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Deep Dive: Publishing to JMP Live (2022-US-45MP-1116)

JMP Live is a secure collaboration platform for JMP content. The first step to collaborating is publishing your content to JMP Live. We start with the simple case of publishing a report, and then we dive into the flexibility that is available to you if you need it.


In this presentation, we demonstrate:

  • How to publish and replace reports.
  • How to publish data by itself (so that others can use it in their analyses).
  • How to make use of existing data that's already on JMP Live.
  • How to select (or create) a place to put your published content.
  • How to do all of this with JSL.



Hello.  I'm  Michael  Goff

and  I'm  joined  today   by  Aurora  Tiffany- Davis.

We're  both  software  developers on  the  JMP  Live  team.

For  those  of  you  who  don't  know,  JMP  Live is  a  relatively  new  product  from  JMP.

It  allows  you  to  securely  share   your  JMP  insights  with  your  colleagues ,

even  if  they  don't  use  JMP  themselves.

Additionally,  JMP  Live   enables  collaboration

with  colleagues  who  do  use  JMP.

You  can  view,  talk  about,  build  upon, and  improve  each  other's  JMP  content.

Of  course,  the  first  step  to  collaborating is  getting  your  content  up  to  JMP  Live.

So  today  we're  going  to  focus on  that  publishing  step.

It's  really  straightforward   to  do  most  publishes,

but  we're  going  to  explore  some  of   the  more  advanced  options  today  as  well.

Let's  go  ahead  and  get  started.

All  right,  let's  pull  up  JMP  here.

Go  ahead  and  minimize  this.

All  right,  first  up,  I'm  going to  open  up  a  data  table  here.

This  is  a  data  table   of  college  financial  data

that  I'd  like  to  share  with  my  colleagues.

For  those  who  don't  know,   many  US  universities

participate  in  athletic  events  and  joined  together  into  conferences

for  shared  negotiating  power and  scheduling  stability.

College  athletics  is   a  huge  revenue  generator

for  all  these  US- based  universities.

And  lately,  that  landscape  has  been  changing  significantly.

Various  media  providers   like  ESPN  and  Fox  Sports

have  been  signing  deals  with  these  conferences

to  get  their  games  on  TV.

And  of  course,  once  you   bring  money  into  the  equation,

things  start  to  get  a  little  bit  wacky.

I  have  my  data  set  here.

Let's  go  ahead  and  create a  graph  builder  report.

I  have  one  saved  on  the  table to  save  some  time.

Here's  a  graph  builder.

Each  bar  represents   one  of  these  conferences.

You  can  already  see  that   there's  some  revenue  leaders  here.

We  have  the  SEC  and  the  Big  Ten.

They  have  the  largest  slice  of  the  pie.

And  we  also  have  some  other  major  players: the  PAC-12 the  Big 12,  and  the  ACC.

Our  local  universities  in  this  area   are  all  members  of  the  ACC.

That  would  be  NC  State  University,   UNC,  and  Duke.

One  other  thing  to  note  about  this  graph: this  is  only  the  public  universities.

Private  institutions  don't  have to  share  their  data.

So  this  isn't  quite  a  complete  picture, but  it's  enough  to  get  the  point  across.

Anyway,  I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and   publish  this  and  share  this  with  my  peers.

To  do  that,  all  I  need  to  do  is  hit F ile,   Publish,  and  Publish R eports  to  JMP  Live.

Okay.  We  have  our  intro  screen  here.

We  select  from  available  reports.

I  only  have  one  report  open, and  that's  this  graph  builder.

And  I  want  to  publish  the  new  report.

I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and  hit  Next  here.

The  next  step  is   to  select  a  publish  location

and  we  choose  a  space  to  publish  to.

I'm  going  to  choose  the  Discovery Americas  2022  space  to  begin  with.

S paces  are  a  new  concept  in  JMP  Live  17.

They're  an  organizational  tool  to  help  you keep  your  related  content  together

and  shared  with  the  right  people.

We're  going  to  take   a  little  bit  of  a  closer  look

at  the  rest  of  the  screen   in  a  couple  of  minutes.

I'm  just  going  to  take the  defaults  here  and  move  on.

Next  up  is  the  Configure  Reports  page.

This  is  very  similar  to   the  previous  version  of  JMP  Live.

We  have  our  title,  description, and  some  advanced  options  here  as  well.

I'm  just  going  to  take  the  defaults  here  and  go  ahead  and  publish.

I've  successfully  published  one  report.

I've  published  to  the Discovery  Americas  2022  space.

I've  created  a  new  report,   this  graph  builder  here,

and  some  new  data  as  well, the  College  Finances  table.

We  have  some  options  at  the  bottom.

I  can  choose  to   close  reports  after  running,

or  I  can  save  the  published  script to  the  script  window.

Let's  go  ahead  and  check that  box  and  close  this  window.

Now,  this  is  new  in  JMP  17.

We  have  the  ability   to  automatically  generate  scripts

from  your  interactive  publishes.

Let's  go  over  what  the  script  is  doing.

