The following example demonstrates how you can select rows in a data table that contain any value stored in a JSL list. Lists containing either numeric or character strings can be used.
In a JMP® session, click the File menu and select New ► Script. Copy the below script and paste it into the script window. To run the sample script, click the Edit menu and select Run Script.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big Class.jmp" );
myList = {9, 12, 15, 17, 18};
dt << Select Where( Contains( myList, :age ) );
Wait( 2 );
dt << Clear Select;
myStudents = {"HENRY", "ROBERT", "BARBARA", "SALLY", "MARION"};
dt << Select Where( Contains( myStudents, :name ) );
Additional Documentation
More information about the JMP Scripting Language can be found in the JMP Scripting Guide. You can access the guide from within JMP by clicking on the Help menu and select JMP Help. From the online Table of Contents, choose Scripting Guide.
[Previously JMP Note 49560]