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  • Count the number of Ts in a sequence

    Hello, I am trying to find a formula that will count highest number times a letter is repeated consecuteivley in a sequence. I have attached an example where I am trying to write formula for poly Ts column, and it will generate count of Ts in a sequence consectively.      Thank you, Pratish

    padhikari padhikari
    Discussions |
    Nov 30, 2018 10:33 AM
    7996 views | 4 replies
  • Lock Graph Builder Annotations in place

    In Graph Builder charts I frequently place text box annotations on top of the charts.  When I add more charts, change the scale, or resize anything, I notice the annotation moves around and resizes itself automatically to try to stay where it thinks I want it to be.  But I find that the annotation never ends up where I want it, so I have to go move it again manually anyway.  Also, when the annotat...

    Chris_Rodrigues Chris_Rodrigues
    Discussions |
    Nov 29, 2018 11:06 AM
    7042 views | 3 replies
  • How can I calculate Pooled Variance Estimate in JMP?

    Hello JMP Community, How can I calculate Pooled Variance in JMP? I am hoping, as with all things JMP, this exists and I have just not found the magic pathways to produce the desired results quickly and efficiently.  I can of course do this by going through the actual maths myself, but I have frequently run into this situation so it would be great to learn if this already exists in JMP. I have a da...

    WanderedProcess WanderedProcess
    Discussions |
    Nov 29, 2018 7:22 AM
    8282 views | 2 replies
  • How do I select all rows below a specific value?

    Hello, Is there a way in JSL to select all rows below a specific value in a column? The tricky part is that I know what the specific value is but I won't know which row it is on or what values may fall below it in the data table. In my Example Data Table, I would like to select where Column 3 == "B" and all subsequent rows. After running the script, rows 4 through 15 should be selected. Keep in mi...

    Raquel Raquel
    Discussions |
    Nov 29, 2018 6:21 AM
    5936 views | 2 replies
  • How to abort script and show error message if save file fails?

    Hi,I made a script that converts JMP to a csv file and saves it to network PCs using their IP address.dt = Current Data Table(); ToolID = {"G01", "G02", "G03", "G04"}; IP_add = {"", "", "10.87.456.789", "10.87.789.123"}; current_pref = Char( Arg( Parse( Char( Get Preferences( Export settings ) ) ), 1 ) ); Pref( Export Settings( End Of Field( Comma ), Export Table Headers(...

    shaira shaira
    Discussions |
    Nov 28, 2018 3:50 PM
    9681 views | 5 replies

Latest Discussions

  • How to abort script and show error message if save file fails?

    Hi,I made a script that converts JMP to a csv file and saves it to network PCs using their IP address.dt = Current Data Table(); ToolID = {"G01", "G02", "G03", "G04"}; IP_add = {"", "", "10.87.456.789", "10.87.789.123"}; current_pref = Char( Arg( Parse( Char( Get Preferences( Export settings ) ) ), 1 ) ); Pref( Export Settings( End Of Field( Comma ), Export Table Headers(...

    shaira shaira
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    Nov 28, 2018 3:50 PM
    9681 views | 5 replies
  • Logit Regression Help

    I am trying to run a Logit Regression and it has to include a column called "validation" which is just one of two words (half the data points are word type, the other half are another) so it comes up on JMP as nominal. What do I do? Thanks. The data is attached, choice is the dependent and all of ther other variables should be the predictors (including validation column).  

    ryanstar123 ryanstar123
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    Nov 27, 2018 5:51 PM
    6976 views | 6 replies
  • transfer/share JSL with other code languages

    Has anyone developed/found a way to convert/share/"compile" JSL into something usable by other languages? Here is my problem. As the developer of the initial code in R&D, I want a way to be able to give researchers code/tools that meet their needs and work with there existing analysis structure (JMP). However, some of these tools get merged into larger suites (for operations/QC, etc) where an exis...

    nathan-clark nathan-clark
    Discussions |
    Nov 26, 2018 10:06 AM
    5148 views | 3 replies
  • ANOVA fit model

    hiI am comparing yield of three varieties of potatoes, variety A has 10 samples, variety B has 5 samples and varietry C has 20 samples. So sample number (replications) are not even. I want to perform ANOVA using fit model. I have created three comuns Variety, sample#, and yield.So, yield (continuous) is the response factor. In the constrct model, do I have to include only varietry (nminal) or both...

    manphoolfageria manphoolfageria
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    Nov 23, 2018 5:32 PM
    3034 views | 1 replies
  • Shelf life Prediction of Pharmaceuticals by using Modified Arrhenius equation

    Hi, Can someone help me fit this equation Ln k = Ln A - Ea/(RT) + B(%RH) in JMP file. we have a set of data as attahced. Is there any way in JMP that this data fits into the above equation adn extrapolate the value at 25°C for 2 years. Thanks in advance.

    ParsaKarthik ParsaKarthik
    Discussions |
    Nov 23, 2018 9:18 AM
    3982 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • I want to use LASSO and Group LASSO in JMP

    I'm involved in a project where we are applying lasso to build a logistic regression model from a "black box" set of predictors.  I need to get JMP Pro before trying out JMP's implementation.  I'm doing all the analysis in R at present.  Does JMP Pro also include group lasso?  I've found through using JMP Cluster Variables (CLUSVAR) that I can naturally group my predictors prior to group lasso.  F...

    gene gene
    Discussions |
    Nov 2, 2018 7:43 AM
    2234 views | 0 replies
  • Contingency table and mosaic plot are not same orientation

    // For a contingency table report, swap the x and y // currently can swap the mosaic plot only Names Default to Here(1); dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" ); myr = Contingency( Y( :Age ), X( :sex ) ); // Have to have a Contingency Analysis report open // Can add test to make sure it is open in the future myr = Current Report(); // taking apart CrossTabBox was easier using XML than JSL ...

    Vball247 Vball247
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    Oct 29, 2018 2:18 PM
    2931 views | 0 replies
  • how to change the type and color of lines in graph

    I am trying to show line of fit in graph builder for several sets of data. The data table have many columns, I want to show the column(i) vs column(1).Every column can  be grouped by A1 & a, also can  be grouped by B1 & b, but except column(1). The follow is the chart about column(2) vs column(1):  I use the follow script to change the type of lines:Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 8,...

    Yu Yu
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    Sep 25, 2018 2:34 AM
    3242 views | 0 replies
  • Mean separation letter from test slices


    How do I get the mean separation letter in for each level of a factor when interaction is significant? For example, if I have A*B interaction and I want to get the mean separation of B at each level of A, how do I get the LSD letters in JMP? I can do test slices and that will use the DF of the full analysis, but this does not shows which mean of B differs. If I do multiple comparison: How ca...

    jfranc19 jfranc19
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    Sep 14, 2018 2:35 PM
    2080 views | 0 replies
  • repeated-measures ANCOVA: How to perform the analysis when the parallel slope assumpt. doesn't meet?

    Hi all,I need to perform the ANCOVA for a repeated-measures design. I tried to adapt the Julian's ANCOVA procedure showed on the to my study case (repeated-measures design). Initially, I did the following actions: 1. In the Fit Y by X dialogue: I selected VAR_Y as "Y, Response" and VAR_X as "X, Factor";2. For "Group by" I selected the variable Timepoint;...

    Reinaldo Reinaldo
    Discussions |
    Jun 18, 2018 6:31 AM
    2956 views | 0 replies
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