Update 27Jun2018: JMPtoRAddinBuilder.jmpaddin now contains unencrypted JSL source files.
Version 2 Update
I am happy to announce that the JMP to R Add-In Builder now supports the output of all output components (table, plot, etc.) as a single report! To enable this feature, install the attached "JMPtoRAddinBuilderWithReport". When defining your output components, check the "Return all results as report" box.
To see an example of the updated output format, scroll to the corresponding section in the post below. The SVM function with the report output enabled is also attached.
What is the JMP to R Add-In Builder?
While JMP is a very powerful statistical software, JMP users may want to extend JMP beyond its included capabilities by accessing some R functionalities.
This summer, in light of the need to make R functions more accessible to JMP users without leaving the JMP platform, I created this guided configuration JMP user interface that allows users to define and use custom JMP add-ins that execute R functions. This add-in allows end users to analyze their data in JMP using R functions without writing JSL or R code.
This program utilizes the JMP to R connection, and can also be adapted to create custom add-ins for functions in other languages, such as Python and JSL itself.
See a video demo of the JMP to R Add-In Builder here or below:
Usage Notes
eval(parse(text=paste("x <- subset(dt, select=-", colnames(factor)[1], ")")))
This evaluates the expression and uses the string stored in colnames(factor)[1] in the function operation.
How It Works: Creating a Support Vector Machine (SVM) Function as an Example
Install and open the JMP to R Add-In Builder.
NOTE: If you use column selects or column lists in your add-in, be sure to open your data table prior to running the configuration UI AND prior to running the add-in you create.Step 0: Install and Open Add-In
STEP 1Step 1: Enter Number of Components and ColumnsThe first screen asks for the number of components* and columns# in your add-in.
*The five types of components supported are: Check Box, Column List, Column Select, Dropdown Menu, and Numeric Value. Each column select comes with its own assignment button, so count each column select and corresponding button as one component.
#The number of columns refer to display columns in which components appear. For example, there are two display columns in the UI for this example (see below).
NOTE: The “Action” column is grouped with the column select column, meaning those two objects grouped together counts as one column.
Next, for each of your components, identify the type.
NOTE: Enter the components in the order you’d like them to appear on your add-in, column-wise. This means that all components in each column must be in sequential order in the dropdowns you specified, but you do not have to enter values strictly column by column.
For example, you can enter the types for component 1, column 1; then component 1, column 2; then component 2, column 1; then component 2, column 2 rather than column by column if you so desire.Step 2: Enter Component Types
For each component, select the column in which it should appear.
On this screen, also define the parameters for each component as follows:
Step 3: Enter Component Parameters
If your add-in uses column selects, enter the names for each of the buttons for your corresponding column selects in the order they should appear. Otherwise, click ‘Next’.
Step 4: Enter Column Select Names, if Applicable
This screen displays a preview of the add-in UI you’ve created.
Step 5: Add-In User Interface Preview
On this page, name your add-in and give it a description (which will be displayed under the add-in name).Step 6: Name and Describe Add-In
On this screen, define the input and output variable names that will be used in your R code. These should only be one word (no spaces).
For the output variables, DO NOT include a space after commas (i.e. list variables as a,b,c).Step 7: Define Input and Output Variables
On this screen, enter the R code that your function will run. The R code should be in R syntax (i.e. could be run directly in an R console).
The code should reference the variable names you declared on the previous screen.
Also enter the number of output displays for the function. The four types of output displays currently supported are:
Step 8: Enter R Code and Number of Output Displays
R Code for this example:
theText <- paste("x <- subset(dt, select=-", colnames(factor)[1], ")")
y <- factor
svm_model <- svm(x, y, type=svmType)
modelText <- paste("second.svm <- svm(", colnames(factor)[1], " ~ ., data = dt)")
pred <- predict(svm_model, x)
pred <- as.vector(pred)
if(is.list(y)) {y <- unlist(y)}
predTable <- table(pred,y)
predTable <- as.data.frame(predTable)
eval(parse(text=paste(colnames(y_var)[1], "<- as.vector(as.matrix(y_var))")))
eval(parse(text=paste(colnames(x_var)[1], "<- as.vector(as.matrix(x_var))")))
max1 <- eval(parse(text=paste("max(", colnames(y_var)[1], ")")))
max2 <- eval(parse(text=paste("max(", colnames(x_var)[1], ")")))
gridSize <- eval(parse(text=paste("max(c(", max1, ",", max2, "))")))
eval(parse(text=paste("plot(second.svm, dt, ", colnames(y_var)[1], " ~ ", colnames(x_var)[1], ", fill=TRUE, grid=gridSize)")))
For each of the output displays you have selected, specify the type.Step 9: Select Output Display Types
Provide the parameters for each output display you selected as follows:
Step 10: Provide Output Display ParametersYou can now find the add-in file in the directory you chose!
To install the add-in, double-click on the add-in and JMP should ask you whether to install it. Click “Install”. It should now appear in your Add-Ins menu in JMP.
To run the add-in, open the data table you’d like to perform the operation on (if applicable) so that it is the current table. Click on your add-in as shown above and the add-in dialog should open.
For this example, the three outputs are a prediction column, confusion matrix, and SVM plot. The results for the inputs shown above are as follows, with the first view being the newly added report output format in version 2:Output view from add-in version 2
Output view from add-in version 1
Editing Add-in
To edit your add-in, open the directory in which you saved your .jmpaddin file. Change the extension to .zip:
Open up the .txt file that has your add-in’s name:
This is your config file. If you wish to make any changes to your add-in, such as R code or variable names, you can directly edit your inputs in this document, save the .txt file and the .zip file, change the extension back to .jmpaddin, and reinstall your add-in. The changes will be reflected if you changed the values correctly.
Please see the attached documentation for a second example (Piecewise Aggregate Approximation of Time Series, R code adapted from here) and other notes. Attached are also the two examples (SVM, PAA) I created with this add-in.
What R add-ins have you created with this add-in? What improvements would you like to see? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for the "JMP to R Add-In Builder" !
Are you planning to create a Mac version? After all, the "M" in JMP stans for a lot of users, doesn't it?
@Alfredo -- this was a summer project completed by one of our interns and we ran out of summer before completing everything that we wanted to (including macOS support). Hopefully we can pick this back up next summer!
This is great, particularly for those of us like me who are non-coders. Thanks fo your contribution.
I'd like to second the Mac version request.
This looks like a life-changing feature, but I'm confused about how to use it. My attempt doesn't work, and I don't know why. Most likely, I'm confused about how to pass information from JSL to R or back. Can you please explain the
statements? Perhaps it would help me if you colored the text in your example by which functions were JSL and which were R?
If you refer to Usage Note #9, you'll see that eval(parse... is an R function. Also near there you'll see that this only works on Windows OS, so if you're running under OSX, you might get a little frustrated - add your voice for OSX support.
There are other articles demoing how to run R under JMP. If you're needs are simple, you might consult these - passing R code and parameters under JMP is pretty straightforward.
The new version (add-in without encryption) has this error when I get to step 4:
Regarding the NRow or NCol error above, if anyone else finds this error, I think I found the cause. A bug in the JSL code generated by the addin builder near line 140. I think the line:
createdAddin[4][configAnswers3[p]][1][configAnswers4[p]][2] << get()
should read
createdAddin[4][configAnswers3[p]][1][ notColSelectCt + yesColumnList][2] << get()
This is brilliant! JMP, please assign a new summer intern to expand this to Mac.
I see this "can also be adapted to create custom add-ins for functions in other languages, such as Python". How would we create a plugin that uses python?