First,  we  have  our  new   JMP  Live  connection,

and  we're  connecting  to  devl ive 17.

That's  one  of  the  JMP  Live  instances.

Next,  we  create  some  new  JMP  Live  content

and  we  pass  in  some  options  here.

The  first  option  is   passing  in  a  report  from  JMP,

and  to  do  that,  I'm  grabbing the  window  titled  the  Graph  Builder.

Then  we  have  a  bunch   of  default  options  here:

title,  description,  and  a  couple  of  other  advanced  options  that  are  set  for  us

that  we're  going  to   talk  about  in  a  little  bit.

Finally,  we  choose  to  Publish.

We  pass  that  content  in   and  we  choose  the  space  to  publish  to.

We  chose   the  Discovery  Americas  2022  space.

This  here  that  I  have highlighted  is  a  space  key.

Think  of  that  as an  identifier  for  the  space.

I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and  close  this   and  get  this  out  of  the  way.

Then  let's  open  up a  new  data  table  here.

This  is  a  new  data  table, C ollege  Finances  with  New C onference  Affiliations.

As  I  was  saying  earlier,  there's  been a  lot  of  changes  to  the  landscape  lately.

Schools  have  been  changing  which  conference  they're  affiliated  with,

and  it's  all  about  the  money.

Let's  go  ahead  and  open  up  that  graph  builder  again.

Here's  a  graph  builder   with  the  new  conference  alignments

from  some  of  our  schools.

You  can  see  here,   this  is  a  case  of  the  rich  getting  richer.

We  have  the  SEC  and  the  Big  Ten  pulling  away  from  the  other  conferences.

And  it  came  at  a  cost   to  the   Pac-12  and  the  Big  12.

They've  lost  some  of  their  major  financial players  to  these  other  conferences.

Let's  go  ahead  and  share   this  one  up  to  JMP  Live  as  well.

Again,  we're  going  to  hit  File,  Publish,

and  we're  going  to   Publish  Reports  to  JMP  Live.

All  right.  We  can  select from  available  reports  again.

I  have  just  my  graph  builder  here and  I'm  going  to  publish  new  again.

Let's  go  ahead  and  hit  Next.

Next,  we  still  have  our Discovery  Americas  2022  space,

that  I  selected  previously.

But  this  time  I'm  going  to  do a  little  bit  of  organizing.

In  JMP  Live  17,  we've  created the  concept  of  hierarchical  folders.

We  have  a  folder  here  inside  of  our  space, Deep  Dive:  Publishing to J MP  Live ,

that's  the  name  of  our  talk.

We're  going  to  be  publishing all  of  our  stuff  into  this  folder.

But  I  want  to  keep  things a  little  bit  more  organized.

So  I'm  going  to  create another  folder  within.

I'm  going  to  call  this  College  Finances.

I've  created  the  College  Finances folder  inside  of  our  talk  folder,

and  all  of  this  is  contained  within the  Discovery  Americas  2022  space.

I  think  this  all  looks  good.

I'm  going  to  go  ahead and  hit  Next  to  move  on.

We're  back  on  the  Configure  Post  page.

I'm  going  to  go  ahead and  name  this  something  else.

Let's  call  it  New  Conferences.

I  think  I'd  like  a  visual  aid to  help  communicate  the  absurdity

of  some  of  these  college  landscape  changes.

To  do  that,  I'm  going  to  add  an  image.

I'm  going  to  choose  this image  here,  the  Big  ten  map.

This  is  just  a  map  of   the  geographic  locations

of  the  members  of  the  Big  Ten  conference.

Historically,  they've  been  a  sort  of   Midwestern  conference  up  here,

but  recently  they've  added  two  new  members,  UCLA

and  the  University  of  Southern  California,

both  over  here  on   the  West  Coast  in  California.

Now  this  doesn't  really  make  sense  as  a  geographic  pairing,

but  it's  all  about  the  money.

So  they've  joined  up  to  get some  of  that  TV  money.

Let  me  go  ahead  and  add  this, and  let's  name  this  something  else,

Big  Ten  Map.

I  think  I  want  to  reorder this  image  to  be  upfront

in  front  of  my  report.

To  do  that,  I  can  just click  it  and  drag  it

and  pick  it  up  and  move  it  up  to  the  top.

We  can  drag  and  drop   all  of  our  reports  in  a  single  publish

to  order  them  in  any  way  we'd  like.

I  think  this  looks  great, so  I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and  publish.


I've  successfully  published  two  reports.

I've  published  to   the  College  Finances  folder,

and  that's  within our  Discovery  Americas  space.

This  time  I've  created  two  new  reports:

our  New  Conferences  graph  builder and  our  Big  Ten  Map  image.

Finally,  I've  created   another  new  data  table,

the  New  Conference A lignments  table  here.

Let's  go  ahead  and  take  a  look at  this  folder  in  JMP  Live.

I'm  going to  go  ahead  and  click  this  link here  to  the  College  Finances  folder.

We've  opened  up  JMP  Live  now.

We're  in  our Discovery  Americas  2022  space.

