How do I change all columns in a data table to continuous. I built the table from a csv file so all subsets are character
I need to change all the columns in a table to continuous. In a script
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view all learning resourcesI need to change all the columns in a table to continuous. In a script
Can we get this fixed in the Scripting Guide?//Scripting Guide page 336dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big" );dt << Select Where( age < 15 & sex == "F" );//ordt << Select Where( age == 14 );dt << Extend Select Where( sex == "F" ); //does nothing//Not in guide, but below workswait(10);dt << Select Where( sex == "F", Current Selection ("extend")); //extends selection
hi All,mosaic plots are very useful and i use it a there a way to get the labeling to show percents automatically (as a preference change)? is there a way to show the percents with zero decimal places?unfortunately I find myself writing this manually using annotations.
I know there is a way to this, but maybe someone may have an answer somewhere here. Is there way to join a multiple data tables with similar numeric and categorical data by fiscal year with a single script?
Example is a script I am trying to use.
Data Table( "confirmed_enrollment_FY2006" ) << Join(
With( Data Table( "confirmed_enrollment_FY2007", "confirmed_enrollment_FY2008", "confirmed_e
I have a several large data tables (+100,000 records) that were created by a colleague in Europe.When the tables were created the EU numbering format was used, i.e. the "," is the decimal point.I need to do a table wide substitution to replace the "," with a "." in order for the table to work with existing scripts.I can get the column names with a get column names() statement, but I can not figure...
Can we get this fixed in the Scripting Guide?//Scripting Guide page 336dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big" );dt << Select Where( age < 15 & sex == "F" );//ordt << Select Where( age == 14 );dt << Extend Select Where( sex == "F" ); //does nothing//Not in guide, but below workswait(10);dt << Select Where( sex == "F", Current Selection ("extend")); //extends selection
hi All,mosaic plots are very useful and i use it a there a way to get the labeling to show percents automatically (as a preference change)? is there a way to show the percents with zero decimal places?unfortunately I find myself writing this manually using annotations.
Is there a way from preventing the same column from being picked when running multiple column switchers?
dt = open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Candy");
biv = dt << Bivariate(
Y( :Saturated fat g ),
X( :Sugars g ),
SendToReport( Dispatch( {}, "Bivar Plot", FrameBox, {Frame Size( 593, 564 )} ) )
cs1 = biv << Column Switcher(
I am new to JMP software ( version 11.2.0). I have a question on prediction model. Before having JMP, I ran 2 experiments shown below. ISOD is the response, and temperature & aging time are both continuous. Using these 2 tables, can I make a prediction model for ISOD yield in temperature range 100 to 180 & aging time 1 to 20 together? For an example, what will ISOD be at like 150 C with 15 days o...
Hello everyone!I would like assistance in order to incorporate reference lines at certain numbers of the Y axis, horizontal lines, directly into the legend.This is my current script
Y( :Cat),
X( :Dog),
Histogram Borders( 1 ),
Where(:Recipe == "B_XX" & (:Tool == "A_XX")),
Elements( Points( X, Legend( 1 ) ) ),
{Add Ref Line( 140, Solid, "...
Hi, I see a discrepancy in the plotted Y variables when plotting similar columns in the Oneway vs Bivariate plots. Bivariate plots the Y values correctly (left side below). Oneway seems to jitter the points on the Y-axis, which seems strange to me. I realize that my horizontal axis here is a numeric, and that bivariate makes more sense* but I'm just looking for a simple x-y scatter and I like the ...
Hi all,Till now I was using "Panel Box" and "Close" local data filter command for the invisible but functioning local data filter. Something like below closes the data filter it is visible by jmp graph but invisible by the HTML5 output (magical).nw[Panel Box( 1 )][Outline Box( "Local Data Filter" )] << Close( 1 );nw[Panel Box( 2 )][Outline Box( "Local Data Filter" )] << Close( 1 );
This time I use ...
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Are you looking for ways to determine an effective way to trade off power and speed to find a sweet...
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...