  do is  we'll  write  the  temporary  files

to  the  output  folder.

For  example,  here's  our  q12  graph, and  the  temporary  files  get  written  here.

The  images  get  written to  the  output  folder.

Then  with  the  static  code  in  Python, it  knows  to  pull  these  files  in.

The  individual  calculations will  be  run  within  JMP,

and  then  saved  within  the  script,

and  then  passed  along to  Python  at  the  end.

Here  we  run  all  of  our  JMP  code.

We  load  any  of  our  values  into  variables.

An  example  of  that  is, here  we  have  a  tabulate  function.

We're  going  to  make  into  data  table.

From  that  data  table,  we're  going  to  take the  mean  mill  time  column

and  take  the  first  entry  in  that  column,

and  then  that's  going to  become  our  mill_ time_ p  variable.

That  is  what  will  get  sent  down in  the  Python  code.

When  we  initiate  Python,

we  tell  it  whatever  variables  we  wanted to  send  over  from  JMP  to  Python.

Here's  that  mill_ time_ p.

That  will  hold  any of  the  mill time  calculations,

and  that  is  what  gets  substituted  in

to  the  mill_time_ underscore  area within  the  template.

I'm  going  to  go  back  to  my  template  file.

Here's  my  mill_time_ p  area. That's  what  gets  substituted  in.

The  intermediate  output from  the  Python  code  for  doing  this

is  the  temp  report.

We  can  see  these  values get  substituted  in.

The  graphs  get  placed  in.

We  get  our  nice  grid  of  graphs.

At  the  end,  we  don't  have  our  table  yet.

The  reason  we  don't  have  our  table  yet

is  because  we  like  the  way  that

if  we  move  a  table  from  JMP using  the  get  as  a  report  to  a  journal

and  then  export  that  journal  to  Word with  Save  MS  Word,

we  like  the  way it  keeps  the  table  structure,

but  we  still  need  the  AutoF it.

What  we  do  is,  in  addition  to  the  report that  gets  written  out  from  the  template,

is  we  also  write  out this  other  temporary  table  file.

We  get  the  table  import.

Here  it  is,  and  what  we  need  to  do

when  we  want  to  automate is  this  AutoF it t o  Window,

and  then  also  reducing the  font  size  where  it  actually  fits.

What  we  need  to  do  is,

after  the  Python  code that  substitutes  out  into  the  template,

what  we  found  is  we  have  to  convert that  DOC  file  created  by  JMP,

convert  it  to  a  DOC  X  file,

and  then  we  have  Python  code that  will  open  up  that  DOC  X  file,

take  the  first  table,

it  will  apply  AutoF it, change  the  font  size  to  7,

and  then  it  will  append  it to  the  original  report  file.

How  did  we  know  to  create  this?

Again,  you  can  copy  what  we've  done. We've  got  this  file  available.

But  how  can  you reproduce  this  for  your  own

and  create  your  own  Python  to  do  this?

I recorded  a  video  of  going  through on  GPT-4,  how  I  did  this,

and  I'm  going  to  show that  now  and  narrate  that.

The  prompt  I  give  is  that  I've  got a  Word  document  that  I  want  to  use.

I'm  so  bad  at  Python.

I'm  going  to  go  ahead and  give  GPT-4  my  actual  path  here

because  I  don't  know how  to  substitute  out  the  backslashes,

and  the  spaces,  and  everything.

I  say,  "G o  to  this  path,  open  it  up,

take  the  first  table  you  see  in  here, and  then  give  me  back  that  table  AutoFit."

It's  going  to  tell  us,  "You  need to  install  this  other  package."

I've  just  got  a  base Ana conda  installation.

You  can  ask  it  for  instructions  and  help.

You  make  sure  you  install  that  package and  then  you'll  be  able  to  run  this  code.

Whenever  it  gives  me  this  thing, the  first  thing  I  noticed  is  it  tells  me,

"Hey,  I'm  going  to  overwrite your  report  file,  be  careful."

I  say,  "No,  I  don't  want  that."

It's  interactive  the  way it  gives  you  the  code.

I  say,  "F ix  this  code.

I  want  to  write  to  a  different  file in  the  same  directory."

It's  going  to  modify  the  code

to  give  me  a  different  output  file in  the  same  directory.

What  I'm  going  to  do is  I  just  copy-paste  this  over  to  Spyder,

which  is  basically the  JSL  editor  for  Python.

It's  the  Python  editor.

I  hit  Run,  I  hit  the  green  arrow,

and  I  get  this  note about,  "There's  an  error."

I  don't  know  what  the  error  means.

I  don't  want  to  spend  time on  Stack  Exchange  or  Stack  Overflow

or  anything  looking  that  up.

I  paste  the  error  back  to  Python,

and  it's  nice  enough  that  it  apologizes and  explains  what  it  did  wrong.

I'm  not  that  worried about  what  it  did  wrong.