We  are  in  our  College  Finances  folder, and  there's  our  two  reports.

Now,  if  you  remember   the  first  publish  I  did,

I  just  took  the  defaults  on  everything

and  put  that  thing in  the  root  of  the  space  here.

So  if  I  JMP  over  to  the  root, there's  my  first  report,

along  with  some  pictures  of  some  of  our  presenters.

I   want  to  move  this  report into  the  College  Finances  folder

to  keep  things  organized.

To  do  that,  I'm  going  to  jump  over  to  the  Files view  here.

I'm  going  to  select   both  the  report  and  the  data,

and  then  I'm  going  to  hit   the  Move  posts  button  over  here.

When  I  do  that,  I  have   the  root  of  the  space  preselected  for  me

because  that's  where we're  currently  located.

But  I'd  like  to  move  this into  the  College  Finances  folder.

Again,  we're  going  from  the  root  of  the  space  here,

and  then  we're  moving  a  couple  of  levels  down  into  the  College  Finances  folder.

So  when  I  hit  move, the  data  and  report  disappear,

and  if  I  click  over   to  the  College  Finances,

we  see  they've  shown  up  here.

If  I  go  back  to  the  Reports  tab, I  have  my  three  reports  ready  to  go.

With  that,  I'm  going  to   pass  things  over  to  Aurora

to  take  a  look  at  some  more publishing  scenarios.

Thank  you,  Michael.

Well,  while  Michael  was   looking  at  College  Finances,

I've  been  reviewing   some  internal  data  that  we  have

on  the  development  of  the software  for  JMP  Live  version  17.

Every  row  of  this  data  table  contains  a  brief  description

of  a  code  change  that  one  of  us  made.

I've  done  some  really  basic  text  analysis.

First,  I  have  just  a  word  cloud. "What  are  developers  talking  about?"

During  the  development  of  the  software for  JMP Live  version  17,

we've  been  talking   an  awful  lot  about  data,

and  we've  also  been  talking an  awful  lot  about  collaboration  spaces.

But  every  developer  on  the  JMP Live  team has  had  a  slightly  different  focus.

For  example,  Aaron  has  been  talking a  lot  about  downloading  projects.

I've  been  talking  a  lot  about  access,   in  other  words,  collaboration  permissions.

Chris  has  been  talking  a  lot about  user  groups  and  so  on.

I  think  my  coworkers  might  find  this  interesting,

so  I'd  like  to  publish  this  to  JMP  Live.

So  I'll  go  to  File,  Publish, Publish  Reports  to  JMP  Live.

And  of  course,  the  first  choice  I  have  is

among  those  reports   that  are  currently  open,

which  ones  do  I  want  to  publish?

I  would  like  both  of  them.

I  need  to  pick  a  space  to  put  that  in.

Just  like  Michael,  I'll  pick the  Discovery A mericas  2022  space

the  Deep  Dive  folder,  and  I  see  there's a  College  Finances  folder  within,

but  that's  not  really  good  for  my  reports,

so  I'm  going  to  just  create  a  new  one on  the  fly  here,  Software  Insights.

Now,  Michael  has  shown  you   how  simple  publishing  can  be,

but  we  do  also  want  to  show  you   some  of  the  more  advanced  options

that  are  available  in  case  you  need  them.

One  of  these  advanced options  is  publish  data.

By  default,  this  is  true

because  the  normal  thing  to  do  is  to  publish  not  only  your  reports,

but  also  the  data   that  those  reports  rely  upon.

The  reason  that's   the  normal  thing  to  do  is:

first,  if  you  want  your  reports to  still  be  interactive  on  JMP  Live,

you've  got  to  publish  the  data,

because  the  data  is  what drives  that  interactivity.

For  example,  column  switchers, local  data  filters,  stuff  like  that.

In  my  case,  I  don't really  care  about  that.

These  are  just  word  clouds.

I  don't  need  them to  really  be  interactive.

The  second  reason  why  it's  a  normal  thing  to  do  to  publish  your  data

is  maybe  you  want  to  update   that  data  later  on.

When  you  do  that,  you  want   your  reports  to  automatically  regenerate

to  reflect  that  latest  information.

I  don't  care  about  that.

I  just  want  these  word  clouds to  be  like  a  snapshot  in  time.

The  third  reason  that  it's  the  normal thing  to  do  to  publish  your  data

is  maybe  you  would  like  your  colleagues  to  be  able  to  download  your  data

so  that  they  can  also  run  analyses  on  it,

create  some  new  reports,   that  kind  of  thing.

Let's  say,  I  don't  care  about  that  either.

So  there's  really  just  no  reason for  me  to  publish  my  data.

I'm  going  to  turn  this option  off  for  both  reports.

Another  reason  you  might  choose  to  turn this  option  off  and  not  publish  your  data,

although  this  isn't  applicable  in  my  case,

is  maybe  your  data   is  just  extraordinarily  large

and  you  don't  want  to  wait  for  it   to  be  uploaded  to  JMP  Live.

