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Reset selection button on global filter
hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew a way to use JSL to recreate the action of pressing this buttonI looked in the scripting index and didn't see anything that appears to related to this function. Thanks for any guidance! Steve
255 views | 2 replies -
How can I add all column values into Custom Filter in JMP Query Builder
Hello Sir or Madam, What I'm trying to do is extract one data table from the 1st database using SQL Query, then I want to put values from one column in the table into Custom Filters in the 2nd JMP Query Builder. I tried to get values in Col Serial in WO data table extracted from the 1st database like below, Col_Values = Data Table( "WO" ):Serial << Get Values; Then, try to put the value into the C...
292 views | 3 replies -
compare results
How can I perform a statistical test in JMP to ensure that the results obtained from different classification methods are not due to randomness after obtaining various results?maryam_nourmand
405 views | 4 replies -
How can make JSL read binary files faster?
A binary file has a tabular data.
It has 144 bytes per line,
The first column is an 8-byte millisecond timestamp,
Each subsequent column is split by 4 bytes.
The key is that the following is only to extract the data of some columns.
I wrote a JSL that can read data, but it is slower.
Ask an expert to help fix it.co = 144; bb = Load Text File( file, blob() ); gs = 9; m = 0; g = 1; k = 1; ar = []; ar = J(
674 views | 8 replies -
Deal with hierachical (nested) factors in DOE custom design platorm
Hello,I'm trying to build a design using the DOE custom design platform. I have three categorical factors (G, L, and Z) to consider, with one nested within another. Ultimately, the model I want to run is Y = G + L[Z] + Z + e. However, my primary goal is to ensure that the number of replications of G is balanced within Z, and that the number of runs is balanced across my L factor.By using the "Di...
299 views | 3 replies
Latest Discussions
Reset selection button on global filter
hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew a way to use JSL to recreate the action of pressing this buttonI looked in the scripting index and didn't see anything that appears to related to this function. Thanks for any guidance! Steve
255 views | 2 replies -
compare results
How can I perform a statistical test in JMP to ensure that the results obtained from different classification methods are not due to randomness after obtaining various results?maryam_nourmand
405 views | 4 replies -
How can make JSL read binary files faster?
A binary file has a tabular data.
It has 144 bytes per line,
The first column is an 8-byte millisecond timestamp,
Each subsequent column is split by 4 bytes.
The key is that the following is only to extract the data of some columns.
I wrote a JSL that can read data, but it is slower.
Ask an expert to help fix it.co = 144; bb = Load Text File( file, blob() ); gs = 9; m = 0; g = 1; k = 1; ar = []; ar = J(
674 views | 8 replies -
Deal with hierachical (nested) factors in DOE custom design platorm
Hello,I'm trying to build a design using the DOE custom design platform. I have three categorical factors (G, L, and Z) to consider, with one nested within another. Ultimately, the model I want to run is Y = G + L[Z] + Z + e. However, my primary goal is to ensure that the number of replications of G is balanced within Z, and that the number of runs is balanced across my L factor.By using the "Di...
299 views | 3 replies -
Link reference greyed out
I set a column with Link ID on one table and tried to use that as a reference in another table, but the option is greyed out for me.The column in the reference table has unique values. The only difference was that the datatype of the column in the main table was continuous, but I change it to nominal to match the reference table.Any insight as to what I might be doing wrong? Thank You
787 views | 2 replies
Latest Discussions
Question About F-Tests in GLMMs with Binomial Errors
I have a question regarding Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) in JMP pro. Most statisticians consider it inappropriate to use F-tests or t-tests to evaluate predictor contributions in GLMs or GLMMs with binomial errors. This is because F- and t-tests are based on sums of squares, which assume normally distributed residual errors.
While using a logit link function helps linearize the relati...LanaMilana
351 views | 0 replies -
How to adjust the size of R plot imported with get R graphics(); ?
I'm trying to run R code in JMP to create a plot. I succeeded in importing the plot in png format, but failed to adjust the size of the plot. I can adjust the "plot_from_R" in png format with the set size(); function in jsl, but it is not proportional and distorted. How can I import plot_from_R in the size I want?
R Init(); R Submit( "\[ windows(300,100) #it doesn't work plot(function(x) dnorm(
305 views | 0 replies -
Exceptions are the utilities Show, Write, and Print ...
from: https://www.jmp.com/support/help/en/18.1/?os=win&source=application#page/jmp/advanced-expressions-macros-and-lists.shtml# If you assign the expression x+y to a, quoting it as an expression with Expr, then whenever a is evaluated, it evaluates the expression using the current values of x and y and returns the result.
Exceptions are the utilities Show, Write, and Print, which do not evaluate e...hogi
298 views | 0 replies -
Extract Expr: Issue with scoped variable
This works:
Extract Expr(:height << set name( "new" ), :height );
But this one doesn't *):Extract Expr(myDataTable:height << set name( "new" ), myDataTable:height );
Fortunately there is this dirty trick of Extract Expr (it automatically resolves every defined variable **) - which allows this workaround:x = Expr( myDataTable:height); Extract Expr(myDataTable:height << set name( "new" ), x )
*) why...hogi
242 views | 0 replies
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1:00PM - 2:00PM EDTMar 21Getting Started with JMP
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1:00PM - 2:30PM EDTMar 26Jump into Gauge Studies: Hands-On Workshop
Jump into Gauge Studies Wednesday, March 26 | Live Web Workshop1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET Hoste...