I  just  want  something  that  works and  gives  me  my  report.

I'm  going  to  copy- paste the  code  it  gives  me

and  then  go  back  to  the  Spyder,

run  that.

I  get  one  more  error. It  says,  "Table  is  not  subscriptable."

Not  really  sure  what  that  means.

I  tell  GPT-4  about  that. It  apologizes  again.

It  thought  that  the  tables were  zero- based  index.

It  turns  out  it's  one- based.

It  fixes  that.

I'm  going  to  copy  this  code  over.

This  time,  it  runs  without  error.

I  go  to  the  folder  I  specified  to  it, and  here's  the  modified  folder.

Now you  can  see AutoF it's  been  applied  to  this  table.

We  just  made  a  Python  code without  really  knowing  Python.

You  don't  have  to  stop  there.

If  you  have  any  version  of  modification that  you  want  to  give  to  it,

you  can  change  the  font  size.

Here  I'm  going  to  ask  it to  make  it  Wingdings.

Let's  see  if  it  knows  how  to  do  that.

It  gives  me  some  new  code,  and  I  run  it. Yeah, I  can  get  Wingdings  output.

Just  to  make  sure it  didn't  just  give  me  gibberishish,

I'm  going  to  copy  it  all and  make  sure  that  it  translates  back

into  more  easily  readable  text, and  it  does.

That's  what  we're  looking  for.

Not  only  Python,  but  also  Visual  Basic.

Another  thing  that  we  run  into is  we  output  things.

You  might  have  a  500-page  report and  you  want  the  headers  to  look  right

to  header 1 ,  header  2  in  words,

so  that  way you  can  get  a  table  of  contents.

W e  told  GPT-4  is, I'm  going  to  use  these  delimiters.

I'm  going  to  script  these  in to  my  outline  box  titles.

I  get  h1,  close  h1,  h2,  close  h2 for  header  1,  header  2.

I  want  to  substitute  those  in.

When  we  did  that  to  GPT-4,

what  it  gave  us is  it  gave  us  this  macro  file,

which  I'm  going  to  copy  that.

I'm  not  sure  if  it  was  retained in  my  Microsoft  Word.

We'll  find  out. If  not,  I'll  paste  it  in.

You  have  to  enable  this  Developer  tab. That's  a  Word  option.

When  you  do  that,  we  get  this.

We  just  paste  in  our  macro  here, which  was  generated  by  GPT-4.

I  don't  like  programming  in  VBA, but  it's  good  at  it.

When  I  hit  Run  on  this, it  takes  everything,

all  these  headers  and  fills  them  in.

That  way  I  can  go  up  here,  I  could  say,

References,  Table  of  Contents, and  put  on  my  table  of  contents.

If  I  generated  500  page  report,

now  I've  got the  right  structure  for  all  this.

It's  easy  to  go  in  here,  too.

If  you  want  to  add  numbers to  these  headers  and  stuff,

you  just  right-click  in  here, and  you   go  to  Modify,

and  you  can  turn  on that  numbering  structure  if  you  want.

The  last  thing  I'm  going  to  show for  GPT-4,  specifically  for  JSL,

is  you  might  have  noticed in  my  script  back  here,

I'm  really  bad about  commenting  my  script.

I've  got  a  couple  of  comments  in  here.

But  for  the  most  part,  I  don't  have a  lot  of  comments  describing  it.

If  you  have  code,  you  don't  want to  give  anything  proprietary,

but  if  you  give  code  to  GPT-4  or  even  JSL, it'll  add  a  bunch  of  nice  comments  to  you

and  explain  what  each  code  block  is  doing, and  that  way  other  readers  can  see.

Also  for  Python,  if  you  don't  know  Python and  you're taking  a  look  at  our  script

that  we've  provided, and  you're  saying, " What  does  this  do,"

you  can  provide  this  code  to  GPT-4 and  say,  "Explain  this  Python  code  to  me."

It'll  give  you  a  long  narrative  story

and  say,  "Here  is  exactly the  workflow  of  what's  happening.

Here  are  the  key  functions that  are  doing  it."

That's  my  favorite  part.

You  can  say,  "Do  you  have any suggestions  for  this  code?"

It'll  say,

"Y ou  don't  have  any  error  handling. You've  got  some  memory  leak  issues."

It'll  go  through  and  make a  bunch  of  suggestions.

Then  it's  nice  enough  to  go  ahead and  give  you  some  new  code

with  all  the  suggestions  implemented.

With  all  this  in  place,

you  can  go  from  doing all  of  your  calculations  in  JMP

to  actually  getting  this  nice  output  file that  has  the  right  format  you  want.

Everything  looks  nice.

You're  not  going  through making  manual  changes.

With  this  in  place, this  is  what  the  customer  said,

take a  look  at  this  and  said, "This  is  beautiful."

With  that,  we  hope  that you  can  take  this  same  idea

and  go  make  some beautiful  reports  yourself.

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