Here is an example of a JMP add-in that will calculate the slope and intercepts for a given Y, response and X, regressor variables. Optionally you may include one or more by variables.
The defaults are as follows:
Using the data table from the sample data and the selections noted above will yield the following output.
A new data table is created with the name of the original data table appended to "Slope Estimates" forming the name in this example as "Slope Estimates".
//Get table name
dtfn = dt<< Get Name;
dtn = Word(1, dtfn, ".");
// Create name for new table
tbln = "Slope Estimates " || dtn;
One row for each slope and intercept calculation is added to the new data table. It will also add which rows were used in the calculation and the starting parameters for "# Pts", "Increment By", "Start at Row" and any variables cast into roles.
Because the table takes advantage of the new data type in JMP 12 called Expression to store the rows matrix it is only compatible with JMP 12 or newer.
The add-in demonstrates the use of a custom launch to reset the defaults or to recall the previous values the last time it was run during the current JMP session.
A great example of the creation of a custom launch window.
*********************** Updated **********************************
Version 1.1:
Version 1.2:
loops = Round(NRows(allrows_byLvl) / npts ) to loops = Round(length(allrows_byLvl) / incby )
incStartrow# = incStartrow# + incby -1 to incStartrow# = incStartrow# + incby
incEndrow# = incEndrow# + incby - 1 to incEndrow# = incEndrow# + incby
Thank you Stanley. This has been extremely valuable.
Would it be possible to modify the add-in and add a column which would have the corresponding row values (data format being an expression just like the row numbers) associated with the calculation in addition to the row numbers used for calculating the slope and interecept?
Thanks again..
I'll take a look and post an updated version of the add-in as soon as possible.
Thanks for your interest in the add-in.
Thanks Stan - I greatly appreciate your help..
Hello Stan,
Any updates on the modified add-in? I'll be on the lookout.
I'll post an update later this week.
Thank you for your patience.
Thanks Stan - This is exactly what I was looking for. This revised add-in will help automate an otherwise very tedious process that I was using in the past.
Hi Stan, I am trying to slice my time series data and calculate slope for each slice. Because I have a high dimension data set, I imagine your tool might be extremely handy and I won't have to recreate it. It's just that I am running into issues.
I am getting this error where it says "matrix must be non-singular in access or evaluation of 'Inv', Inc/*###*/(x`*x)
Do you have any hints? Also, is there any way I can get my hands on the script in the background to modify to my specific needs?
hmm, i'm getting an error that this wont' work with JMP11. any thoughts?
I just noticed there is a couple of errors in the byCalcExpr function.
Loops are currently defined as:
loops = Round(NRows(allrows_byLvl) / npts);
Should be changed to:
loops = Round(length(allrows_byLvl) / incby );
and increments of start and end rows should not be subtracted 1. So change the following:
incStartrow# = incStartrow# + incby -1;
incEndrow# = incEndrow# + incby - 1;
incStartrow# = incStartrow# + incby;
incEndrow# = incEndrow# + incby ;
Hi @kaks ,
I'll take a look at the changes you suggested and modify accordingly.
Thanks again for your time and support.
Hi @stan_koprowski, this add-in looks great but I am getting this error:
matrix must be non-singular in access or evaluation of 'Inv' , Inv/*###*/(x` * x)
I am using JMP 16.2 and this is the data that I am trying to process using the add-in, along with the error message:
Hi @Lavik17 ,
Not all the data is visible in the image and to further troubleshoot it would be helpful to have a JMP data table.
Would it be possible to attach your data table to this post so I can take a look.
@stan_koprowski sorry about that but I don't see the "attach" option available here and when I drag the file over it says file type .jmp is not supported... I hope that this image will help. Otherwise please let me know how may I upload the file or send it to you privately.
Thank you!!
This idea is exactly what I need! however when I run on my dataset it returns a table with empty values. I am looking at response vs temperature but across several 'by' variables such as part number and date - should be straightforward. Also I'm not sure how to set the default values... the data is not neatly lined up to increment by any set value
Hi @kasias ,
It has been awhile since I used this add-in. I just checked and it does work as follows--
So, using the data table from the sample data I get the following output:
Slope collector with defaults using data table
1st iteration:
Subsequent iterations:
Increment by = move the counter from start row to increment row and calculate again.
On the first iteration it selected rows 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17 and 18 for group A slope and intercept calculations.
Next iteration: It moved the counter by 5 ( increment by) to begin the process again.
5 more observations for group A after row 1 will set the starting row to row number 10.
Select the next set of 10 observations ( rows 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, and 27
I hope this helps explain how one might use the add-in.