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  • Saving multiple distribution data in custom power point

    Hi I am a moderate JMP user but I analyze certain data set frequently hence looking for automated way to save data directly to power point. I would like to check if there is a way to do it through JSL.  I have .jrp file which has distributions, now I want to save that as power point but not using JMP Save as option. I want to customize and format the data saved in ppt through JSL. I have around 20...

    Discussions |
    Sep 6, 2019 5:08 PM
    4838 views | 3 replies
  • Chang default numeric format

    I have a fixed workstream where I import an excel file into JMP12. This file consists of mixed data type columns. My issue is with the format of the numeric columns. By default, JMP formats the column as "best" which is anything but (e.g. 1e-9 is displayed as 0.000000001). Is there a way to change the default number format to engineering rather than best? 

    TheSource TheSource
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    Sep 6, 2019 5:04 PM
    1856 views | 1 replies
  • Deleting cell values based on condition

    Hi! I'm currently working on a project using JMP/JSL and on my data, I need to delete or clear values from multiple cells based on a condition. See sample raw data and required output below. Raw data: Test1P/F 1Test2P/F 2Test3P/F 3Test4P/F 4Test5P/F 51P2P4P9F3P5P8F4P6F2P7P1P6F5F6F4P1P9F9F9F6F4P 10F10F8F Required Output:Test1P/F 1Test2P/F 2Test3P/F 3Test4P/F 4Test5P/F 51P2P4P9F**5P8F******7P1P6F***...

    fsanjuan fsanjuan
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    Sep 6, 2019 3:46 PM
    3174 views | 2 replies
  • A cumulative sum that resets based on an event?

    I'm trying to find a relationship between uses and part lifetime. This is a part that runs constantly when in use. I need a running total that resets when the part is replaced. In my case, I have the first four columns, I want to know how to create the "Jobs Part has Done" column that resets when a Repair event is detected.DateTime StartedDateTime EndedJobsEventJobs Part has Done1/1/2019 8:00 AM1/...

    Bearcat Bearcat
    Discussions |
    Sep 5, 2019 2:21 PM
    2357 views | 1 replies
  • Which feature to use to analyze material changes over time?

    I have a material property that is measured at some irregular time intervals, usually whenever a new batch of material arrives. The measurement process gauge is known. I want to look at this property and identify changes in material performance and flag the vendor for improvements. Which feature in JMP will help me do this? Thanks,Siva

    jsrk2084 jsrk2084
    Discussions |
    Sep 5, 2019 11:52 AM
    1657 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Saving multiple distribution data in custom power point

    Hi I am a moderate JMP user but I analyze certain data set frequently hence looking for automated way to save data directly to power point. I would like to check if there is a way to do it through JSL.  I have .jrp file which has distributions, now I want to save that as power point but not using JMP Save as option. I want to customize and format the data saved in ppt through JSL. I have around 20...

    Discussions |
    Sep 6, 2019 5:08 PM
    4838 views | 3 replies
  • Chang default numeric format

    I have a fixed workstream where I import an excel file into JMP12. This file consists of mixed data type columns. My issue is with the format of the numeric columns. By default, JMP formats the column as "best" which is anything but (e.g. 1e-9 is displayed as 0.000000001). Is there a way to change the default number format to engineering rather than best? 

    TheSource TheSource
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    Sep 6, 2019 5:04 PM
    1856 views | 1 replies
  • Which feature to use to analyze material changes over time?

    I have a material property that is measured at some irregular time intervals, usually whenever a new batch of material arrives. The measurement process gauge is known. I want to look at this property and identify changes in material performance and flag the vendor for improvements. Which feature in JMP will help me do this? Thanks,Siva

    jsrk2084 jsrk2084
    Discussions |
    Sep 5, 2019 11:52 AM
    1657 views | 1 replies
  • How to check if "Create Database Connection" is successful?

    Many of my scripts connect to a DB as soon as they are started. DB is in intranet, so users need to:1. Be connected to internal network OR have VPN on2. Have ODBC source set up correctly Sometimes they don't. I want to warn users that the DB is not available instead of script erroring on them. What would be a correct way of checking if "Create Database Connection" was successful and returned a val...

    miguello miguello
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    Sep 5, 2019 8:40 AM
    1945 views | 2 replies
  • How to plot a normal curve on a histogram

    Back in 2017, txnelson posted a nice snippet of code to do this:Names Default To Here( 1 ); dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big" ); Dis = dt << Distribution( Continuous Distribution( Column( :height ), Vertical( 0 ), Density Axis( 1 ) ) ); Report( Dis )[Frame Box( 2 )] << Add Graphics Script( mu = 63; sigma = 3.2; Pen Color( "Red" ); Y Function( Normal Density( (x - mu) / sigma ) / (40 /...

    speleogen speleogen
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    Sep 5, 2019 8:21 AM
    1720 views | 1 replies

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    jemg jemg
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    Aug 29, 2019 11:14 PM
    1385 views | 0 replies
  • How to Add Profit Matrix to Neural Net Confusion Matrix

    Hi all, I'm using a neural net to predict whether or not a customer will prefer to buy retail items at a markdown or if they are likely to buy full-price (i.e., "bargain buyers" vs. traditional shoppers). I'd like to incoporate the opportunity cost of a false positive (giving discounts to what would otherwise be a full-price shopper) using a profit matrix, but changing values on the matrix in the ...

    GhostBen GhostBen
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    Aug 5, 2019 8:00 PM
    1186 views | 0 replies
  • Capability Animation - How to see the LSL/USL Value?

    I just discovered this nifty tool called the Capability Animation, where you can play around, dragging the spec limits and mean shifts, and it simulates your capability indices. But, I cannot see the actual LSL/USL values as I drag them! Does anyone know how to make this happen?

    Antonio80 Antonio80
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    Jul 9, 2019 1:31 AM
    1151 views | 0 replies
  • Unable to allocate enough memory in access or evaluation

    Hi,I'm trying to use the Multivariate platform to perform a correlation between 6 time points (rows) across 73500 columns. My final goal is to output a  73500x73500 correlation matrix. When I try to run it, I immediately receive this pop out message:Unable to allocate enough memory in access or evaluation of 'List' , {/*###*/Estimation Method( 0 ), Matrix Format( 2 )} What's the issue? I'm using J...

    ns ns
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    Jul 8, 2019 9:04 AM
    1255 views | 0 replies
  • How to Post JSON data to a site via API functionality: "Unsupported Media Type"

    Hi There, I am trying to perform a POST request to post some JSON data to a server, but unfortunately as of now I keep getting a 415 error. The goal of this script is to upload a JSON formatted file (or something of the like) to the server for other users to download/read. I noticed that there are very few POST examples with JSL, but quite the abundance with GET, which I have no problems with. I w...

    liqinglei419 liqinglei419
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    Jul 2, 2019 6:33 AM
    1242 views | 0 replies
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