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1. 我想要的结果:带一位小数的百分比(如图 1 中 2025/2/10 - BB-02-01 列所示)。我可以通过自定义进行调整(如图 2 所示),但无法一次性批量设置所有列。图1↑ 图2↑ 2.我希望在图表中不显示“#N/A”这一列。 我真的很感激您的帮助,谢谢!
257 views | 3 replies -
How to hide unnecessary parts on a chart?
This chart was created using the "Graph Builder". The content in the red box is what I want to delete.
The left area has only 15 columns, and the middle area has only 2 columns.
I have uploaded the file, how to do it?Xinghua
301 views | 4 replies -
AI:create the L25(5^6) orthogonal array design.
Translate the SAS code in this document to JMP's JSL to implement the construction of orthogonal arrays with an orthogonal Latin square structure. For example, create the L25(5^6) orthogonal array design.
406 views | 5 replies
Latest Discussions
AI:create the L25(5^6) orthogonal array design.
Translate the SAS code in this document to JMP's JSL to implement the construction of orthogonal arrays with an orthogonal Latin square structure. For example, create the L25(5^6) orthogonal array design.
406 views | 5 replies -
Using JMP 19 EA for Windows on ARM Mac using Parallels
I'm a Mac user, and JMP is great on Mac. However, I wanted to run the Windows version on my Mac under Parallels. I have an M4 Mac Pro, and I am running the latest Parallels version (20.2.1) and Windows 11 with all the lates updates. I installed JMP Pro Windows successfully. But when I try to open it, I get a blue rotating icon, then nothing. What could I be doing wrong? I'm not very familiar with ...
280 views | 3 replies -
what is "observed PPM", "expected within PPM", and "expected overall PPM"?
I was analyzing the process capability of a large data set to understand its PPM, and I noticed that under "nonconformance" tab, there are the following column names: Observed PPM, Expected Within PPM, and Expected Overall PPM. What is the difference between these PPM?
189 views | 1 replies
Latest Discussions
Question About F-Tests in GLMMs with Binomial Errors
I have a question regarding Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) in JMP pro. Most statisticians consider it inappropriate to use F-tests or t-tests to evaluate predictor contributions in GLMs or GLMMs with binomial errors. This is because F- and t-tests are based on sums of squares, which assume normally distributed residual errors.
While using a logit link function helps linearize the relati...LanaMilana
355 views | 0 replies -
How to adjust the size of R plot imported with get R graphics(); ?
I'm trying to run R code in JMP to create a plot. I succeeded in importing the plot in png format, but failed to adjust the size of the plot. I can adjust the "plot_from_R" in png format with the set size(); function in jsl, but it is not proportional and distorted. How can I import plot_from_R in the size I want?
R Init(); R Submit( "\[ windows(300,100) #it doesn't work plot(function(x) dnorm(
312 views | 0 replies -
Exceptions are the utilities Show, Write, and Print ...
from: https://www.jmp.com/support/help/en/18.1/?os=win&source=application#page/jmp/advanced-expressions-macros-and-lists.shtml# If you assign the expression x+y to a, quoting it as an expression with Expr, then whenever a is evaluated, it evaluates the expression using the current values of x and y and returns the result.
Exceptions are the utilities Show, Write, and Print, which do not evaluate e...hogi
301 views | 0 replies -
Extract Expr: Issue with scoped variable
This works:
Extract Expr(:height << set name( "new" ), :height );
But this one doesn't *):Extract Expr(myDataTable:height << set name( "new" ), myDataTable:height );
Fortunately there is this dirty trick of Extract Expr (it automatically resolves every defined variable **) - which allows this workaround:x = Expr( myDataTable:height); Extract Expr(myDataTable:height << set name( "new" ), x )
*) why...hogi
246 views | 0 replies
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1:00PM - 2:00PM EDTMar 21Getting Started with JMP
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...
1:00PM - 2:30PM EDTMar 26Jump into Gauge Studies: Hands-On Workshop
Jump into Gauge Studies Wednesday, March 26 | Live Web Workshop1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET Hoste...
1:00PM - 3:30PM MDTMar 27In-Person Colorado JMP Users Group Meeting
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