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  • X-axis format

    How to divide the X-axis into equal parts (SEE picture)?
    P.S. X-axis is not interactive in the "Y by X platform"

    Ted Ted
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    May 19, 2022 2:10 AM
    5589 views | 3 replies
  • Predicting Attribute Rejects at end Customers

    We are performing manual inspection and removing rejects found (e.g. damaged wire) at each manufacturing process steps. Since manual inspection is not 100% effective, what statistical methods that can be used for ATTRIBUTE data to predict the number of rejects that a customer could get?

    JMP_onsemi JMP_onsemi
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    May 18, 2022 7:03 PM
    1424 views | 5 replies
  • Pareto density function?

    I'm working with some inventory data that needs to be evaluated with a pareto.   So basically rank the inventory quantities in order from 1 - yada yada and then fit the pareto.  I know we have the pareto function in the reliability thing but I can't seem to extract the parameters from that.  I have to do this for like a few hundred distributions so what I would love is something like the distribut...

    Evan_Morris Evan_Morris
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    May 18, 2022 6:22 PM
    1999 views | 4 replies
  • How do I stack columns using a numerical range of columns in a script?

    I know this is probably an easy one, but I've been struggling with this for the past 3 hours...Using JSL, how do I stack columns using a numerical range? for example stack columns 3 to 16. Thank you!! 

    Lavik17 Lavik17
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    May 18, 2022 2:12 PM
    1022 views | 2 replies
  • Remove Quotes : Script to make column Formula

    I am in the beginnings of making a script to find the delta between two measurements for many columns.   I am having difficulty making column formulas when the column name has a dash....   The parse command to remove quotes changes the dash to a minus operand which then messes with what I am trying to accomplish. Error log:   Unexpected "_92MHz_test_data". Perhaps there is a missing ";" or ",".   ...

    justvince justvince
    Discussions |
    May 18, 2022 12:50 PM
    1065 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • DOE with whole plots and blocking factor - how to improve the design?

    I am trying to make a DOE for an experiment where I have one continues variable and two discrete numeric variables that are very hard to change (more information in the image below).   My questions are:1. I am running the test by columns in a 96 well plate, so is there a way to define that no matter how many runs are needed, a plot will always have up to 8 runs?2. As is, even with 192 runs in 24 p...

    Lavik17 Lavik17
    Discussions |
    May 18, 2022 6:20 AM
    1406 views | 1 replies
  • Graph builder won't autoscale

    Hello,I am launching a graph builder and data filter from a dashboard. The graph is date on the x axis and count on the y axis. When I filter the date, the data outside of the date range disappears from the graph, but the graph does not autoscale the x axis to match the dates within the filtered range (instead, the x axis date range is the same as before filtering the date range).I know that I can...

    BL1 BL1
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    May 18, 2022 1:01 AM
    4146 views | 4 replies
  • recode multiple columns name with regex

     Hi all!I am trying to apply a regex replacement to a Recode Column function in JSL so that the script will go over all columns and apply the regex to all of them, if applicable. This is the code I've been testing: Names Default To Here(1); dt = Current Data Table(); //Create list of columns to be recoded ColN = dt << Get Column Names(); // Iterate over the list of columns and recode each one ...

    Lavik17 Lavik17
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    May 17, 2022 9:56 PM
    1236 views | 3 replies
  • Testing for a difference in variance in a variable when there is a random effect

    Using "Fit Model" I'm predicting my dependent variable using a dichotomous nominal variable "Type" as well as a variable "Sample," which is a random effect (in JMP language that is; some would prefer to call "Sample" a random variable). This tests whether the two "Types" differ on my DV, again taking into account that "Sample" is a random effect.  Interestingly, the sample means for one "Type" are...

    profjmb profjmb
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    May 17, 2022 7:22 AM
    779 views | 1 replies
  • Find MaxN value (species count) per ID for overlapping time range.

     Hi,I am trying to find the maximum number of individuals observed in a single video frame.I have roughly 3000 2min videos with 5000 observations recorded. For a given ID, what is the greatest value of the sum of Count for a species (eg. DuCr & ShPe) when the same species has overlapping time_start and time_end example data: IDSpeciesCounttime_starttime_endvideo_1DuCr112:0012:01video_1ShPe112:0012...

    Discussions |
    May 16, 2022 12:38 PM
    1071 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Validate column values (make sure all values in column follow a specific pattern)

    Is there a better way rather than iteration of all the rows to validate values in column? Let's say before making something with the column I want to make sure that all values in column match specific Regex. Like so:!IsMissing(Regex(Column(myColumn)[1], "^\w+(\d{3})\w+$", "\1"))I can iterate through each row to make sure that all of them match, but maybe there is a better way?  

    miguello miguello
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    May 6, 2022 11:09 AM
    484 views | 0 replies
  • SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions)

    HI, How to find estimators of FGNLS and NLS (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions) Using JmpPro.# Note that it is present in SAS in the proc syslin
    and it is in stat in the nlsur command Regards

    Raaed Raaed
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    May 5, 2022 4:45 PM
    625 views | 0 replies
  • Friedman post hoc analysis

    Hello, I am trying to do a matched sample analysis across three different factors. I wanted to:1. Confirm that my sample would be what I pick for 'Block" when I do Fit Y by X when running Friedman's test2. Is there a post hoc analysis in JMP that I can use? I dont see Nemenyi or Conover as an optionThanks for your time.  

    pnakashe pnakashe
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    May 5, 2022 12:02 PM
    781 views | 0 replies
  • JMP script: Script Alarm Control chart- Table with atypical batch number and values

    Hello everyone,I am trying to make a table with the OOT (out of Trend) batches with their respective "atypical" values.I used for that the "script alarm" function as I could found some exemples on the JMP community. Here is my script:  z_KSigmaZ =1.4; // Création de la Carte de controle si N catégories > 5 Names Default To Here( 1 ); If(N Items(Associative Array(:"RNS/NS tordu (srg)")) > 5, Gr...

    Sebastienlg Sebastienlg
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    Apr 29, 2022 6:29 AM
    554 views | 0 replies
  • How to create a graph builder box plot with mean values, and including the "group X" variable in the legend

    I'm using JMP 16.2.0 and I'm trying to automatically generate a graph builder with box plots and their mean values with the group X variable as the color. I'm using a bar chart with style=floating to display the mean value (inspired by this topic)My current graph:This is almost what I want, except for a few things.1. I'd like the Group X variable (Recipe) to be visible in the legend as well. One w...

    mvanderaa1 mvanderaa1
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    Apr 20, 2022 4:13 AM
    1985 views | 0 replies
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