I wouldn't call the interpretation: "I am 95% confident that the sample mean difference is not less than Lower CI and not more than Upper CI" 'wrong' per se, in fact I think it's a perfectly appropriate way of phrasing it that stands "correct" and easily phrased, but I would say that the interpretation is just "commonly misunderstood" @dale_lehman as you point out.
As @julian says in Decision Making with Data (STIPS) - Section 4.1 Estimation {and you can get this from the Transcript where I have screen grabbed the appropriate module reference below entitled "Demo: Understanding the Confidence Level and Alpha Risk"}

"We'll click Reset Samples, change the number of samples to 100, and click Draw Additional Samples. As we continue to draw samples, notice that the mean of the samples is close to the true mean. Also notice that close to 95% of the confidence intervals contain the true mean IQ value, and about 5% of the confidence intervals don't include the true mean."
"This is what we mean by the term "confidence." On average, for a 95% confidence interval, 95% of the time this interval method is used, the interval captures the true parameter value."
Of course, the inference is on the population, but it's based on the sample data. This is what we are doing when we are doing inferential statistics in general. The whole enterprise is about making inferences on the population based on the sample data that we have. Again, in the same Decision Making with Data Module 4, Watch Section 4.1 Introduction to Statistical Inference. Here, @mia_stephens speaks about this in a clear, precise and direct way.