On  the  other  hand,

if  you're  perfectly  fine   with  uploading  your  data  to  JMP  Live,

you  just  don't  want  anybody else  to  be  able  to  download  it.

In  a  case  like  that,

you  would  just  come  down   and  uncheck  this  checkbox  that  says

"Allow  data  and  scripts  to  be  downloaded".

But  in  my  case,  I  just  don't want  to  publish  the  data  at  all.

So I'm  happy  with  what  I've  set  up  here, and  I'm  going  to  click  Publish.

We  can  see  here  that  we've  published to  the  Software  Insights  folder

two  new  reports,  and  it  doesn't say  anything  about  data.

That's  because  neither  of  these new  reports  use  data  at  all.

They're  just  static  reports.

If  we  want  to  confirm  that,

we  can  follow  the  link  by  clicking on  either  one  of  these  reports.

That  will  open  up  JMP  Live  and  take  us   directly  to  the  newly  published  report.

We'll  click  on  the  Details  to  open  the  Details  pane.

Scroll  down  to  the  Data  section,   and  we  can  confirm.

Yes,  zero  data  sources are  used  by  this  report.

Back  in  JMP,

I'd  like  to  show  you  the  published  script that's  been  generated  for  us

based  on  the  choices  we've  made, just  like  Michael  did.

This  JSL  looks  pretty  similar  to  the  JSL that  Michael  showed  you  a  moment  ago.

You're  creating  some  new  JMP  Live  content. You're  publishing  that  content.

In  my  case,   I'm  publishing  directly  to  a  folder.

I  think  the  JSL  you  saw  before   was  publishing  just  directly  to  a  space.

And  there's  one  option, of  course,  that's  different,

where  I  said,  "Publish  data?  No,  thanks."

I  wonder  if  Michael  has  also  been  thinking about  his  data  and  how  best  to  use  it.

Yeah, so  let's  go  ahead  and  look  at  JMP.

I  have  a  data  table  here.

This  is  a  data  set  of  the   New  York  Times puzzle  game,   Spelling  Bee .

Lately,  I've  been  really  into   Wordle ,

but  the   New  York  Times   Spelling B ee  game  is  a  new  one  for  me.

I'm  not  quite  sure   what  I  want  to  do  with  this  data,

but  I  know  Aurora  really enjoys  playing  these  puzzle  games,

so  I'm  going  to  publish   this  data  set  for  her  to  explore.

Now,  in  prior  versions  of  JMP  Live,

to  get  your  data  up  to  JMP  Live, you  had  to  publish  reports  along  with  it.

But  in  version  17,  we've  been  prioritizing  data  a  little  bit  more,

making  it  more  of  a  first- class  citizen.

So  I  can  publish  this  data  by  itself.

To  do  that,  I'm  going  to  hit  File, Publish,  and  Publish  Data  to  JMP  Live.

Okay,  I  have  my  data  here.

I  have  a  list  of  data.

I  only  have  one  data  table  open,   the  New  York  Times  Bee  data,

and  I  want  to  publish a  new  data  table  here.

Just  like  Reports,  we  choose  a  space and  a  folder  within  to  publish  to.

In  this  case,  I  want  to  create  another new  folder  for  this  new  type  of  data.

I'm  going  to  call  this  Spelling  Bee.

Okay. I'm  going  to  create  that.

We  have  our  space  in  our  folder.

But  unlike  reports,   when  you're  publishing  data,

there's  not  much  more  configuration.

So  I  can  just  go  ahead and  immediately  publish  right  now.

I'm  going  to  hit  Publish.

I've  created   the  New  York  Times  Bee  data  table,

and  I've  published  it  to  the Spelling  Bee  folder  within  our  space.

Let's  see  what  Aurora is  going  to  do  with  this  data.

I've  heard  a  rumor  that  Michael   has  published  some  data

about  the  Spelling  Bee  puzzle.

I  like  to  play  that. So  I  want  to  take  a  look  at  this  data.

I'm  browsing  around  on  my  organization's JMP  Live  site,  and  I'm  on  the  home  page.

But  the  home  page   really  shows  you  just  reports,

because  reports  is  what  most  people  want  to  see  most  of  the  time.

I  just  want  to  find  some  data.

So  I'm  going  to  use  the  search  field  up  here  in  this  blue  navigation  bar,

and  I'm  going  to  hope  that  Michael has  named  his  data  table  well.

I'm  going  to  see  if  I  can  search for  it  just  by  typing  in  the  word   bee .

Great.  There  it  is,  "nytbee".

But  maybe,  what  if  Michael  was  having  a  bad  day,

and  he  wasn't  thinking  about  how  to  make  his  data  easily  findable

and  he  called  it  just   cool  data  or  something.

Well,  in  that  case, I  could  just  search  for  Michael.

Let  me  search  for   his  last  name  here,  Goff.

There  he  is.  Michael  Goff.

I  can  open  his  profile  page.

This  is  going  to  show  me  all of  the  reports  that  Michael  has  published,

at  least  those  reports that  I'm  allowed  to  see.

Under  this  Reports  tab, there's  a  Data  tab.

