Here is a formula that will return the number of locations per product.
If( Row() == 1,
If( Row() == 1,
dt = Current Data Table();
Summarize( dt, prod = by( :" Product"n ) );
Summarize( dt, prodLoc = by( :" Product"n, :Location ) );
prodCount = {};
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( prod ), i++,
Insert Into( prodCount, N Items( Loc( prodLoc[1], prod[i] ) ) )
prodCount[Loc( prod, :" Product"n )][1];
I continue to think that you are still trying to create a data table that you generate columns with different formulas in them, in an attempt to get to your final answer. This is not a good way to use JMP. If you want to do calculations such as described in the document you referenced, I believe that you need to learn how to program in JMP, using JMP Scripting Language,(JSL).