Hello all,
I am trying to split a data table that has some bad data in it. I have exleded those bad data in the original table, but I don't know why those data are showling up in split table.
My script is bellow:
dt_daily << New Column( "Outliers Exclusion", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( If( :Mahal. Distances > 1.96, 0, 1 ) ), eval formula );
dt_daily << select where( :Outliers Exclusion == 0 ) << exclude;
Wait( 0 );
dt_dailysplit = dt_daily << Split( Split By( :EquipmentName ), Split( :Energy % from Controls ), Remaining Columns( drop all ) );
Wait( 0 );
dt_daily is the original table, you can see that I did some exculsion over there.
dt_dailysplit is the new split data table