Propose adding more organization and displaying of assigned F keys (like F1 through F12 on most keyboards) and other shortcut keys. Currently using JMP16.2.
I saw in recent JMP Discovery Summit presentations the great idea to add your own shortcut keys. (Jed Campbell's "Using JMP for Everyday Automation (2022-US-30MP-1143)"
I have a mac keyboard for work-from-home remoting into my PC at work, so many short cut keys do not translate exactly. I found that there are unused F keys, so I assigned the Scripting Index to F2. I see when you customize the menu bar, JMP does know what is assigned.

Some software like the open-source Freeplane allows you to display an "F-bar" for all the function keys, and easily assign to unused ones. Would propose JMP allow easier tracking under View > Toolbars, and then some shortcut toolbars, other than just the pdf "Quick Reference Guide". Possibly also a category under Preferences. Bigger wish would be to organize F keys AND all known short cut keys, and also track when users update those (like New > Script is CTRL-T, which I use a lot to start a quick script, and Jed used CTRL-shift-X for the Scripting Index in his presentation).
Current F keys:
F1 JMP Help
F3 Edit > Search > Find Next
F6 Rows > Previous Selected
F7 Rows > Next Selected
F8 Submit to SAS
F9 Window > Reveal
F2, F4, F5, F10, F11, F12 not assigned in JMP16.2 (I do not know if Pro has others assigned)
By the way, this assignment is stored in your "usercust.jmpcust" file:
<jm:menu_and_toolbar_customizations xmlns:jm="" version="3">
<jm:customization target="SCRIPTING INDEX">