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  • How can count the number of consecutive Spaces at the beginning of each line?

    It can be implemented with a formula or a regex
    I only know how to use this formula, but it's definitely not right.I don't want to do it in a circular way.Length(txt)-Length(Substitute(txt, " ", ""))Thanks!

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    May 8, 2024 7:45 AM
    809 views | 3 replies
  • How to increase separation space in graph builder boxes

    Dear JMP experts,I created three stacked graph boxes with the graph builder and I added reference lines in each of them. Now I want to increase the space between each graph box since it is hard to distinguish them from each other. I couldnt find any function for that.Thanks for  your help!

    DualARIMACougar DualARIMACougar
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    May 8, 2024 7:19 AM
    873 views | 2 replies
  • Replace cell values

    Hi, I am trying to replace all the failing cells in the attached data table, which is highlighted in red with 1 and passing cells with 0.  Found this but something doesn't work-How do you get the color of a specific cell in a data table using JSL?   Is there any better way to replace the cell values? Here is what I triedNames Default To Here( 1 ); dt = Current Data Table(); cols = dt << get column...

    Jackie_ Jackie_
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    May 7, 2024 10:06 AM
    1030 views | 3 replies
  • Statistical relevent sampling plan for powders, 1000-2000 g

    My company recently purchased licenses for JMP and currently running 17.2.0. I have been tasked to write a PQ on a couple of our powder manufacturing processes. I have been told to use a statistically relevant sampling plan and one of the engineers pointed me to the JMP sampling plan add-in but I don't think its the right add-in to use for powders. It seems like a statistical plan for sampling ite...

    MakeUWanna_JMP MakeUWanna_JMP
    Discussions |
    May 7, 2024 9:46 AM
    1148 views | 3 replies
  • Jmp Update & Python

    Up to now, my Python distribution was separate from Jmp.So, after an Update of JMP the Python installation was still the same - with all packages. With JMP18 I understood that Python comes directly with Jmp.What happens after a Jmp upgrade? Will the Python packages be automatically installed in the new JMP version?

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    May 7, 2024 1:55 AM
    904 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • How can count the number of consecutive Spaces at the beginning of each line?

    It can be implemented with a formula or a regex
    I only know how to use this formula, but it's definitely not right.I don't want to do it in a circular way.Length(txt)-Length(Substitute(txt, " ", ""))Thanks!

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    May 8, 2024 7:45 AM
    809 views | 3 replies
  • How to increase separation space in graph builder boxes

    Dear JMP experts,I created three stacked graph boxes with the graph builder and I added reference lines in each of them. Now I want to increase the space between each graph box since it is hard to distinguish them from each other. I couldnt find any function for that.Thanks for  your help!

    DualARIMACougar DualARIMACougar
    Discussions |
    May 8, 2024 7:19 AM
    873 views | 2 replies
  • Jmp Update & Python

    Up to now, my Python distribution was separate from Jmp.So, after an Update of JMP the Python installation was still the same - with all packages. With JMP18 I understood that Python comes directly with Jmp.What happens after a Jmp upgrade? Will the Python packages be automatically installed in the new JMP version?

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    May 7, 2024 1:55 AM
    904 views | 3 replies
  • Darshan Hiranandani - How can I transfer a variable value from JMP into Python?

    Hi, Hey everyone, I am Darshan Hiranandani, I am looking for some advice on transferring a variable value from JMP into Python. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve this?

    darshanhira darshanhira
    Discussions |
    May 7, 2024 1:38 AM
    784 views | 2 replies
  • kernel control chart

    my question is how can I fit a kernel density plot for my predictive model residuals in a way that first identifies and removes outliears data points, and then presents the final kernel plot with no outliears data along with its confidence bounds and shape?

    maryam_nourmand maryam_nourmand
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    May 6, 2024 11:51 AM
    554 views | 1 replies

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