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  • How should I compare and validate the mean and spread of various distributions

    Hi all,

    Would like to seek some advice here.
    I have a baseline/ nominal distribution and I would like to make a comparison among distributions A, B, C & D to see if their mean and spread are equivalent/ comparable to the baseline distribution. What will be the most effective measure that I can use in JMP 13 ?

    Thank you,
    Ann Ann

    XiangCD_MP_User XiangCD_MP_User
    Discussions |
    Dec 30, 2018 6:14 AM
    9859 views | 5 replies
  • Cannot run jmp script at Task Scheduler

    Hello JMP master,I create a batch file and schuedle it on Task Scheduler. The jmp script works perfectly when I did this manufactully, but it did not go through at Task Scheduler. Here is my bat file content, =========================================================================================="C:\SAS Software Depot\JMP\JMP\14_1\Jmp.exe"  "C:\Users\gladies\Documents\jmp\runtine\1229_mountain.j...

    gladies gladies
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    Dec 29, 2018 2:56 PM
    4111 views | 1 replies
  • Update a box with graphs

    I am having trouble trying to reconcile how to update boxes with graphs.In the beginining, I have a window open has does everything I need to do as far as data selection based on dates and then a summary table of wafers inside that date range. When I click on a "load test data" button it executes the sql script to go out and pul in all the test data being requested. After the table is open i want ...

    Yngeinstn Yngeinstn
    Discussions |
    Dec 29, 2018 4:27 AM
    6553 views | 6 replies
  • how to assign colors and markers to specific values

    I have a graph built out, but I would like to assign colors and markers to specific values. I have 8 variables. I would like 5 of them to be a different color and the other 3 to be different markers. How would I go about doing this in the script?

    jmpbchoi jmpbchoi
    Discussions |
    Dec 28, 2018 12:25 PM
    8050 views | 2 replies
  • How to add Caption Box with CV in Graph Builder

    Hi there, Is there a way to modify the script so I can use CV as summary statistic (instead of Std Dev) in the caption box of the Graph Builder?  Graph Builder( Size( 599, 561 ), Show Control Panel( 0 ), Fit to Window( "Off" ), Variables( X( :Run ), Y( :Name( "Average Size [bp]" ) ), Y( :Name( "Pre PCR cleanup Conc. [ng/µl]" ) ), Y( :Name( "Post PCR cleanup Conc (ng/µl)" ) ) ), Relat...

    ccroisetiere ccroisetiere
    Discussions |
    Dec 27, 2018 4:45 PM
    8561 views | 6 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Rotation and steps for the Principal Components

    Hi everyone, Recently I have started reading about principal component analysis. I have a big dataset (millions) which I will try to explain with 73 different variables. So  I would like to reduce the number of variables so I will use this method.  I did the analysis and checked the scree plot. So I understood that I can use 8 components, I used "save principal components" by using red triangle an...

    dgreen dgreen
    Discussions |
    Dec 24, 2018 11:43 PM
    4632 views | 2 replies
  • Compare 2 measuring equipment

    I have 2 measuring equipment. We would like to make sure that same sample from 2 measuring equipment give us same data or not. I plan to have sample 100 pcs measuring by both equipment and use match pair to analysis whether data from both machine is statistic equal or not. 
    If it is not, I plan to use main machine as a master. Both machine have good correlation (Rsquar > 0.85), I will use the equat...

    ThoYala ThoYala
    Discussions |
    Dec 24, 2018 5:20 AM
    6785 views | 2 replies
  • How to modify contour plot?

    How can the legend settings be changed in the contour plot? I cannot seem to change the font size or much of anything...

    dt7900 dt7900
    Discussions |
    Dec 23, 2018 4:18 PM
    2579 views | 1 replies
  • Cluster Analysis Data Export

    Hi all, I'm using JMP 13 and have performed a normal mixtures cluster analysis. The analysis identified 3 clusters plus an outlier group. I cannot figure out how to view any kind of table which shows which records belong to which clusters. Is this not a feature in JMP? 

    techsassy techsassy
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2018 9:58 AM
    3393 views | 2 replies
  • Inter and Intra Observer Reliability/Agreement with JMP

    Hello, I am part of a study that is looking at 4 clinicians abilility to make a continuous variable measurement with 5 different techniques. We have a gold standard that is a direct measurement of the parameter of interest.I have generated a delta (the actual measurement minus the clinicians measurement) for each data point.I am trying to figure out how to first look at each clinicians intraobserv...

    DavidI DavidI
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2018 9:04 AM
    2725 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • I want to use LASSO and Group LASSO in JMP

    I'm involved in a project where we are applying lasso to build a logistic regression model from a "black box" set of predictors.  I need to get JMP Pro before trying out JMP's implementation.  I'm doing all the analysis in R at present.  Does JMP Pro also include group lasso?  I've found through using JMP Cluster Variables (CLUSVAR) that I can naturally group my predictors prior to group lasso.  F...

    gene gene
    Discussions |
    Nov 2, 2018 7:43 AM
    2234 views | 0 replies
  • Contingency table and mosaic plot are not same orientation

    // For a contingency table report, swap the x and y // currently can swap the mosaic plot only Names Default to Here(1); dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" ); myr = Contingency( Y( :Age ), X( :sex ) ); // Have to have a Contingency Analysis report open // Can add test to make sure it is open in the future myr = Current Report(); // taking apart CrossTabBox was easier using XML than JSL ...

    Vball247 Vball247
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    Oct 29, 2018 2:18 PM
    2931 views | 0 replies
  • how to change the type and color of lines in graph

    I am trying to show line of fit in graph builder for several sets of data. The data table have many columns, I want to show the column(i) vs column(1).Every column can  be grouped by A1 & a, also can  be grouped by B1 & b, but except column(1). The follow is the chart about column(2) vs column(1):  I use the follow script to change the type of lines:Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 8,...

    Yu Yu
    Discussions |
    Sep 25, 2018 2:34 AM
    3242 views | 0 replies
  • Mean separation letter from test slices


    How do I get the mean separation letter in for each level of a factor when interaction is significant? For example, if I have A*B interaction and I want to get the mean separation of B at each level of A, how do I get the LSD letters in JMP? I can do test slices and that will use the DF of the full analysis, but this does not shows which mean of B differs. If I do multiple comparison: How ca...

    jfranc19 jfranc19
    Discussions |
    Sep 14, 2018 2:35 PM
    2080 views | 0 replies
  • repeated-measures ANCOVA: How to perform the analysis when the parallel slope assumpt. doesn't meet?

    Hi all,I need to perform the ANCOVA for a repeated-measures design. I tried to adapt the Julian's ANCOVA procedure showed on the to my study case (repeated-measures design). Initially, I did the following actions: 1. In the Fit Y by X dialogue: I selected VAR_Y as "Y, Response" and VAR_X as "X, Factor";2. For "Group by" I selected the variable Timepoint;...

    Reinaldo Reinaldo
    Discussions |
    Jun 18, 2018 6:31 AM
    2956 views | 0 replies
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