This  shows  me  all  of  the  data

that  Michael  has  published that  I'm  allowed  to  see.

And  there  it  is,  "nytbee".

However  you  find  it, once  you  find  it,  click  on  it.

That  will  open  the  data  post.

Okay,   I  can  see  that   there  is  some  data  called  "nytbee"

and  it  was  published   a  minute  ago  by  Michael  Goff

and  it's  not  used  by  any  reports  yet.

But  is  it  actually  useful  data  for  me?

I  don't  really  know.

It's  possible  that  this  data  is  just   humongous

and  so  maybe  I  don't  want to  take  the  time  to  download  it

just  to  find  out  that  that's  not  what  I  want  after  all.

So  I'm  going  to  use  this   View D ata  feature  to  get  a  sneak  peek

at  the  shape  of  the  data and  see  what's  in  there,

see  if  it's  useful  to  me.

It  looks  like  it's  got   a  bunch  of  information  for  every  day

that  a  new  puzzle  came  out.

Some  of  this  looks  like  not  super  helpful, so  let  me  get  that   out  of  the  way.

All  right.  Oh,  cool.

It  looks  like  for  every  date,  we  have the  letters  that  were  used  in  the  puzzle,

stuff  like  the  maximum  score  you  could  achieve,

the  number  of  pan grams.

The pan gram  is  the  number of  solutions  that  there  are

that  use  all  of  the  letters  in  the  puzzle.

These  are  few  and  far  between.

It's  what  makes  it  really exciting  when  you  get  one.

This  is  definitely  data  I  want  to  analyze.

So  I  need  to  get  it  from  JMP  Live down  to  my  local  machine.

I  can  do  that  by  going  to  the  menu and  clicking  Download  data  table,

or  because  I  already  have  a  connection  set  up  between  JMP  on  my  machine

and  my  organization's  JMP  Live  site,   I  can  use  a  shortcut  called  Open  in  JMP.

What  this  is  going  to  do,

it's  just  going  to  download  it   in  the  background  for  me

and  then  open  it  for  me  in  JMP.

There  we  go.

This  has  opened  this  for  me in JMP  on  my  machine.

To  save  some  time  in  the  demo, we  have  some  analyses  ready  to  run.

We've  got  Number  of  Pan grams  versus  Date.

There  are  very  few  pan grams,  typically.

Distribution  of  Letters,   not  too  surprising.

Q  is  not  a  very  common  letter   to  see  in  this  puzzle,

but  A  is  a  very  common  letter.

And  some  difficulty  metrics.

So  what's  the  maximum   score  you  can  achieve

and  what  is  the  maximum   number  of  words  you  can  make

based  on  what  letter   you're  required  to  use.

So  if  you're  required  to  use  Z   in  all  of  your  solutions,

you're  pretty  darn  constrained   on  the  maximum  score  that  you  can  achieve.

I  like  to  get  these   reports  up  to  JMP  Live.

So  I'll  go  to  File, P ublish,   Publish  Reports  to  JMP  Live.

As  always,  I  need  to  choose  among   those  reports  that  are  currently  open

which  ones  do  I  want  to  publish?

I  want  all  of  them.

Then,  of  course,  I  need to  choose  where  to  put  it.

Spelling  Bee,  obviously.

Now,  remember  when  I  told  you  earlier that  the  normal  thing  to  do

is  to  publish  not  only  your  reports,

but  also  the  data  that   those  reports  rely  upon?

But  in  this  case,  I  don't  want   to  publish  the  data  up  to  JMP  Live

because  I  know  it's  already  on  JMP Live.

I  mean,  I  just  downloaded  it.

But  I  also  don't  want  to  say,  "Don't  use  data,"

because  then  my  reports   would  be  non-interactive.

They'll  just  be  static.

What  I  want  to  do  is  I  want  to  say, "Please  publish  these  reports,

but  make  them  use   the  data  that's  already  up  there."

To  do  that,  I  click  on  Data  Options

and  I  switch  from  Publish  new  data to  Select  existing  data.

Of  course,  the  next  question  is,  "What  data  do  you  want  me  to  use?"

I  click  in  there  and  it  makes a  recommendation  to  me.

That's  because  the  software  recognizes that  I  just  downloaded  this  from  JMP  Live

and  then  made  some  reports  with  it.

This  is  probably  the  JMP Live  data   that  I  want  to  use.

In  my  case,   that's  a  great  recommendation.

That's  exactly  the  data  I  want  to  use.

But  if  I  didn't  get  a  good  recommendation,

I  can  always  just  start  typing  in  this  field,

and  it  will  show  me  data  tables  up  on JMP  Live  that  match  what  I've  typed  in.

Once  I  find  the  data  on  JMP  Live   that  I  want  these  new  reports  to  use,

I  just  save  that  option  and  click  Publish.

We  can  see  here  that  we've  published   to  the  Spelling  Bee folder

three  new  reports   and  zero  new  data  tables.

Hopefully,  that's  because  these  new  reports

are  successfully  using Michael's  existing  data.

