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Support for overlaying multiple distributions



I'd like to request support for overlaying multiple distributions (i.e., when separated by the "By" grouping) to compare them on the same plot.

Thank you.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Needs Info

Do you mean you want overlaid histograms? If so, that post will explain a couple of ways to do it but I'd caution that it's not a great visualization since the bars of one histogram will cover the bars of the one(s) below it.


Instead, I prefer the Compare Densities option from Fit Y by X, Oneway Analysis platform.



Can you confirm exactly what you want (i.e., overlaid histograms) and what this visualization might look like with lots of groups?


Life Distribution is another place that the feature might be already there. It provides two kinds of overlays:

  1. Overlay different distribution fits to the same data and overlay. Access to this type of overlay by using the "Life Distribution" tab of the platform launch dialog. Function types include distribution function, quantile function, and hazard function. But no density function overlay.
  2. Overlay same type of distribution fits to different data sets and overlay. Access to this type of overlay by using "Comparing Groups" tab of the platform launch dialog. Function types include distribution function, quantile function, hazard function, and density function.
Level VII

This is an example from a competitors product that would be great to have:



So you can specify the distribution type for the data and it will overlay the curves and bars as well as summary statistics.

Level VI



The request is along the lines of what's shown above in the post by @shampton82 Excel can also generate similar plots. JMP can provide this in Graph Builder but the summary statistics are not available. Life Distribution provides distribution plots but not histograms, AFAIK.



Mehul Shroff

Level I



Similar request regarding @shampton82's post; would also like to have the ability to overlay more than 2 distributions and display process capability (I.e Cpk/Ppk) metrics as part of the summary statistics.

Level VII

Yes!  I agree with @N_L added suggestion!

Level XII

Now as of 2024/JMP18 - is there a faster/easier way to generate the requested plot in JMP than overlaid histograms ?

Level V

Also interested if an easier way to do this exists with JMP 18

Level XII

@Jeff_Perkinson  the wish has the status "Needs Info".
Do you know who "needs info" and: which info?

Level XII

If it's just about a cool looking curve without the Gaussian Fit statistics, one can use histograms 2x with bar and Density setting.
The two Overlap Settings can be used to fine tune the heights.

