hi, I am importing bunch of files from a directory and stacked them into one big file(45 files), after import into one big file, the script will clean up the dataset, add columns and rows etc. the problem I encountered is that the script will error out if being executed together as a whole piece; if I run the import first, wait for the files to load into jmp, and then run the 2nd portion of the code, it will work. I had wait(150) in between which is more than enough time to import the data, but it still does not work. the error message says " invalid argument in access or evaluation of "Column" Column/*###/(j). I did notice the script immediate after import for PVOTC update is not executed neither. Below is my code, your help is greatly appreciated.
files = Files In Directory( loadPath);
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( files ), i++, //previous steps non drb or already parsed)
subLoadPath = loadPath ||files[i];
stepID = num(word(2,word(-1,subLoadPath,"/" ),"_"));
If( Is directory(subLoadPath) & stepID >= 11, // 11 is the step started to parse
tableName = word(-1,subLoadPath,"/" );
tableName_flow = word(-2,subLoadPath,"/" );
dt = Multiple File Import(
<<Set Folder(subLoadPath),
<<Set Name Filter( "*.csv2*.*;" ),
<<Set Name Enable( 1 ),
<<Set Size Filter( {2930760, 2974144} ),
<<Set Size Enable( 0 ),
<<Set Date Filter( {3697799737.307, 3697800543.878} ),
<<Set Date Enable( 0 ),
<<Set Add File Name Column( 1 ),
<<Set Add File Size Column( 0 ),
<<Set Add File Date Column( 0 ),
<<Set Import Mode( "CSVData" ),
<<Set Charset( "Best Guess" ),
<<Set Stack Mode( "Stack Similar" ),
<<Set CSV Has Headers( 1 ),
<<Set CSV Allow Numeric( 1 ),
<<Set CSV First Header Line( 1 ),
<<Set CSV Number Of Header Lines( 1 ),
<<Set CSV First Data Line( 2 ),
<<Set CSV EOF Comma( 1 ),
<<Set CSV EOF Tab( 0 ),
<<Set CSV EOF Space( 0 ),
<<Set CSV EOF Spaces( 0 ),
<<Set CSV EOF Other( "" ),
<<Set CSV EOL CRLF( 1 ),
<<Set CSV EOL CR( 1 ),
<<Set CSV EOL LF( 1 ),
<<Set CSV EOL Semicolon( 0 ),
<<Set CSV EOL Other( "" ),
<<Set CSV Quote( "\!"" ),
<<Set CSV Escape( "" )
) << Import Data;
dt << Set Name (tableName);
dt = Current data table();
dt << Begin Data Update;
For Each Row( :PVOTC = Match( :PVOTC, ., 1, :PVOTC ) );
dt << End Data Update;
//dt = Current data table();
For( j = N Col( dt ), j >= 1, j--,
If( (Col N Missing( Column( j ) ) / N Row()) == 1,
dt << delete columns( j )
dt << Clear Column Selection();