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  • Finding the Location of a Column Name Amongst a List of All the Column Names in a Data File

    As the post subject implies, I'm trying to find the loc # of a col identified by name in a given data file. I have the column name. Here is my code: column_names = datatable << Get Column Names();
    Write(column_names); column_position = loc(column_names, "ARBITRARY COLUMN TITLE/NAME"); Write(column_position);
    Write(column_names) works but Write(column_position) outputs an empty matrix []. I don't kno...

    mostarr mostarr
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2021 11:56 AM
    1021 views | 2 replies
  • Firth-adjusted GLM logit regression and confidence intervals

    Goodmorning,I ran a logistic regression model, through a GLM with binomial distribution and logit link function, with Firth adjustment as I got a warning on quasi-separation of data.I need to assess if my variable of interest (CHIP) is associated to the outcome (I have a binary response variable), in a model adjusted for other covariates.Now, I run the model, and I get a parameter estimate with a ...

    Antony Antony
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2021 11:32 AM
    2154 views | 3 replies
  • Nominal logistic vs GLM with binomial distribution and logit function

    Good morning everyone,I would like to get an answer from you, as to not misinterpret my results. I need to perform a multivariate analysis, assessing if the variables can predict the outcome cancer, so a binary response variable (0/1). With a dichotomous Y and multiple predictors in my model, I first tried using a nominal logistic regression, but in that case I got “unstable” estimates, therefore ...

    Antony Antony
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2021 11:30 AM
    4227 views | 5 replies
  • How do I change the color of platform headings/titles?

    Somehow I changed the color of the text/titles in my platform headings to white, and it's making everything hard to read. The image below is from the distributions platform. I've combed through the preferences menu, but can't find where I (accidentally) made this switch. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    MichaelCallahan MichaelCallahan
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2021 10:58 AM
    8025 views | 4 replies
  • Check if wafer from an input string is contained within a data table

    I have an input string from below: For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( dtWaferIDList ), i++, tempi = Column( dtWaferIDList, 1 )[i]; InputString = If( i == 1, "'", "" ) || InputString || tempi || If( i < N Rows( dtWaferIDList ), "','", "'" ); );And a table1 that I pull from a database. I would like to check to see if (in the Wafer column of table 1) all the wafers from the input string are contained in that...

    saneal saneal
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2021 9:48 AM
    2167 views | 9 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Finding the Location of a Column Name Amongst a List of All the Column Names in a Data File

    As the post subject implies, I'm trying to find the loc # of a col identified by name in a given data file. I have the column name. Here is my code: column_names = datatable << Get Column Names();
    Write(column_names); column_position = loc(column_names, "ARBITRARY COLUMN TITLE/NAME"); Write(column_position);
    Write(column_names) works but Write(column_position) outputs an empty matrix []. I don't kno...

    mostarr mostarr
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2021 11:56 AM
    1021 views | 2 replies
  • How do I change the color of platform headings/titles?

    Somehow I changed the color of the text/titles in my platform headings to white, and it's making everything hard to read. The image below is from the distributions platform. I've combed through the preferences menu, but can't find where I (accidentally) made this switch. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    MichaelCallahan MichaelCallahan
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2021 10:58 AM
    8025 views | 4 replies
  • Data about rankings

    Hi there,what are the options to analyse rankings data in JMP? Do they implement the PlackettLuce approach?I would like to see the conditional ranking to other covariates. Thank youJoseph 

    gav2013 gav2013
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2021 8:07 AM
    1813 views | 5 replies
  • Plotting Nonlinear Regression using GraphBuilder and/or Analyze (with scripts)

    This post is similar to this one, and I posted a comment there, but since the post is 2 years old it might not get seen and I'm having trouble adapting the solution(s) to my equation. I'm doing nonlinear regression using the script below to prepare the data and then using the Analyze option with Normalized Fluorescence as the Y value, and the Model (formula) column as the X value (reversing the ax...

    wendy1123 wendy1123
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2021 7:17 AM
    5631 views | 8 replies
  • Logistic regression changed as of version 16?

    I have a large script that relies on the x/y platform to greate a logistic regression of a binary variable as function of a continuous variable.i then use the report to extract the fit parameters of the linear term of the regression. then i use the estimate to predict the probability of Yes and No and display results to the user. as of JMP 16.0 suddenly the script reports as result the "complement...

    peri_a peri_a
    Discussions |
    Jun 22, 2021 2:01 PM
    1117 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Multi File Import of network folder slower in latest JMP version

    Hello, In JMP 14, Multi File Import of a network folder was relatively fast. For example, it takes ~11 seconds to load the below folder. With JMP 16 on the same computer/folder/network, it will first spend almost 3 minutes while "discovering files", before proceeding with the above "loading file names" step. Are there any settings or options that I could change to skip the "discovering files" step...

    jach jach
    Discussions |
    Jun 22, 2021 11:06 AM
    586 views | 0 replies
  • ODBC Hive connection, change container size in the script?

    Wondering if anyone can help here. I am trying to write some JMP scripts that SQL query data from a hive table. I need to change the container size and am told that I should just "do it in the connection settings". I was told that in python, you just add a configuration={"hive.tez.container.size":'10240'} parameter to the hive.connect call. How would I do this through JMP? I already have the Cloud...

    aliegner1 aliegner1
    Discussions |
    Jun 17, 2021 3:43 PM
    778 views | 0 replies
  • Using a List to Filter in Custom Query Builder - Question

    Hello, I would like to use a list to filter within a continuous column in Query Builder. Range and then join does not work as my data set from my database will be tens of millions of lines, so I would like my list to be the only thing queried. I would like to use a list (I have a separate data sheet with the column) of about 40 or so unique numerical values and use that in the filter for a custom ...

    Benjamin_S Benjamin_S
    Discussions |
    Jun 3, 2021 7:59 AM
    1083 views | 0 replies
  • Can I control text size in a word cloud inside a dashboard container?

    Hi all,I have a dashboard with a data filter, a map, and a word cloud that looks like image 1 below. I have two formatting issues with the word cloud I'd like to fix. First, by design, when I make different selections using the data filter, the subset of records that are shown in the map changes and the word cloud applies only to that selection. However, when I change the data filter selection, th...

    caseylott caseylott
    Discussions |
    Apr 28, 2021 12:03 PM
    1021 views | 0 replies
  • 多重比較での生存曲線の書き方 Bonferroniなど

    4群での生存曲線をJMPproでの書き方を教えて下さい。 また、JMPで「環境設定グループ」から「レポート」を選択し、「ローカルデータフィルター」を出せればできる方法も紹介されていたのですが、「ローカルデータフィルター」を出せません。 どの方法でもよいので、JMPProで、多重比較法を用いた生存曲線の書き方をどなたか教えてください!宜しくお願い致します。

    27070 27070
    Discussions |
    Apr 20, 2021 1:41 AM
    1985 views | 0 replies
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