If  we  need  to  confirm  that  we  can  just click  on  any  one  of  these  reports,

it'll  open  that  newly  published report  in  JMP  Live.

Go  to  the  Details  pane, scroll  down  to  the  Data  section,

and  sure  enough,   one  data  source  is  used  by  this  report,

and  it's  the  "nytbee"  table  that  was  published  by  Michael  six  minutes  ago.

I'm  going  to  follow  this  link,

open  the  data  post.

Here,  we  can  just  double- check  that, yes,  it's  not  only  this  report,

but  it's  all  three  of  the  reports  I  just  published

are  now  successfully associated  with  Michael's  data.

Let's  go  back  to  JMP

and  again  show  you  the  published  script  that  was  generated

from  the  choices  that  we  made.

These  are  probably  looking very  familiar  to  you  by  now.

In  this  case,  we  have   three  new  pieces  of  JMP  Live  content

for  these  three  reports.

We  are  publishing  them  to  a  folder.

Here  we're  exercising  a  new  option,   Use E xisting  Data

that's  already  on  JMP  Live.

Since  I  am  using  Michael's  data,

I'd  like  to  let  him  know how  useful  it  was  to  me.

Back  on  JMP  Live, I'm  going  to  click  on  Comments  here.

Just  let  Michael  know  that  I  found  this  to  be  really  interesting  stuff,

"I have done some  basic  analysis. Let  me  know  what  you  think."

Let's  see  what  Michael  thinks  of  that.

Okay.  I'm  back  on  JMP  Live  here, and  I  just  got  a  notification.

It  looks  like  Aurora  has left  a  comment  on  my  data.

If  I  go  over  here   and  check  out  her  comment,

looks  like  she  thinks it's  really  interesting.

And  look  at  that.

She's  created  some  reports to  go  with  that  data.

Let's  jump  over  to  the  folder  and   take  a  look  at  everything  together.

I  have  the  Spelling  Bee  folder  here, Aurora's  three  reports.

If I  go  to  the  Files  tab, I  can  see  my  data  table  here  as  well.

Let's  go  ahead  and  open  this  entire folder  up  in  JMP  and  take  a  look  at  it.

Just  like  Aurora  did  with  her  data  table,

I  can  open  a  folder   in JMP using  the  Open  in  JMP  button.

I'm  going  to  get  a  couple of  warnings  here.

This  is  saying  that  it's  going  to  open  JMP.

That's  okay.

I'm  also  going  to  get  a  warning  that   this  is  downloaded  from  the  Internet.

This  is  a  Mac  thing.

Let's  go  ahead  and  open.

Here  I  have  a  JMP  project.

If  you  want  to  learn  a  little  bit  more about  how  JMP  projects  work  with  JMP  Live,

you  can  tune  into  Aurora's  other  talk   with  Erin  Anderson  about  JMP  projects.

For  now,  I'm  just  going  to  go over  things  really  quickly  here.

First,  we  have  a  journal.

This  is  a  manifest  of  the  files that  were  included  with  this  project.

Of  course,  that's  going  to  be  the  reports that  Aurora  just  talked  about,

our  difficulty  metrics,  our  pan grams, and  the  distribution  of  letters.

I'm  looking  at  this  distribution  of  letters,

and  I  think  there's  an  enhancement  we  can  make  to  this  report.

I  think  it'd  be  interesting  to  look  at

just  the  vowels  and   just  the  consonants  together

to   get  a  better  comparison  of  the  two.

To  do  that,  we  need  to  add   a  new  column  to  the  table

to  identify  which  is  a  vowel  and  which  is  a  consonant.

Let's  go  ahead  and  open the  New  York  Times  table  here.

I  can  hit  the  red  triangle  menu  and  add  a  column.

Let's  go  ahead  and  name  this  Vowel.

Okay,  that  looks  good.

And  let's  create  a  formula  here.

I  already  know  what I'm  going  to  type  here.

I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and  type  this  out, and  then  we  can  talk  about  it.

If contains a, e, i, o, u…

Okay.  What  this  is  saying  is  if

the  letter  is  contained  within  the  set of  vowels  here,  that  means  it's  a  vowel.

Otherwise,  it's  just  a  consonant.

Hit  OK  here.

And  I've  created  my  new  column.

This  looks  great.

Let's  JMP  back  over to  the  distribution  of  letters

and  add  a  local  data  filter.

So  I  can  hit  the  red  triangle  menu,   hit Local  Data  Filter.

Here's  a  list  of  columns  to  choose  from.

I'm  going  to  choose  my  Vowel  column,

and  I'm  going  to  go  ahead and  display  this  as  a  list.

So  now  if  I  select  consonant, I  can  see  only  the  consonants.

If  I  select  vowels,  I  see  the  vowels.

This  looks  great.

I  want  to  go  ahead  and  update  this  report   on  JMP  Live  with  this  new  enhancement.

To  do  that,  I  can  do  a  replace.

To  replace  this  report,  I  go  to  File, Publish,  and  Publish  Reports  to  JMP  Live.

This  time,  I  have  a  list of  three  different  reports.

