Hi @ivo
try the following and see if it gets you where you want
names default to here (1);
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
dt:name <<
Set Property(
"Value Colors",
{"ALFRED" = -13912408, "ALICE" = -4042310, "AMY" = -4354269, "BARBARA" = -13400361, "CAROL" = -2668175, "CHRIS" = -10628061, "CLAY" =
-12893483, "DANNY" = -2600622, "DAVID" = -12921289, "EDWARD" = -9351208, "ELIZABETH" = -2661054, "FREDERICK" = -13576604, "HENRY" = -9282864,
"JACLYN" = -6995852, "JAMES" = -1524612, "JANE" = -9458080, "JEFFREY" = -14452073, "JOE" = -6391856, "JOHN" = -2745505, "JUDY" = -10199751,
"KATIE" = -7150697, "KIRK" = -10513726, "LAWRENCE" = -8381519, "LESLIE" = -3502441, "LEWIS" = -3615440, "LILLIE" = -13925307, "LINDA" =
-11502354, "LOUISE" = -7449196, "MARION" = -9229791, "MARK" = -4074344, "MARTHA" = -13050224, "MARY" = -12565885, "MICHAEL" = -2068529,
"PATTY" = -4494272, "PHILLIP" = -11824110, "ROBERT" = -8734293, "SUSAN" = -13849421, "TIM" = -13294235, "WILLIAM" = -1078076}
<< Color Cell by Value;
generally, i would suggest setting the colors once manually from the menu. then, you can export the script of the column using this nifty add in
let us know if it works