The following example shows how to select rows in a data table that contain values stored in a JSL list.
In a JMP session, click the File menu and select New > Script. Copy and paste the following script into the script window. To run the example script, click the Edit menu and select Run Script.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big Class.jmp" );
myList = {9, 12, 15, 17, 18};
dt << Select Where( Contains( myList, :年齢 ) );
Wait( 2 );
dt << Clear Select;
myStudents = {"HENRY", "ROBERT", "BARBARA", "SALLY", "MARION"};
dt << Select Where( Contains( myStudents, :名前 ) );
Additional Documentation
For more information about the JMP scripting language, see the JMP Scripting Guide . Access the guide by clicking Help on the JMP menu and selecting JMP Help. Select Scripting Guide from the list of online help contents.
Note: This FAQ is based on the following JMP Note:
JMP Note 575348 - How to select rows that match any value in a list