Sorry - didn't test my logic. This code will work:
dt = New Table( "Example Web Logic", Add Rows( 3 ),
New Column( "Click for Web", Character, "Nominal",
Set Values( {"JMP", "Google", "JMP Community"} )
New Column( "Link", Character, "Nominal", Hide,
Set Values(
{"", "",
dt << new column("Select Logic", character,
dst = current data table(); // Need a local variable because this is a formula
If (Selected(),
sel_cols = dst << get selected columns;
sel_rows = dst << get selected rows;
if (islist(sel_cols),
// then
if (nitems(sel_cols) == 1 & nrows(sel_rows) == 1 &
(sel_cols[1] << get name) == "Click for Web",
// then
my_url = column(dst, "Link")[sel_rows[1]];
web(my_url); // Does the actual work
); // end 1 col, 1 row, AER col
); // end islist
); // end if selected
"x"; // Need a dummy value for the column
); // end forumula
); // end new column
column(dt, "Select Logic") << hide;