I agree that the documentation should point out that the list box will use unique items in the list provided. The list argument does not need to have unique items. Anyone using the documentation should be prepared; that is to say, any possible behavior is expected.
So even if your examples are hypothetical, the choice of an object depends on its purpose. Here are two approaches based on your example of displaying a list of steps, which might not be unique over the entire path. One method uses a direct update, and the other uses a list of steps for persistence. (The first approach could get the list from the string column box, if necessary.)
Names Default to Here( 1 );
// directly update list of steps
New Window( "Move It 1",
H List Box(
Outline Box( "Control",
Line Up Box( N Col( 3 ),
Text Box( "" ),
Button Box( "Up",
scb << Add Element( "Up" )
Text Box( "" ),
Button Box( "Left",
scb << Add Element( "Left" )
Text Box( "" ),
Button Box( "Right",
scb << Add Element( "Right" )
Text Box( "" ),
Button Box( "Down",
scb << Add Element( "Down" )
Text Box( "" )
Outline Box( "Path",
Table Box(
scb = String Col Box( "Step", {} )
//use list as an intermediary structure
updatePath = Function( { list, text, obj },
Insert Into( list, Eval( text ) );
obj << Set( list );
Return( list );
path = List();
New Window( "Move It 2",
H List Box(
Outline Box( "Control",
Line Up Box( N Col( 3 ),
Text Box( "" ),
Button Box( "Up",
path = updatePath( path, "Up", scb );
Text Box( "" ),
Button Box( "Left",
path = updatePath( path, "Left", scb );
Text Box( "" ),
Button Box( "Right",
path = updatePath( path, "Right", scb );
Text Box( "" ),
Button Box( "Down",
path = updatePath( path, "Down", scb );
Text Box( "" )
Outline Box( "Path",
Table Box(
scb = String Col Box( "Step", path )