These  are  the  reports  that  Aurora  created.

They're  coming  out  of  the  project.

Since  I  had  the  distribution  focused, it's  already  preselected  for  me.

And  instead  of  publish  new,

I  want  to  replace   an  existing  post  this  time.

Let's  hit  Next.

When  you  replace  a  report,

you  need  to  find  the  report that  you'd  like  to  replace.

I  hit  this  drop- down  here  and  I  see that  distribution  of  letters  already.

I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and  select  that.

This  is  Aurora's  distribution  here.

I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and  modify  the  title and  save  with  Local  Data  Filter.

I  think  everything  else  looks  good  here, so  I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and  move  on.

Next  up  is  the  Match  Data  step.

You  have  to  match   the  data   that's  on  the  existing  report  in  JMP  Live

to  the  data  you  have  locally.

In  this  case,  there's  only  one  table, the  New  York  Times  Bee  table.

I  have  three  options  here.

I  can  choose  to  publish  new  data,

that  would  create   a  new  copy  of  the  data  table

for  use  only  with  this  report.

I  can  choose  to  use   the  existing  data  on  JMP  Live,

or  I  can  choose  to  update  that  data.

In  this  case,  I  want  to  update  the  data  since  we  added  a  new  column.

When  I  choose  update  here,

I  get  a  warning  that  updating will  affect  two  other  reports.

That  would  be  the  other  reports  that Aurora  created  that's  using  this  data.

In  this  case,  I  know  that's  okay   because  I'm  just  adding  a  new  column  here.

That  won't  affect   the  other  visualizations.

Everything  else  here  looks  great, so  I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and  hit  Replace.

I've  successfully  replaced the  Distribution  of  Letters

with  Distribution  of  Letters with  Local  Data  Filter,

and  we've  also  updated  the  data  here.

I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and  hit the  script  button  here

and  close  the  window,

and  let's  take  a  look  at  this  script.

Just  like  before  we're  creating that  connection,  the  content,

grabbing  that  window, and  all  these  options.

The  difference  is  here, instead  of  publish,  I'm  going  to  replace.

To  replace,  I  pass  in  that  content,

I  have  to  specify  which  report I'd  like  to  replace.

I  did  that  interactively,  but  this is  the  ID  of  that  report  I  selected.

Finally,  I  have  an  option of  what  to  do  with  that  data.

I'm  choosing  to  update  that  existing  data.

So  I'm  identifying  that  data  by  its  ID,

and  I'm  updating  it  with the  New  York  Times  Bee  table  data  here.

Let's  see  what  Aurora  thinks of  my  new  update  to  her  report.

Thank  you,  Michael.

All  right.  I've  seen  that  Michael has  made  an  improvement  to  this  report.

He's  put  a  local  data  filter  on  here.

It  looks  like  if  I  select   both  vowels  and  consonants,

then  basically  this  is  the  same   report  that  I  published  initially.

So  I  haven't  really  lost  anything. I've  only  gained  in  interactivity.

I  think  this  is  going  to  be  great   for  me,  for  Michael,

and  for  anybody  else   who  might  look  at  this  report,

including  people  who  don't  even  use  JMP.

They  can  still use  this  interactive  feature.

So  I  think  that's  fantastic.

I  love  this  improvement,

and  I'm  going  to  comment  and   let  Michael  know  that  I  love  it.

"Love  the  new  data  filter.  Thanks."

But  why  is  it  that  Michael  was  allowed to  improve  and  replace  my  report?

Should  I  be  worried  about  that?

No,  it's  simply  because  I  published  this  report  to  a  collaboration  space,

Discovery  Americas  2022,   where  Michael i s  a  key  contributor.

To  show  you  more  about  what  I  mean,

I'm  going  to  switch  over  to  a  browser where  I'm  logged  in  as  an  administrator.

As  an  administrator,  I  have  access to  this  Permissions  tab  in  the  space.

In  this  Permissions  tab,

I  can  turn  on  and  off   collaboration  permissions

for  different  individual  users   and  for  groups  of  users.

So y ou  can  see  here  that  the  administrator

has  given  Michael   replace  permission  on  this  space.

When  your  JMP  Live  admin  creates  a  new  space  for  your  organization,

they're  the  only  ones   with  access  to  that  space,

then  they  have  to  turn  on  collaboration  permissions  for  other  people.

So  if  one  of  your  co  workers  has collaboration  permission  on  a  space,

it's  because  an  admin  trusts  them to  use  that  responsibility  wisely.

While  I've  been   going  on  about  collaboration,

I  think  that  Michael  has  been  looking  at  all  of  the  pieces  of  JSL

that  we've  been  generating throughout  this  demonstration.

Let's  see  where  he's  at  with  that.

Yes,  that's  right.

Let's  go  ahead  and  look  at  JMP  here.

Let me get  some  stuff  out  of  the  way,

and  open  up  this  script   that  I've  been  working  on.

I've  taken  all  of  our  scripts  that  were generated  by  our  interactive  publishes,

and  I've  put  them  together   into  this  one  script

to  recreate  our  entire  demo  in  one  go.

