Corrupted Power Point Slides.
Hi all, I'm running into a problem where when I export the data to power point, the power point indicates the slides are corrupted and then the PPT slides closes after that. I can't even get a preview of the data.
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view all learning resourcesHi all, I'm running into a problem where when I export the data to power point, the power point indicates the slides are corrupted and then the PPT slides closes after that. I can't even get a preview of the data.
I have been attempting to familiarize myself with the new Python interface in JMP 18. One of the questions I am exploring is: "Is it possible to write a Python program in the JMP environment that executes r modules. The very simple program I am using is # Import the necessary libraries import numpy as np from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr import rpy2.robjects as ro # Create a numpy arra...
I have a 2X4 study where multiple variables need to be analyzed in relation to each other and within variables as well as repeated measures across the same participant. For example, there is a subjective measure with scores for each question and a final score that I need to compare between 4 different scenarios both individually and in specific pairs per participant. I also need to compare these s...
JMP has proved to be an invaluable tool, and we are using JMP's nonlinear platform to fit various kinetic models that are now being used for regulatory purposes. We need to be able to describe to various agencies around the world such as FDA, EMEA, how the bootstrap parameter list is generated within JMP. We don't need extreme detail, just a description in plain lay-person's English that can ...
Hallo liebe Community,
ich habe eine ziemlich basale Statistik Frage:
Ich habe ein "Medikament A", das nehmen etwa 200 Patienten ein
Jetzt möchte ich die Gruppen vergleichen:
Nebenwirkung B "Present" oder "Absent"
Welchen Test verwende ich da? Ich dachte non-parametric über fit y to x und Wilcoxon-Test mit zwei Stichproben, Normal-Approxmation unter "Wahrscheinlichkeit > Z" den P-Value ablesen, um fe...
Hi all, I'm running into a problem where when I export the data to power point, the power point indicates the slides are corrupted and then the PPT slides closes after that. I can't even get a preview of the data.
I have been attempting to familiarize myself with the new Python interface in JMP 18. One of the questions I am exploring is: "Is it possible to write a Python program in the JMP environment that executes r modules. The very simple program I am using is # Import the necessary libraries import numpy as np from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr import rpy2.robjects as ro # Create a numpy arra...
I have a 2X4 study where multiple variables need to be analyzed in relation to each other and within variables as well as repeated measures across the same participant. For example, there is a subjective measure with scores for each question and a final score that I need to compare between 4 different scenarios both individually and in specific pairs per participant. I also need to compare these s...
JMP has proved to be an invaluable tool, and we are using JMP's nonlinear platform to fit various kinetic models that are now being used for regulatory purposes. We need to be able to describe to various agencies around the world such as FDA, EMEA, how the bootstrap parameter list is generated within JMP. We don't need extreme detail, just a description in plain lay-person's English that can ...
Hallo liebe Community,
ich habe eine ziemlich basale Statistik Frage:
Ich habe ein "Medikament A", das nehmen etwa 200 Patienten ein
Jetzt möchte ich die Gruppen vergleichen:
Nebenwirkung B "Present" oder "Absent"
Welchen Test verwende ich da? Ich dachte non-parametric über fit y to x und Wilcoxon-Test mit zwei Stichproben, Normal-Approxmation unter "Wahrscheinlichkeit > Z" den P-Value ablesen, um fe...
JMP has proved to be an invaluable tool, and we are using JMP's nonlinear platform to fit various kinetic models that are now being used for regulatory purposes. We need to be able to describe to various agencies around the world such as FDA, EMEA, how the bootstrap parameter list is generated within JMP. We don't need extreme detail, just a description in plain lay-person's English that can ...
The formatting that is inherent in a journal displaying a panel box is lost when saving that journal as a pdf. Is there a way to maintain the thoughtful look and feel of the journal?PanelBox("Bill To", textbox("aaa"))
I am still in JMP 14, on Windows 10.
We're trying to run a survival analysis with Cox proportional hazards for time to reinjure knees after surgery for those who return to sport before/after 9 months with covariate of age and level of sports. I'd like to be able to generate the survival plots with 95CI's along with the analyses.
I've watched the recent tutorial but it didn't address these points.
Can anyone point me to resources to do ...
I’ve conducted an ordinal logistic regression analysis with 3 independent variables. I then want to ask if adding an interaction to an independent variable is warranted. What is the best approach for determining whether to retain the interaction term or not? Do you base this decision on the p-value of the parameter estimate of the interaction term, p-value of the interaction term in the Wald Test,...
This Club is is a participant-driven meeting designed to encourage attendee involvement and kno...
Join the JMP Scripters Club Learning Sessions, led by Scripter experts from different industries, to...
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...