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  • For Loop every two columns to perform the same function in a data table with n columns

    Hi! I'm new to JSL scripting, and have tried to read the JSL reference manual/google JSL script examples. Could someone please point me in the direction on how to for loop every two columns to perform the same function in a JMP data table with n columns? Basically I have a large data spreadsheet where every odd column is failure time, every even column is the censoring, and I would like to fit the...

    etmsni etmsni
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    Mar 2, 2021 11:41 AM
    1515 views | 2 replies
  • Fit Y by X graphlet in response screening platform

    I'm trying to figure out how to add a hover graphlet in the response screening platform plots with data pulled from the original data table.For example, in FDR LogWorth by RSquare plot, I'd like to see the y by x plot of the variables associated with each point when I hover over the point.  Here's a mock-up:The catch is that the x and y data is in a different table. I see there is an auto-generate...

    nter nter
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    Mar 2, 2021 9:05 AM
    2251 views | 3 replies
  • Difficulties opening jmpaddin stored on sharepoint site with scripting

    When I manually open an add-in stored on a sharepoint site I get the following warning, but the add-in will install successfully.  However, when I try to do the same from JSL, I get the following error.   Any ideas how I could get around this?open(""); 

    johnmoore johnmoore
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    Mar 2, 2021 5:49 AM
    1374 views | 2 replies
  • How to add Kurtosis and Skewness to Tabulate

    Hello,   I would like to add "Kurtosis" and "Skewness" to my row table. How do I do that?   dt = Current Data Table(); tab = dt << Tabulate( Show Control Panel( 0 ), Add Table( Column Table( Analysis Columns( :VAR1, :VAR2, :VAR3, ) ), Row Table( Statistics( Mean, Std Dev, Min, Max, Range, CV, Median ) ) ) ); Wait( 0.1 ); dtTab = tab << makeIntoDataTable; Write( "Make a ...

    Discussions |
    Mar 2, 2021 5:07 AM
    2794 views | 2 replies
  • Error in estimating interactions using Fit Model:Contrasts

    I teach stats in my graduate psychology program, and my approach is to use orthogonal contrasts to analyze ANOVA designs. (See this book among others.) The "LSMeans Contrasts" option in the right-most section of the output is a fantastic way to analyze the data this way without actually having to built contrast codes in JMP columns. I start with the main effect contrasts and then figure out how to...

    profjmb profjmb
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    Mar 2, 2021 4:48 AM
    1231 views | 1 replies

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