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  • Formatting numbers in a loop


    I'm formatting decimal numbers in a loop, and it works on the first row but the 2nd row and thereafter it throws a type error

    for each row(my_data, :my_col = Format( :my_col, "Fixed Dec", 16, 3, "Use thousands separator"); );Error: <Column "my_col" changed to type Character to match formula.>

    First row everything formats fine but I can't seem to figure out why it fails after.


    aharro aharro
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2024 3:04 PM
    610 views | 3 replies
  • JMP14 How can i import multi excel files with defined sheet?

    Dear Allthere is a function of JMP14 which can import multi excel files together and stack them automatically.But it also choose the first sheet in excel file, can i define the sheet in the excel which include more than one sheet?thanks!

    juna1 juna1
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2024 2:50 PM
    14928 views | 12 replies
  • Copying selected cells from one column and pasting them into selected cells in another column

    Hello, I am a JSL beginner. I need to learn how to move a block of cells in one column to a different location in a different, newly created column.  In this case, on top of this new column. Specifically, I need to select a set of cells in column THK marked as PRE in a separate PRE/POST column, and paste them on top of a new column marked THK PRE. It is somewhat similar to the Split Column functio...

    BladeRunner BladeRunner
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2024 1:07 PM
    2297 views | 6 replies
  • JMP 18 python pptx import not seeming to work

    Hi all,  My company has just got the JMP 18 license and the PowerPoint automation is not working anymore due to the dependencies. From JMP documentation I have understood that python is now an integrated version in which case dependencies have to be installed through jmputils. Below is the code I have so far for the imports the powerpoint used to use. I am still getting the same error even with th...

    neelsrejan neelsrejan
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2024 12:44 PM
    1708 views | 5 replies
  • Sample Size and power for defect counts

    JMP version 17.2.0We manufacture small units and mount 300 units on each assembly. Each assembly is tested, and we determine the number of defective units per assembly. We have records of 20 assemblies, and we know the number of defective units found in each of the 20 assemblies. A process change is considered, and we wish to determine whether the change reduces the defects per assembly significan...

    MichaelR1 MichaelR1
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2024 8:46 AM
    880 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Formatting numbers in a loop


    I'm formatting decimal numbers in a loop, and it works on the first row but the 2nd row and thereafter it throws a type error

    for each row(my_data, :my_col = Format( :my_col, "Fixed Dec", 16, 3, "Use thousands separator"); );Error: <Column "my_col" changed to type Character to match formula.>

    First row everything formats fine but I can't seem to figure out why it fails after.


    aharro aharro
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2024 3:04 PM
    610 views | 3 replies
  • How do I compare mean mortality rates?

    I performed an experiment in which I subjected a few groups of insects to different treatments and then observed how long they survived. I want to see if there is a significant difference in the times it took for each group to reach 50% mortality. I was told a wilcoxon test is the best way to do this. I already have survival curves, I just don't know how to compare the means. How do I approach thi...

    DeepModeSteer94 DeepModeSteer94
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2024 8:11 AM
    469 views | 1 replies
  • Determining Alph

    In RSM and CCD design, To prevent negative values in runs, is that possible to enter factor ranges in terms of alpha instead of using upper and lower factor values? 

    Nimaxim Nimaxim
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2024 12:07 AM
    464 views | 1 replies
  • How to use Mail() without send click

    Hi,When I use Mail(), I need to click on send. Is there anyway you can skip that? I am using script and I like to be able to mail go through without send clicking. Also, how do you change the Mail() default. ThanksAdam     

    AT AT
    Discussions |
    Jul 16, 2024 10:56 PM
    6560 views | 10 replies
  • How do I get values on y axis?

    This is a screen shot of my graph. why are there no  no.s on the Y axis & what do the up arrows mean on the graph? the data is numeric & continuous. thanks 

    lisaash lisaash
    Discussions |
    Jul 16, 2024 4:57 AM
    386 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Feedback : 404 page for adobe svg plugin

    Setup : JMP 17.0.0 on Win11.I create boxplots and export to HTML (default graphics format = SVG).
    On line 16 of the html file, there is an autogenerated link to adobe :pluginspage=""This webpage doesn't exist and I think the Adobe SVG Viewer is not available anymore, so the above link should be removed.

    kkchen kkchen
    Discussions |
    Jul 7, 2024 10:33 PM
    446 views | 0 replies
  • How do I get the partial eta squared for a model with random effects?

    Hello, I am conducting a two-way ANOVA with a random effect and need to report the partial eta squared. Does anyone know how to do this or calculate it from values displayed in the output? I tried the add-on but it does not support models with random effects. For the model I have a dependent variable and my model effects looks like:variable1variable2variable1*variable2variable3 & random all variab...

    ELM890 ELM890
    Discussions |
    Jul 2, 2024 9:53 AM
    515 views | 0 replies
  • Hyperparameters and neural network architecture

    Hello,I'm trying to reproduce the results obtained on JMP with the "Neural" model by adding nested cross-validation, which is not possible on the software. However, the architecture is very unclear and I can't understand the calculations performed by the model. I don't have access to certain information such as batch size, optimizer used, loss, learning rate (except the one for the boosting), and ...

    Grizzly Grizzly
    Discussions |
    Jul 2, 2024 5:42 AM
    412 views | 0 replies
  • Questions about Calculating Confidence Intervals in "Agreement within Raters" - Attributive Analyses

    Hello everyone, I am currently analyzing "Agreement within Raters" and would like to better understand how these confidence intervals are calculated. My main questions are:What steps or methods are used to calculate confidence intervals in "Agreement within Raters" of Attributive analyses?Which statistical distribution is typically used for these calculations? Could anyone recommend some literatur...

    DToniato DToniato
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    Jun 26, 2024 6:03 AM
    472 views | 0 replies
  • Creating a biomarker combination variable

    Hi. I want to analyze how well two biomarkers work together in the detection of diseased from healthy and compare the combination to the single markers. I have previously done such analysis in SPSS using binary logistic regression and then simply running ROC-analysis for single markers and combination. With JMP I cannot find how to combine two biomarkers using a logistic regression analysis. Could...

    kahuhti kahuhti
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    Jun 25, 2024 11:56 PM
    455 views | 0 replies
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