Let's  go  ahead  and  take  a  look at  what  this  script  is  doing.

First,  we're  creating   a  new  JMP  Live  connection  here

to  our  instance  that  we're  publishing  to,

followed  by  saving  off   some  variables  to  use  later.

I  have  the  space  key  here  for   the  Discovery  Americas  2022  space.

We're  going  to  use  that  for  our  publishes,

and  I  have  a  path to  all  of  our  data  here  as  well.

First,  I  need  to  recreate  that  folder structure  that  we  created  interactively.

To  do  that,  I'm  going  to  use some  of  the  JMP  Live  JSL  here,

Create  Folder.

The  first  folder  I'm  going  to  create  is  that  container  folder,

our  Deep  Dive:  Publish,

but  this  is  our  script  version.

I'm  publishing  this   to  our  space  using  the  space  key.

When  I  create  that  folder,

I'm  going  to  go  ahead  and  save  off that  ID  of  the  folder  to  use  later.

Next,  I'm  going  to  create   the  three  subfolders:

the  College  Finances  folder, the  Software  Insights  folder,

and  the  Spelling  Bee  Puzzle  folder.

I'm  going  to  use the  folder  ID  to  create  them.

I  pass  the  folder  ID  in  here,

and  that  makes  this  folder  here a  child  of  the  parent  folder  there.

So  I've  got  those  folders  created,

and  of  course,  I'm  also   saving  off  these  IDs  as  well

to  use  later  in  my  Publish  operations.

Next,  I'm  opening  up   data  tables  and  running  reports.

I've  opened  up   the  College  Finances  folder  here.

I'm  running  that  table  script  to  create  a  report.

And  here's  that  first  section of  interactive  Publish  code  here.

I'm  creating  that  new   JMP  Live  content  like  before,

taking  all  the  defaults   and  calling  Publish.

The  only  edit  I've  made  here   is  I've  substituted  out  the  ID

with  the  ID  of  the  folder   I  just  created  above.

Next,  I'm  going  to  create   the  new  conference  alignments  table,

run  that  script,   and  then  create  that  content.

Do  the  same  thing  I  did  before to  that  college  folder  ID.

Next,  I'm  going  to  get  Aurora's word  cloud  data  table  and  reports.

I'm  opening  that  table, writing  the  scripts,

and  just  like  Aurora  showed, we're  creating  that  new  JMP  Live  content,

and  we're  not  publishing  the  data  here so  publish  data  is  zero.

A gain,  we're  publishing,

and  I'm  passing  in   the  word  cloud  folder I D  here.

We're  putting  that  in  our new  folder  we  created.

Then  I'm  going  to  create that  New  York  Times  Bee  data  table

and  three  more  reports,   get  those  opened  up.

Then  we're  going  to  create   that  new  JMP  Live  content.

Finally,  publish  all  that  up   to  JMP  Live  to  the  bee  folder  ID.

If  you  remember,  I  did  some  edits to  that  report  after  we  published  it.

I'm  going  to  save  off the  published  results  here.

This  is  just  a  list  of  the created  reports  and  data.

I  want  to  iterate   through  this  list  of  posts

to  identify  the  report  called Distribution  of Letters  and  also  the  data.

Then  I'm  going  to  save  off  these  IDs.

I  have  my  report  ID  and  my  data  ID.

I'm  saving  these  off  so  I  can replace  that  post  in  a  second.

Next,  we're  going  to  create   that  new Vowel  column  that  I  created

and  also  add  that  Local  Data  Filter.

Then  finally,  we're  doing that  last  Replace  operation.

We're  creating  that  new  JMP  Live  content, and  then  we're  calling  Replace.

We're  passing  the  content  into  Replace.

We're  identifying  the  report   we'd  like  to  replace  with  that  report  ID.

Then  we're  identifying  the  data   we  want  to  update  with  that  data  ID  here.

Then  finally,  we're  closing   everything  to  clean  it  up

and  opening  up  the  web  browser  to  the  folder  here.

Let's  go  ahead  and  run  this  script.

We're  getting  started  here.

Michael,  I  noticed  that  a  semicolon is  selected  with  your  cursor.

-Is  it  possible  that  it's  running? -Yes.

Thank  you.

There  we  go.

Now  we  have  our  report  opening,   our  second  report,

Aurora's word  clouds,

the  New  York  Times  Bee  table, and  the  script  here,

and  there's  our  folder.

We  created  that  folder  on  JMP  Live.

Here's  the  script  version, our  Spelling  Bee  Puzzle  report,

Software  Development  Insights with  the  word  clouds,

and  our C ollege  Finance  reports.

With  that,  that  about  wraps  up  our  demo for  publishing  to  JMP  Live  in  JMP  17.

Be  sure  to  check  out   our  other  talks  on  JMP  Live.

We  have  a  general  updates  talk, a  talk  on  using  projects  with  JMP  Live

and  a  talk  on  our  biggest  feature in  JMP  Live  17,  refreshable  data.

Thanks  again  for  joining  us  today.