Unfortunately, it won't be an option without reshaping the data. The software require compliant input data format.
For your original data, the reshaping is not trivial.
I will describe what needs to be done. Maybe you can find someone provide you an equivalent JSL solution.
First step: stack these columns. Notice the new column names.

In the resulting table, change the "Data" column name to, say, "At Risk". Here is the resulting table.

Create a new formula column "At Risk Lag", which records what "previously" in "At Risk":

Create another formula column "Death", which calculates the change in "At Risk" between time points, presumably mortality counts:

Create another formula column "Count", which records mortality counts if the row is not the last one in the Experimental Unit, or records survival counts if the row is the last one in the Experiment Unit:

Create another formula column "Censor Code" to indicate whether the corresponding "Count" is death (0) or survival (1).

Now create the last column "Time", which extracts time information from "Label":

Now you can use Survival:

Among our current survival analysis offerings, there is no support to random effects. You may either combine them and treat them independent, like what the above launch dialog specification would do, or you can make combinations of Block and TRT as a new grouping variable to see variations.