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  • Read a CSV and text file with JSL

    I have a CSV file that contains parameter names and tolerances. I have another text file that contains raw data. I am trying to write a script in JSL to read both CSV and text files and then apply the screening criteria in CSV file to the data in text file. CSV file format is liek below: #     Parameter    Tolerance 1     Height           30 2     Diameter       50   TXT file format is ID    Heigh...

    RV1 RV1
    Discussions |
    Jun 14, 2019 2:00 AM
    9442 views | 3 replies
  • SAS code in JMP?

    I would like to know if there is a way I can run a SAS code (below) in JMP. Or how I can emulate the SAS code below in JMP.      proc mixed Class year week treatment rep; model stdmisummax=year|week|treatment/ddfm=kr residual; random rep(year) treatment*rep(year); repeated week/type=ar(1) subject=treatment*rep(year); run;     My factors are: Treatment, week (repeated measure), year, rep (replicate...

    bordini bordini
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    Jun 13, 2019 2:59 PM
    26936 views | 19 replies
  • Col formula for iterative means by categories

    Hi, I have a dataset containing measurements from an experiment measuring the analyte carry-over from a high concentrated sample to the subsequent low concentration samples on a chemical analyzer. I do the experiment on different devices and different reagents, doing three replicate runs for each combination. To calculate the carry-over level I first do 10 baseline measurements on each device-reag...

    olekh olekh
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    Jun 13, 2019 1:04 AM
    4222 views | 4 replies
  • Trouble Closing Button Box window after button was already pressed

    My launchWin window consist of interactive button boxes. However when I press the button, the window will not close. Im not sure why. I thought the button is supposed to close automatically after being clicked onI have the below Code: 

    //Set the working table as the current table, pay attention to which table is at the top
    dt = currentdatatable();//Create a summary of the total aliquots in each box ...

    nguyendv0610 nguyendv0610
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    Jun 12, 2019 6:47 PM
    4128 views | 2 replies
  • How to calculate the Power of a Pharmacokinetic study in Pharmaceutical industry

    Hi, is it possible to calculate the power of a bio study design using JMP?  

    ParsaKarthik ParsaKarthik
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    Jun 12, 2019 9:41 AM
    5147 views | 5 replies

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  • Help understanding how Lift curves are calculated

    Dear JMPers,   (computer details: I have JMP Pro 14 on a W7 Enterprise, 64-bit computer.)   I am trying to better understand how JMP actually calculates a Lift curve. I understand conceptually the ROC and Lift curves, but I'm having a hard time calculating a Lift curve myself. The JMP help/support page ( isn't all that helpful in under...

    SDF1 SDF1
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    May 29, 2019 11:10 AM
    1736 views | 0 replies
  • How to analyze PSM data(Propensity Score Matching) in JMP?

    How to analyze PSM data(Propensity Score Matching) in JMP?If it is yes, please tell me what detail steps in JMP manu,If there is any available examples in JMP sample data?

    mujahida mujahida
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    May 7, 2019 9:30 PM
    1989 views | 0 replies
  • Chi square or Cochran's Q test

    Okay, so i have to decide whether i should use chi-square or Cochran's Q test for one of my study.If i assume meat as experimental unit (EU) and impose 6 different wood smoke (like apple smoke, cedar smoke, hickory smoke etc.) on EU and consumers (people) act as observational unit (OU). I have 10 consumers and each one will taste each treatment (6 treatments) and respond liking (9 point scale), an...

    sharmachetan sharmachetan
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    Apr 16, 2019 3:54 PM
    2413 views | 0 replies
  • Selecting Number of Clusters in Hierarchical Clustering

    One way to select possible number of clusters in hierarchical methods is to identify the relatively large changes in distance as number of clusters change (see table below). When I look at the actual distance measure from the table (clustering history below dendogram), there is a bigger jump from 3 clusters to 4 than from 4 to 5 (smaller), suggesting 4 may be the right decision. However, when you ...

    pratyushdash pratyushdash
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    Feb 23, 2019 5:51 PM
    2538 views | 0 replies
  • Beta Generalized Regression and adjusted chi-square values

    I have a data set from a two-choice rodent feeding trial. We were testing the effectiveness of 10 deterrents by coating them on seeds and offering them to rodents alongside control seeds that were uncoated. The explanatory variable is which of the 10 deterrents the treatment seed was coated with, and the response variable is the proportion of control seed and treatment seed consumed.  The question...

    Mananahi Mananahi
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    Feb 13, 2019 9:58 AM
    1984 views | 0 replies
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