Thanks for sending in your file @Françoise
The reason your file takes so long to load and may not even load at all on some browsers is that it is very complicated. Not too complicated for the desktop version of JMP, but too much for a browser that runs with a slower programming language (JavaScript) and other limitations.
For the benefit of other readers, the dashboard @Françoise was trying to save as Interactive HTML had a local data filter and many tabs. Several tabs had several graphs. A very powerful dashboard indeed!
To convey the same information on the web, this is what I recommend:
Instead of using many tabs, use one HTML file per tab. Each file will load faster and once loaded will be more responsive.
If you are familiar with File > Publish or Web Report (in JSL), you can use it to publish all pages at once. This feature will produce a web index page to help launch each file with a single click just like clicking on a tab.
The downside of splitting up the dashboard is that the local data filter will not be shared across pages. This would affect viewers of the dashboard who would have changed the local data filter, then explored how it affected the reports in several tabs. For viewers who focus mostly on one tab this would not be a problem. In fact, splitting it up might make it easier for people who want to focus on one page at a time.
Splitting up the dashboard may also make it easier to compare two pages at a time in two separate browser windows. To do this, you would right click on a thumbnail in the index page and use ‘Open in a new window’ for each page of interest. However, because the local data filter is not shared, you would need to make sure the settings are the same in each page to compare the same subsets of your data.
The same side by side approach could also be used to compare the same report with different local data filter settings.
Some day, browsers will be able to handle very large and complicated dashboards, but for now, the best strategy is to keep it simple, especially if some of the viewers of your web pages are using mobile devices.