Just for fun, and because regular expressions can be tough to read by others (or two weeks later), Here is an alternative, using JMP functions.
Names Default to Here( 1 );
// test string
string = "123450_dan; 154396_kelli; 198756_dev;";
//create a list of id_name
id = Words(string, ";");
//create a list if ids, a list if names, an associative array(keyed list)
lookup = [=>""]; //Associative Array that retuns an empty string, if number is not valid
for(i=1, i<=nitems(id), i++,
InsertInto(idlist, num(word(1,Trim(id[i]),"_")) );
InsertInto(namelist, Titlecase(word(2,Trim(id[i]),"_")) ); //don't need TitleCase
lookup[idlist[i]]=namelist[i] //ids are the keys and names are the values
show(id, idlist, namelist, lookup, lookup[198756], lookup[128954]); //last one is not valid