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  • jmp cannot open a .jmp file

    Please let me know if there are any known issues like this and/or any solutions or evaluations to help determine the issue and "fix" the file. There is a .jmp file I have been using since ≈2016.  Last Thursday I worked on the file without issue (that I was aware of).  This morning I could not open the file.  The message I get is shown below along with the SW and some system info.  The file is in a...

    Elby Elby
    Discussions |
    Sep 3, 2019 9:57 AM
    2520 views | 1 replies
  • Missing Leverage Plot when using the Fit Model Command

    When using the Fit Model command on a particular dataset I get no Leverage Plots for any of the 3 main effects or an interaction. However, Least Squares Means tables are fully populated for all. Rerunning the model without the interaction term results in all Leverage Plots as expected, BUT I still do not understand why these plots are missing when the interaction term is included.

    ralmo ralmo
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    Sep 3, 2019 7:38 AM
    2795 views | 2 replies
  • HTTP request get (file download): Operation timed out after 60000 milliseconds

    Dear all,I want to import a csv file from an internal server ("http:....").(JMP 14.0, Windows)It generally worked quite well, but the file is getting larger and larger.As I need to scan the full file (to get all data types right), I thought, it would be a good idea,to first download the file to the $TEMP directory and than to import it.So I implemented file download with http request. For a smalle...

    Georg Georg
    Discussions |
    Sep 3, 2019 7:03 AM
    4649 views | 3 replies
  • How to? Bland Altman Plot in Percentage (Matched Pairs)

    Hello! How do i make the Matched Pairs graph to give results in percentage?

    I also can see it doesn't have options for ratio, or log. I am just comparing one pair of data, and the differences assume a non-normal distribution and magnitude as an influence on the differences, and they are also proportional to variability, differences assume positive and negative values.

    So i assume the proper way to m...

    Sergio Sergio
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    Sep 2, 2019 4:04 PM
    3168 views | 2 replies
  • Is there a way to remove the labels on the x-axis of a control chart for a point that was hidden? (Without deleting that row)

    Is there a way to remove the labels on the x-axis of a control chart for a point that was hidden?  (Without deleting that row)I have hidden/excluded certain rows but when I create control chart they still appear on the plot but with blank spaces where the points should be.  I would like to excluded the sample label for the hidden values all together.  Is this possible?

    Discussions |
    Sep 2, 2019 5:52 AM
    7928 views | 5 replies

Latest Discussions

  • jmp cannot open a .jmp file

    Please let me know if there are any known issues like this and/or any solutions or evaluations to help determine the issue and "fix" the file. There is a .jmp file I have been using since ≈2016.  Last Thursday I worked on the file without issue (that I was aware of).  This morning I could not open the file.  The message I get is shown below along with the SW and some system info.  The file is in a...

    Elby Elby
    Discussions |
    Sep 3, 2019 9:57 AM
    2520 views | 1 replies
  • How to? Bland Altman Plot in Percentage (Matched Pairs)

    Hello! How do i make the Matched Pairs graph to give results in percentage?

    I also can see it doesn't have options for ratio, or log. I am just comparing one pair of data, and the differences assume a non-normal distribution and magnitude as an influence on the differences, and they are also proportional to variability, differences assume positive and negative values.

    So i assume the proper way to m...

    Sergio Sergio
    Discussions |
    Sep 2, 2019 4:04 PM
    3168 views | 2 replies
  • Is there a way to remove the labels on the x-axis of a control chart for a point that was hidden? (Without deleting that row)

    Is there a way to remove the labels on the x-axis of a control chart for a point that was hidden?  (Without deleting that row)I have hidden/excluded certain rows but when I create control chart they still appear on the plot but with blank spaces where the points should be.  I would like to excluded the sample label for the hidden values all together.  Is this possible?

    Discussions |
    Sep 2, 2019 5:52 AM
    7928 views | 5 replies
  • Applying spec limits table to my data table in JSL with JMP 14, and pull out the colored failed cells

    Hello All,Would you please help me in a script, to run my specs limit table that I created using the "manage spec limits" availabe in JMP14 into my data labe in JSL.Then, I would like to color the failed cells, and pull out these failed cells per column in a table summary...Thanks in advanceIK

    ikhalouf ikhalouf
    Discussions |
    Sep 2, 2019 4:24 AM
    1449 views | 1 replies
  • Dealing with wildcards for joining tables

    I need to join multiple tables, but the column I need to join on has wildcards for one of the tables columns. The tables are not overly large so it doens't need to be very efficient. In the Table1 KEY column below there could be any single alphanmueric character where the question marks are. In the Brackets are OR statements, so it could be 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. So for example it should join onto rows...

    ts2 ts2
    Discussions |
    Aug 31, 2019 2:30 AM
    2846 views | 2 replies

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    jemg jemg
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    Aug 29, 2019 11:14 PM
    1387 views | 0 replies
  • How to Add Profit Matrix to Neural Net Confusion Matrix

    Hi all, I'm using a neural net to predict whether or not a customer will prefer to buy retail items at a markdown or if they are likely to buy full-price (i.e., "bargain buyers" vs. traditional shoppers). I'd like to incoporate the opportunity cost of a false positive (giving discounts to what would otherwise be a full-price shopper) using a profit matrix, but changing values on the matrix in the ...

    GhostBen GhostBen
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    Aug 5, 2019 8:00 PM
    1186 views | 0 replies
  • Capability Animation - How to see the LSL/USL Value?

    I just discovered this nifty tool called the Capability Animation, where you can play around, dragging the spec limits and mean shifts, and it simulates your capability indices. But, I cannot see the actual LSL/USL values as I drag them! Does anyone know how to make this happen?

    Antonio80 Antonio80
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    Jul 9, 2019 1:31 AM
    1156 views | 0 replies
  • Unable to allocate enough memory in access or evaluation

    Hi,I'm trying to use the Multivariate platform to perform a correlation between 6 time points (rows) across 73500 columns. My final goal is to output a  73500x73500 correlation matrix. When I try to run it, I immediately receive this pop out message:Unable to allocate enough memory in access or evaluation of 'List' , {/*###*/Estimation Method( 0 ), Matrix Format( 2 )} What's the issue? I'm using J...

    ns ns
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    Jul 8, 2019 9:04 AM
    1256 views | 0 replies
  • How to Post JSON data to a site via API functionality: "Unsupported Media Type"

    Hi There, I am trying to perform a POST request to post some JSON data to a server, but unfortunately as of now I keep getting a 415 error. The goal of this script is to upload a JSON formatted file (or something of the like) to the server for other users to download/read. I noticed that there are very few POST examples with JSL, but quite the abundance with GET, which I have no problems with. I w...

    liqinglei419 liqinglei419
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    Jul 2, 2019 6:33 AM
    1247 views | 0 replies
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